Give me the brutally honest reason as to why are young men are so troubled these days

give me the brutally honest reason as to why are young men are so troubled these days

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video games cause violent tendencies. young men feel the need to act out what they see and experience in games. this is why America has a mass shooter problem

Weak male role models.

The mistake of the 19th amendment finally caught up to us men.

Lack of male role models and the natural demoralisation that comes with having to treat women as equals when that's simply not the case.

white nationalism is the natural conclusion of a traitorous government forcing its majority ethnic population into becoming a minority population in their own nation as they plead in futility with their government to put a stop to it, while historical monuments dedicated to their history and ancestors are torn down and destroyed. On top of this, the media constantly and consistently gives only one side of the story when it comes to racial conflict, disparaging whites as uniquely evil for expressing ethnic and racial self interest, while ignoring non-whites who blatantly do the same thing.


When you see niggers, spics and homosexuals ruin your country every day of your life, while simultaneously being told that you are the problem, you're going to eventually snap.

Unironically circumcision. It fucks with your nervous systen, causing irreperable damage and trauma. I guarantee you if americans, jews and muslims didn't mutilate their children, their violent crime rates would go down.

30% of them dont get to have sex


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Lots of factors. One of the main contributors is the end of marriage. Used to be there was a woman for every man. Now Chad has a harem and the bottom 30% of men get almost nothing.

Reproduction is the sole purpose of life (from the viewpoint of evolution) so if reproductive success seems impossible, we are programmed to flip the table, so to speak.

Women's rights as currently understood are incompatible with a stable society. Once the betas stop sperging out individually and start coordinating their actions, it's over. Our civilization is EXTREMELY fragile and a vanishingly small group could bring it down.

Society has started demonizing men especially white men and promoting women

The Internet and porn addiction.


Desire to have an adventure.

The true reason is that our bodies and minds are built to hunt prey and protect our family and women, while we slave away in dead end jobs, alone, to provide for people that despise us.

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Modern society is so soft, even this board is too soft

It sounds stupid, but it really is being brainwashed that you are the bad guy and then realizing that it’s the true.
It’s hard to explain, but when your schools are violent shitholes where the blacks get slaps on the wrist for major fights and you get suspensions for yelling at them to leave you alone it gets weird.
Throw in realizing all the entry lvl jobs are being controlled by make-work HR Hispanics who get their tribe hired in a 90/10 ratio.
Then you get fired anyways for following cash handling policy (lol wat) becuase it was rude, then it turns out the Hispanic manager was stealing $80,000 from the company.
^think about this, the white guy following policy gets canned while the “flexible" employee was stealing for years later, Jeee I guess that policy had a reason

It's a combination of things. Women have too many rights, multiculturalism is not working, the economy is rigged and we're being replaced. Those are the main ones.

Nothing to live for. No hope of it getting better. The opioid epidemic and suicide rates are greater indicator of this than incel mass shootings.

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I still don’t believe the majority of men had wives even back in the day. Sure it’s worse now but chad was still fucking 80% of women that’ll never change. I think incels are just more aware nowadays leading to more outrage

user God has been left out of their lives and upbringing.

Loss of purpose.
All women need is our sperm.
They economy doesn’t seem to need us at all, they have enough immigrants to do their bidding.

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I see a lot of responses regarding women and what not. if so, why was this never the case with boomers? feminism and the free love movement has been prominent since the 60's yet this is a recent phenomenon. I think it comes down to the polarizing political climate and dehumanization of political enemies. I pray for this country and hope troubled young men seek help. there are people who can help you. please seek help.

>Reproduction is the sole purpose of life (from the viewpoint of evolution) so if reproductive success seems impossible, we are programmed to flip the table, so to speak.

This is why its rational for niggers to be violent. If they've got no other way to compete, they use force.


What exactly do we have to live for, retard?



Highly metaphysical thinking.

Everything is backwards and crazy in this gynocentric world, so the only sane reaction is violence.

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Show up to your local walmart and ask the one pumping you full of lead

Hippies were always a small minority despite the media attention.
Feminism takes awhile.
This chart is a little hard to read, but in 1970 46 of moms were unemployed stay at home moms, in 2015 it was 26 percent. That’s a huge shift.

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Experimental restructuring of society that affords special privileges to women and parasitic foreigners. Those are all the reasons.

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No physical activity. Poor nutrition. Getting browbeaten every day for being masculine. Surrounded by idealized faggotry that they hate and arent part of. Not getting laid. Never confronting and beating a bully because they arent allowed to while growing up. Single mom household. TV. Anti-depressants.

They lack a good woman

not this

Based and redpilled and checked.

We grew up and are living in a troubled society.

Honestly, it’s very sad that people think like you. Nobody is after you. You think that just because you are white you are under attack? Have you read anything about history, or actually analyzed ethnic disparities and treatment among races? If you have, you would notice that being a white male in the United States puts you massively above a large portion of the population. Just because you can’t manage the advantage and end up posting on an incel board doesn’t mean that you were mistreated by a traitorous government. Maybe you should just pick yourself up by your bootstraps and grow some balls like right wingers always say. You already have a massive step up being white. Prove you are better than every other race! OH WAIT. YOU ARE ON POL LMAO

>Whites going on shooting rampage
>Just troubled "young men"

>Minorities doing shootings
>psychopaths, terrorists, monsters

if God were in the world, none of this would
be happening, world chose satan by killing
Zeus. stop bitching complaining and whining
you're just making God become indifferent to
your pain.

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video games
nihilistic apathy because no more identity (no more religion, no more national identity, no more ethnic/racial identity, no more anything like that)
interesting point there
i've always fantasized about beating the shit out of a supposed bully, but sadly there haven't been any bullies for me to kick in the balls, because the feminized system kept anyone from even thinking about doing so

>white men are evil!!

>You better get get ready for whats coming your way white boy. Get ready to be ruled by the brown races once you become the minority, and you can bet your ass you will pay for the past sins of your race.

Nothing to live for, future looks bleek, families are a thing of the past. Yea you can knock up a roastie whoo will rape you emotionally and financially, but no thanks.

So, no future, no family, no country, hated, becoming a minority, the world is evil and everything seems ass backwards. Can you blame them?

What specifically about porn addiction or the Internet cause it?

>I still don’t believe the majority of men had wives even back in the day.

Depends on the era. There were some points where it was something like 1 in 20 men reproducing. These eras were highly violent. Europe under (((Christianity))) was far more equal.

Historically, the average is that most women reproduce and only about half the men reproduce.

A few combining factors.

First is a lack of maturity among many of them. In the past, many who would otherwise be say, serving in the military, starting families, or studying in college have lapsed into a porn and vidya fueled stagnation.

Then you have the factors that led to that. In part, at least, the once sweet fruits of the sexual revolution rotting on the vine. Several decades of broken families, single mother households, and no good role models has come to helped things fester. A feminist-infected culture that decries masculinity is also partially to blame.

There’s also the fact that marriage, which would have otherwise driven many into productive citizenship, has become a delayed, often frustrating affair fraught with risk.

The culture, in many ways and regards, has lapsed into a state of secularized indifference, nihilism, and purposeness. Such existential problems have long plagued the modern world, but such factors have in many respects gone into overdrive over the past 20-odd years. Perhaps due to the internet and social media.

Tldr. Kill yourself kike

>This is why its rational for niggers to be violent. If they've got no other way to compete, they use force.

100% true. Reminder that the nigger community was FAR better off under segregation in every respect. It isn't fair for them to directly compete with whites off the basketball court.

Lmao I know you read it asshole. That’s why it bothers you, it’s the truth and you know it. You all just need someone to blame for your poor lives. You can all keep posting on this shit board, but the reality of the matter is that you are all sick, and I feel bad for you all

if you have porn, you don't feel as strong an urge to do what you'd have to do to get a real girl

if you have the internet, you stay in your room all day

based and red pilled

Lack of purpose or identity

Notting to die for, notting to live for

i'm sorry but that answer is only available with a bachelor's degree and 5+ years of experience

How is being disenfranchised and being demographically replaced by hordes of Mexican’s white privilege?? secondly what is this white privilege you keep referring to?? Is it the privilege our ancestors worked hard to build their countries only to have it taken away from them by our traitorous Government and their enablers??

Let's see...
>my country and its future has been given over to a cognitive dissonance mixture of feminist spinsters, faggots n muslims
>marriage and dating are completely redundant due to feminism and social media/tinder
>a large majority of jobs are being shoehorned with women n diversity hires
>all while the same time media is screaming about how women n minoritys are oppressed by white men
>housing has become a non achievable dream
>my country will become Islamic within my lifetime
>oh.... And the only means of escapism is shit n filled with strong women getting fucked by blacks


You really think your last post which even begins with a wrong interpretation of the user's post is even remotely clever? Your post was so stupid and incoherent that nobody bothers to argue with you and I also join the other user by saying: KYS!

Internet and social media addiction.

These are the sentiments of an idiot. I have actually read history. No one here is as stupid and as incel as you would like to imagine they are. The incel meme is just that, a meme. There is in fact a dedicated group of individuals, never held responsible for their actions or speech, that are in fact dedicated to the destruction of the white race. They admit it. They openly post about how they hate white people.
If you do not believe that then you are the one who spends too much time on Jow Forums or online in a bubble. Most people who post here are successful. Some post for the lulz, some just to vent, some to purely shitpost for the shock factor. Most posters here are race conscious because were trained to be by the very people who hate us. However, no one here is so stupid as to think mass murder is good or that it will do us any good.

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When we grew up we were instilled with values on how to be a gentleman and scholar.
Our dads and role models have shown us an image of a world of integrity, romance and scholarly achievement.
As we grew older we start to notice that all of those concepts put us on a disadvantage.
The person who just takes what he wants and lives in opportunistic ways does better than the one who plays by the rules and shows loyalty.
The person who doesn't get emotionally involved does better than the one who falls deeply in love. Love tends to be a vulnerability and that vulnerability will be taken advantage of.
scholarly achievements don't matter because it's not the smart person capable of introspection that wins in the end, it's the grandios narcissist.

Adjusting to those realities. Accepting them and finding ways to thrive in a corrupt clown world puts intense stress on us.
Combine that with the fact that our perspective for the future is bleak at best and it's a recipe for disaster.
Our communities are being destroyed, the nuclear family is increasingly a thing of the past and all deeper purpose and creativity is removed in favor of rampant consumerism.
We are just doomed to live alone in a little one bedroom apartment cuckshed, working a senseless monotone job while we get extorted by the government to support a bunch of low life negros invading our home. Not truly achieving anything or connecting with anyone to drown our sorrows in alcohol on the weekends.

Fun times.

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Watch Jordan Peterson. He talks in depth about this and is a brilliant psychologist. We have lost focus on the young men in todays society and have treated them like defective women in schools. Boys needs are different than girls in school systems while growing up.

“Women rejected his advances” poor little guy survived but is in rehab since 2 days ago.

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A lot of people in this thread exposing their entitled incel mindset, disgusting. The problem is not that women have freedom. The difference between women having and not having freedom is irrelevant, in either case they submit themselves to real men, and refuse to submit to weak disgusting incels.

The problem facing men in today’s society is the lack of unifying meaning. Where there was once devotion to the survival of the tribe and lineage, and a devotion to the religion of family and nation, there is now only hedonism. The bonds tying us together are severed, and young men feel that there is no hope for the future, and no reason to act prosocially as they do not expect any sort of reciprocation.

Jews control the post WW2 Western world and promote Feminism, degeneracy, homosexuality, diversity, nigger rap, and so much more.

What honest White man wouldn't go crazy in such a world?

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because the populations of the world were decimated in during the war. There was desire for love again and people were highly motivated to start families. Do you see those same incentives and motivations today? They say we are over populated. They are trying to stall reproduction. its all social engineering. create a divide between the genders and you create this culture

The social order is in upheaval. And we aren't holding people accountable, nor training each other appropriately. What else did you expect?

Humilation Culture.

Calling dudes pussy and faggot and other humiliating names and then either outright denying them sex or making it it nearly impossible to attain for everyone who isn't Jason Mubassa or whatever the fuck his name is.

There is no real unity. No real brother hood. Even a frat, is abased around myth of brotherhood. It's all about competition and humiliation.

Because all the happy feel good bullshit is just that, bullshit. You've got a bunch of mediocre motherfuckers killing other mediocre motherfuckers. Hey, at least a bullet is quicker than cancer you faggot.

Economic stagnation and lack of economic opportunity, family unit collapsing, lack of community or any form of sincere social cohesion, consumerism conditioning us all for instant satisfaction and drug use, less upwards mobility, illegal immigrants/refugee's flooding western countries and taking all of the entry level positions meant for people out of high school and people trying to pay off school/training debt. We also have a gender war sparked by feminism that has resulted in a breakdown of relations between men and women. This is a fundamental problem, as the most basic building block of a nation is its household units. To pretend that unstable single parent households are any substitution for a functional family living in a house with a stay at home mom and a hard working father is laughable.

College, training, trade schools, etc have become very expensive and you often times must go into debt unless your family is wealthy and can put your through school full ride. To be able to hold down a wage slave job and go to school at the same time is a feat requiring all of your time. This requires a very determined and stoic mindset to achieve as well, you will be so focused on your goals that you will utterly lose track of finding an actual proper wife or husband. Women doing any of this completely destroys their role as a caregiver and mother in the family unit. This essentially means that anyone who isn't high class will experience hell and will be forced to sacrifice a lot of their social cohesion and mental health in pursuing a high amount of wealth or even just trying to break into the middle class.

The cost of housing has increased to exponential levels, you will be forced to rent with your wife or husband if you manage to get wage slave jobs. You will never be able to save up for any kind of house because those are reserved for upper middle class families and wealthy families. Increasingly, you see people living in apartments.

Cause of the pussy shortage

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based kangaroo

Reasons not to be a mass shooter: 0
Reasons to be a member of the society of niggers, fags and roastie sluts: 0

It's that simple.

There's no hope/nothing of substance to look forward to.

>if you're white, you're being replaced
>you probably didn't grow up with a father, if you did he was probably a pussy who basically just acted like a walking wallet for your mom
>your women are entitled, aren't loyal, and don't want to settle down
>your women don't want to have babies until they're in their late 30s, and even then they don't want a husband and father to the kid around other than to support her and the kid financially (don't worry though, maybe she'll let you have a 'Man Cave')
>the media and academia has been 24/7 against you for a long time (especially if you're a white male)
>dating market is horribly skewed against you because women now have a massive selection due to the internet
>communities are destroyed with in home distractions; most men are basically like women now anyway so good luck finding loyal friends
>job market is shit and you're being replaced by foreigners who will work for pennies on the dollar while you're expected to subsidize them while they explain to you why you're evil and retarded

>inb4 white incel
Neither of those apply to me.

The media is attacking them openly.

They have no Islam in their lives

Everything is gay.

>young men

Only white ones.

The civilizational destroying aspects of Feminism take time to fully erode the nation. We are living in the end times of this destructive ideology.

In the future, Feminism will be seen as a terrible mistake that should never be repeated again.


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the world is too hyper competitive and people that aren't an uber chad making 500,000 a year feel like they are wasting their lives

I hope you get crucified.

White privilege is a myth you retard. It was promulgated specifically to delegitimize white struggles and the reality of demographic replacement.

No pussy

>The problem is not that women have freedom.
Stopped reading there.

While the cost of living has increased, the cost of training has increased and the risk in starting a new business has also increased, the standard of living has increased. Now, more than ever, we are bombarded with rampant hedonistic advertising to our carnal desires. We have the option to stay at home and entertain ourselves in front of a computer or phone screen. We can "opt-out" of society and "opt-in" to the internet. We can buy drugs and get rid of our bad feelings because of all of the problems we face as people and as human beings in our current set up will be temporarily relieved with them. We replace religion with politics, sports, hobby's, etc all to feed the eternal instant satisfaction jew. Our brains have been wired since we were young to respond to instant satisfaction, to high speed advertising and visuals. We play video games that condition us with this, we get bombarded with sexual degeneracy in our pop culture and we eventually come to the point where we want. Want. Want. Want. So we slave away for what we want, not being able to save money and never really going anywhere in life or getting anywhere near where we should be and what we should aspire towards.

Women, as much as men, are targeted with the same ideas and so are brainwashed that they must do what men do and be like men. So much so that we have people in our society claiming gender confusion. There are perfectly normal women who think they want to be men and vice versa. Women growing to the ripe age of 30-35 and sitting there wondering why all of their relationships have failed and why no one wants to betroth them and have children with them. In order to be successful in our society, a great deal of sacrifice is necessary. If the wrong people make the wrong sacrifices, everything is thrown out of wack. Women must be treated as equals and given equal opportunity to be exploited by managers and supervisors in wage slave positions. Aspiring couples and sweethearts--- cont

International kikery.

Absolutely true, the government is 100% complicity in the oppression and genocide of white men.

Look at the state the west is in today.

Well, they will be chewed up and spit out by this society because nothing is built for them to stick together and raise a family the way that they are suppose to. There are so many opportunities for our society and system to exploit their deepest darkest desires and to tempt them with decisions and choices that completely disrupt the cohesion that they have with their partner. Family is sacrificed and throat slit as though as if it were a lamb to the god of self worship. The self is the most important thing in our society today, every man for him self and every woman for herself. The self is elevated above all else, the ego, the most important. Why would you sacrifice everything so that you can have a loving wife/husband and functional children? It just doesn't make sense when the path most traveled in todays world looks so much more tantalizing.

Every issue is multiplied when you add a large number of low-skill low-intelligence immigrant laborers and all of their families into the mix. Refugee's, immigrants, it matters not. The result is the same, poor people stay poor, middle class shrinks and the competition only gets worse and worse and worse. Social cohesion falls apart and in-group preference tends to prevail over all else, besides those of european descent. Whites are expected to forgo their in-group preference and all other groups are expected to take advantage of it at every opportunity. Which creates a completely abysmal position for young whites with no education or work experience in a job market competing with people in their same position who will be selected for the color of their skin and the language that they speak, be in Arabic or Spanish depending on which side of the ocean you find yourself on.

God is dead and we killed him. For thousands of years our ancestors have had a void in their inner psyche filled by spirituality and some kind of belief in higher beings and forces unknown to us. What do we now use to fill that void?

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women. niggers, jews and weak white men

>masculinity attacked from every angle
>promiscuity and polygamy brought in by feminism etc enhanced 10x by technology
>relationship with sex completely superficial for those that have it
>nuclear family not desired by most females
>females entering the work force doubles the supply of labour, wages stagnate
>immigrants enter the work force, increases the supply of labour, wages stagnate
>sense of community fades as older generation die off and religion cast aside
>immigrants begin to outnumber natives
>blasted with feminist propaganda 24/7
>previously male dominated clubs/hobbys inevitably succumbs to attention seeking females who inevitably destroy the essence of the club/hobby and distract the weaker/thirstier men constantly
>social media further exasperates this reality by highlighting the contrast between good looking, wealthy men and the average joe. it also provides an endless sea of male attention for women who have no reason to settle down
>if you do get married there is no guarantee your wife will stay by you even if you are the perfect husband, the statistics are frankly terrifying
>the consequences of divorce are financial ruin and the female usually gets the kids
>plummeting testosterone levels being intentionally hidden by medical industry & govt
>more city, less nature

We have no purpose and are told we have privilege while our better half simultaneously rejects a traditional family in favor of actively replacing us with increasingly authoritarian government.

Looking into this next century, low value men (ugly/poor/stupid) will only exist as tax-cattle to subsidize the lives of solo mothers and immigrants. Perhaps their secondary purpose is to be potential cannon fodder for the zog (although this may become truly unisex). They are increasingly unlikely to find a woman who desires to play the role of the traditional house wife, and even if they could the financial reality is that one blue collar job will not support a family today.

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because everything is about making the bosses richer. Money stripped our world of meaning, purpose, and motivation. Values don’t exist unless you make your life dedicated to the church. Just be a good boy and do work for pennies so you don’t starve or get arrested

>The problem is not that women have freedom.

Female freedom without responsibility is the problem.

Not to mention we're being deprived from the opportunity to actually consume nutritious food. We should be eating wild game meat and organically farmed fruits and vegetables, yet what do we have access to overwhelmingly? None of that shit.