Half korean, half Taiwanese user here.
I really really really fucking hate those brown subhumans, they act disrespectful to the country that gave then literally everything, most of them are part of Mexican gangs, they smell like fucking shit and trash everywhere they go.
My ancestors came to this country with the mindset of improving themselves and assimilate into western culture, but these fucking wetbacks want to destroy it to make it a Mexico 2.0 bringing their poverty and mediocrity with it.
I am asian and I fucking hate spics:
Julian King
Other urls found in this thread:
Henry Hill
have sex incel
Gavin Sullivan
Kys beaner
Cooper Torres
My big spix dix makes Azn chix cry tears of joy.
Benjamin Scott
Based. Do you live in SoCal?
Matthew Gonzalez
I'm also asian but i don't hate hispanics, i have lots of friends from Honduras and they're al nice guys.
Benjamin Reyes
That’s a good poem
Caleb Thomas
Big fucking cope, asian girls absolutely despise your brown ass
James Diaz
Racially spics are Mongoloids
Kayden Edwards
We aren't spics anymore we are eagles, look at our flag