Redpill me on the Federal Reserve. How was it set up? How does it function? Why are there all conspiracies about it?
The Fed
Watch the Money Masters the texts, events, and individuals it references will have you well on your way to understanding the history of fractional reserve banking with debt fiat. Godspeed cunt.
Jews tried to set it up, some bankers went against it, they drowned on the Titanic. Fed.exe initiated, 6% returns for ever.
Christcucks set up jews,
jews set up roths,
roths set up the fed
and now the world is enslaved by it
>Fed.exe initiated, 6% returns for ever.
If you give me $1 at 6% interest and it is the only dollar ever printed, how do I repay you $1.06 at the end of the year?
Here's a video about the Federal Reserve I recommend to watch.
Assuming there's some way to pay back fractions, you pay the one dollar, work, then pay back the 6 cents.
Checked. With your soul user
Here is a interview of Jacob Rothschild.
literally just a government bureaucracy designed to handle inflation
conspiracies about the federal reserve are room temperature IQ dudes got together and told the president of the usa to get them america money to bank...the president told them okay...turns out you dont need a banker to hold your money
Created by fdr circumnavigating the separation of powers clause of the constitution via illegal executive order mortgaging americas debt by registering citizens' bodily chattel as collateral. Read the UCC
Thispilled, Christians wanted all the power and fiscal expansion available from deficit spending but none of the responsibility.
In the right hands though, the Federal Reserve could be a powerful mechanism for the people. Instead of being used to provide cheap loans to multi billion dollar Jew and old money Anglo corporations, it could pay for housing, infrastructure, jobs for the White working class.
Here is another documentary explaining how the Federal Reserve works for themselves.
They will never willingly take responsibility that's for sure!
>takes no risk
>claims value
What did they mean by this
Fractional banking makes sure that the process is perpetual.
There is no $0.06. That’s the point brainlet
Speak English not jargon.
But it's not a federal agency lol
You glownigger kike
Read a book nigger.
so who owns it?
George Carlin had this to say about bankers.
Eat a dick, kiwi
Read Secrets of the federal reserve by Eustace Mullins