USA will be majority diverse by 2030, the other predominantly white countries by 2050. It's over for you worthless cumskins. You think you can take individual actions, make it a damnation of the whole, and expect to be exempt? Guess again. Whites will pay for their countless crimes inflicted on other peoples and cultures. Perhaps after fixing their many problems of school shootings, child molestation, pedophilia, sexual assault, adultery, incest, bestiality, genocide, stealing credit for other people's work, and world wide wars, whites can begin to resemble something close to human. The world doesn't need whites, even if your IQ is so low as to believe non-whites don't advance the human condition without fact-checking any patent database, Asians of every stripe are pulling far ahead of you in every aspect. Here's to hoping strong black and brown immigrants wipe out the cum stains for good. Whites in their arrogance will be reduced to a footnote in history and you are far too unintelligent to do a single thing about it. Tick tock, racists. Your time is up. Karma is here. Die out for good.
Whites are terrorists, give them a taste of their own medicine and KILL THEM ALL!
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Come at me. I need the target practice.
And u believe the asians will be tolerant towards u faggots bc?
Nice copypasta, faggot
That map is hella misleading. Especially in the south - where it is extremely segregated.
>absolute majority in all but 3 states
Hell yeah the race war is gonna be a landslide victory
>That map
Why would you dehumanize someone because of their skin color?
Amerimutts aren't white so the only thing for you to do now is just kys my man.
>not become a sex slave for the true master race
this thread is non white fear, you don't need to
be scared niggers. it's ok to go extinct.
>browns uniting with blacks
Yeah maybe for phase one but this is what would happen on a macro scale
More likely spics will genocide asians and blacks and let the whites rule over them just like they did in mexico
Your coalition will fall apart a soon as the usa become majority minority. Spoiler alert asians and mexican dont like blacks
>implying darkies are human
Back to twitter you go,blue check mark faggot
Shut it, nigger.
Amazing how fast Nevada fell. I don't like our chances desu, even with that Mormon birthrate.
Not if we kill eachother first, again.