Obsessed with aryan Master race

>obsessed with aryan Master race
>not a drop of Aryan blood in him

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>A "Swede or an Englishman, a Frenchman or Czech, a Pole or Italian" was considered to be related, that is, "Aryan".

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It's almost like everything you thought you knew about him is a confusing lie!

Aryan master race

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>TFW half germn half irish

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>supporting the best option even if you are not the best option
>aussie can't understand it

are those really the shooters lol?

Wait Nazis considered Poles and Czech aryan?


jesus the first 2 look identical..

how is that possible they look like clones

Uh Did you miss the point where Czechs were basically anschlussed like Austria? And yeah as long as Piłsudski lived, Hitler hoped for a possibility of alliance with Poland rather than conquering us. From time perspective it's good it didn't happen, and I'm not even talking about the war crimes, but that Hitler was simply a shitty strategist.

They're clones bred by glowniggers, genetically engineered for maximum mind control efficiency.

Muttification one would assume.

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Trump deported this Aryan SS Polack not too long ago. The Soviets invented the anti-Slav shit to justify what they did during/after the war.

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He's no Aussie, weird how all these ((new)) people figured out VPN, pillpull, and memeflag.

Are they showing these pics in the media lmao? They look like twin brothers.

when the meme becomes reality

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The irony is that 90% of the Nazi top brass looked like ugly subhumans. Goering, Goebbels, Hitler, Himmler,etc.


Not a Polack, an Ukrainian born in Poland.

Especially Goebbels and Himmler who were just straight up ugly as fuck and not worthy of reproducing

Goebbels = frail, skeleton with owl eyes and a manlet
Himmler = low IQ pagantard and chinkcel

image related

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he is a med chad,


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Good to know.

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>not worthy of reproducing
Might be why Goebbels late-aborted his children by the end of the war, might've had second thoughts about leaving any kind of genetic legacy behind.

Joseph Goebbels - The Jewish Problem

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pure germanic and dare I say, nordic

Attached: Goebbels.jpg (149x224, 6K)

Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war. They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping.

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1978-086-03,_Joseph_Goebbels_mit_Familie.jpg (800x597, 53K)

Just like Jow Forums

For that reason alone the Jews hate us. They despise our culture and learning, which they perceive as towering over their nomadic worldview. They fear our economic and social standards, which leave no room for their parasitic drives. They are the enemy of our domestic order, which has excluded their anarchistic tendencies.

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Goebbels' Last Anti-Semitic Essay

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Just because your not something dosnt mean you can't like something else

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Do you even know what Aryan means?

only noble (indians) can be aryans.

do not corrupt it blood thirsty parasites

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Poo more mr poo poo


When the chad natsocs finally take back the party from weak incels

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Much like these guys and around half the others?

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suck more bbc cuck

Isn't that like half of America?

Bullshit he was a Madeirense BVLL.

Ya most have german blood.

Germans are one of the poorest ethnic groups in America, poorer than even the Polish.

Dunno what you're trying to say lol.
alsodemon trips of an irishman.

Germans are #46 on this list

OH NO MY GERMAN PRIDE..I don't care you limey toothless faggot.

>worked for MI6

What do you think a WASP is? America was built entirely by Germanics.

>WASP stands for white, ANGLO-SAXON, protestant
>Germans built it

He would have loved modern day Americans.

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>Brit memeing about looks


The angles and saxons are both germanic tribes you dingus. Now if he hd said britons that'd be another story

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He was the iranian (aryan), gernanic people have nothing to do with Middle Eastern (((nobility))), redneck.

Just like every beta sperglord on /pol

bet you're not even 6'2 lad

I seriously doubt this is a white briton posting this.

I'm 6'4.

we number 1 nigga

Settle this and post your arms lads

dope I'm 6'6"

alright so be it

Anything over 6'4 is lanky weird cunt territory unless you're jacked.

Haven't lifted in well I'm drunk.

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>14 inch arms flexed

that's roight lad.. even after 2 months without lifting bet I can lift twice what you lift.

My best lifts are 150kg bench, 240kg squat, and soon, 272kg deadlift, what are your best lifts babe?

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you keep using that word but do you know what it means?

It depends on their stock. Many were considered racially Germans but living in Poland or Czechia.

He's German. They considered that Aryan. Part of the Indo-European language family and shared genes. Caucasian, white. He has blue eyes.

Maybe he isn't perfect Nordic phenotype, but he would be classified as Aryan.

desu I think it's slightly bigger than 14"

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btw, Hitler wasn't German. He was Austrian.
And he only had 1 testicle.


Palijj is not even a Polish surname nor have i ever heard anyone with the name Jakiw


Hitler was Alpine not Med

Imagine being such a faggot that you argue over height

yup. It's analogous to the literal denial of the existence of any white race you have today, just a little less crazy and obvious. Hitler was a bad guy, but you don't have to make him a cartoon supervillain.

hey man at least I posted my guns

>Hitler was a bad guy
Shill detected

You’re American so..

I'm noT 6'6" btw I'm 6'1" :^p

t. sub 183cm manlet.

I’m 6’1 so def not manlet. You’re the dicklet though

Same. Sill a fag for even bringing up your height. If that’s your only trait then I legitimately pity you.

Are you seriously have an argument saying "I'm taller than you"? Like what kind of level of retardation is this?

Western Ukrainians are Poles in denial

Literally what I said. If this is the state of the American male then I truly feel sorry for them.

It's not my only trait though I've been lifting weights off and on for like 15 years. I'm 6'1" 210 pounds. Also been boxing since I was 16.

Not really. If we follow that logic than the entirety of Central Europe are Poles from Germany to Poland to Hungary.

The Uberman is an idea. That man should strive to be better than man so that someday we look back on what we once were in the same way we look upon primates.

Hitler was a retard.

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Dude who cares?

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ya I know :^)