Based Black Science Man

Pol, Neil is unironically /ournigger/

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Other urls found in this thread:

The replies to that are golden.

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>*fucks tranny*

So many SEETHING blue checks

Indeed, all the left's usual tropes and non-sensical arguments are found there, along insults, call to shut him up, etc. Twitter is a fucking cesspool of left wing degeneracy, and reading just a few dozens of comments make me wanna puke.

It especially humorous because 80%+ of the replies are ad homs. They literally have no argument against the facts and truth.

Wow I guess he isn't a total fag after all.
Bill stye has something to learn here.

Even a retard eventually gets fed up with having on a diaper full of shit.

Is this real?

Actually kind of based

Whew, they work fast

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My respect for this man just went from nothing to very fucking high.


post black science man memes they used to be golden

he is still a nigger, but at least he can read numbers from public statistics.

I wouldn't go that far but at least he's not a blind partisan. Too bad he'll get raked across the coals by the bluecheck brigade for pointing out an obvious truth.

Who committed all the 40 homicides?


>all those libs posting 10-tweet-long samefag chains

That's the funniest good point I've heard in a while.

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at least 20 nigger killed by niggers

the muh vagina posts are the best

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who cares what that brainlet thinks

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He's right but that's stemslave thinking, transhumanist thought. Surrendering to data like a good automaton isn't exactly what I have in mind when I picture a good life in my head.

Is he, dare I say it, our homie?

>but cars aren't DESIGNED to kill therefore all those dead people don't count

not even the ad homs but the self-righteousness is what I find most repulsive, like
>"I cant believe you have said this!"
>"not a good look"
>"should delete the tweet and apologize!"
>"the bodies aren't even cold yet!"

it's absolutely pathetic. this is why the News industry insofar as truth and facts go, is destroyed, and why Science is decaying, we have too many of these types of people involved in both sectors.

Democrats have unironically become the anti-science, anti-truth party

>medical errors
oh shit this dude is really playing with his life

I thought science nigger was all in shilling for gun control as recently as last year? Now he's about reason and science?

Fuck this white supremacist scum.

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Everyone on that list is a jew.

Any celebrity: says something that makes sense

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How dare black science man point out wypipo only care about deaths because wypipo fake main stream media news told them to!

still, why not just ban guns though? All these homicides and mass shootings happen because your gov'ment lets you keep weapons that can kill hundreds of people in a very limited amount of time.
>B-but itz our right
It was fair back when weapons weren't automatic. Now they're too dangerous.
>Moar peepol die by obesity!!!!1!!1!
Just because more people die by another cause does not mean one or the other is inferior and/or should be left alone.
>too many weapons to take from sheeple
offer to reimburse the people that give in their weapons. Those caught doing crimes with unregistered crimes and/or without firearm rights would get a worse punishment.
>America is safe anyway

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unregistered guns*, sorry

Planck is not a jew and Heisenberg definitely is not a jew

>It was fair back when weapons weren't automatic.
I'M TRIGGERRED, FUCKK. These weapons WEREN'T automatic for FUCK'S sake, dumbass. Semi-auto is NOT automatic, 'tard.

500 to medical errors every 48 hours is huge wtf. Fuck the medical community.

>These are the people sending you broke to misdiagnose you and sometimes kill you

Neil Nitler

>unregistered guns*,
what is a 4473,what are FFL's,what is the NFA what are local laws,what are state registries and wtf are background checks

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hes called black science man for a reason
i think the ourguy thing is that hes actually useing evidence based arguments but for like 7 years hes been called black science man because hes a brainlet

This might be the first smart tweet I've seen by Tyson. Usually he posts rather inane stuff.

>trying to make the layman understand statistics and cognitive bias

good luck Neil

The number of people dying without modern medicine would be magnitudes higher.
Also shit is hard and complicated now, not every medial error is leaving a scapel in your belly.

this kek
pointing out that people are bad at risk assessment and statistics by showing them statistics is kind of futile
people are still scared of airplanes even if they "know" they are much more likely to die in the taxi to the airport

The salt in the replies to this will be epic

youre a stupid fuck, stop talking out your ass about shit you dont know about. all of what you said is 100% false bull shit.

Post link

>be black science man
>have autism

not an argument

absolutely based

alright, keep being scared of laws, ameriboy. I'm sure they will help your """"rights"""" when you bury your sons and daughters because of walmart shooters.

now that's one big black based science nigger, literally /ournigger/ now.

i bet he has a big dick too cause he ain't afraid to talk shit. probably blacked a bunch of white sloots when he was younger.

I am actually talking about archaic weapons that fired single shots and needed extensive work to reload. As in, flintlock pistols or muskets. Do these compare to what is available today for the average joe? No. Is the flintlock or the musket automatic? No. Who is tard? You.

used to be le cringy meme science man and suddenly when he has slightly right wing tweets everyone says its's /ourgay/


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lets let Neil know we accept him as an Honorary Aryan

I mean it’s a decent point as far as the cultural perception of the frequency and risk of mass shootings.

but conversely, a random act of violence against innocents is so much worse than Chicago or Detroit niggers killing each other over drugs and reputation that you can’t even compare the two situations. Similarly somebody dying from the flu is not even a moral issue to begin with. This kind of comparison is flawed in that regard.

I've always been pro-NGT. He's definitely a pedantic contrarian, but so are all of you frens, it's what makes this place great

You mean /ournigga/. The other term is reserved for the subhumans.

based black man

guess being a black man and from the hood it is totalyl ok that a bunch of people get randomly shot for no reason whatsoever

Reddit science man accidentally manages to state a contrarian and controversial truth. Wow.

What do you disgusting communists not understand about "shall not be infringed". Stop hating freedom. Freedom is scary, but it's not so bad once you get the hang of staying competitive. You don't even need to win. Just stay in the game. Communism seems safer because there is no competition, but without competition there is no growth and eventually collapse. Accept freedom. Don't be afraid of it.

Love it when a logical mind causes a collective reeeeeee from the libtard outrage mob. Fuck em

Kek this is either go really bad for him or really good for him depending on how he reacts to trending.


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black science man gonna get a dose of the redpill.

lets see how long he can withstand nad press and the threats to his careert before he rescinds and apologizes

Dude is ball earth HOAX er


based smashmouth


This is the argument leftists use when towelheads blow someone up with a truck of peace

Lmao hypocrites.

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He's just autistic about stuff like this

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Black lives matter...but not to Black Lives Matter, it seems...

Thank God. Really. Thank God. Data. Nothing else. Decisions based on reason and reality, not on feelings and emotion. Actions, not words.

the left is the mob, they are herd Zarathustra spoke to.




He's probably tired of the white left's veiled racism.

I've actually seen that used multiple times when they are confronted by facts.
They always get this dumb big smile on their face like they told the funniest joke ever....and then they crumble into dust about 2 seconds later because they realize what they just done.
All they are doing is saying you are completely 100% correct, I wish someone would tell me WHY they think this so "funny" though.

there is no correlation between gun ownership and total homicide rate, your argument is invalid.

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(((Women))) tried to get him taken down, claiming he groped them and shit. He was just cleared recently. He's probably super red-pilled now.

Love how the checkmarks and their drones are howling because they can do nothing as it was a black man who said this.

Wtf I love this guy now

Imagine being on their side, knowing if you say ANYTHING true you will be ruined.
How horrible.

Based and DeGrasse Tyson-pilled (also nog-pilled)

Our nigga. Saying nigger is racist. Nigga is a word of endearment.

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You have to go back

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Why is Greenland so red?

>all the typical "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" responses

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The last thing that you or any other country wants is for the US Government to take Americans guns.
They fear there citizens and are still fucking shit up globally. Imagine if they were free to do whatever they like because their citizens turn into literal fucking sheep with 0 ways to defend against it.
The single biggest thing keeping the US in check is not other countries, it's their own citizens