Show us your bookshelf, Jow Forumslacks.
Judgements welcome
Read the Bible, fuckin heretics.
Show us your bookshelf, Jow Forumslacks
My "bookshelf" has about 3000 volumes on it.
>no Siege
>no Ayn Rand
>no LOTR
an actual literary cringe compilation
reading books is a waste of time
>no Game of Thrones
>no Harry Potter
Fantasy? Fuckin queer faggots. Eat shit niggers.
>read the bible
>waste your time
>Read the Bible
No thanks, it's conflicting Jewish shit. Also derivative and plagarised.
Hey, I have the blacksmithing and woodworking books.
>have read 3 books this whole year
have sex incel
>reading dead trees
Growing Up Hard seems like a good read.
>Racist books
Hi chucke2009
Literally the new testament talk about the Jews being liars and shit. Read revelations you dumb nigger.
Judge away
Glowie propaganda, and Mason was a homosexual for Manson, I hope you realise that.
>Ayn Rand
Even more disgusting. A lolberg jew.
It's just fantasy stuff about Celtic culture.
>Tryhard: The Book Shelf
Who are you trying to impress? “Us”? You just look like a dipshit. The Bell Curve, are you kidding me
>“He who blesses Israel will be blessed and he who curses Israel will be cursed.”
>Tank Recognition Guide
you’re alright
Antifaggots confirmed as homos. No surprise.
>Read the book written my a med refugee sitting in a cave and tripping balls on shroom tea
No thanks.
>incel starter kit
Come to faith, demon
Go to hell, semitic invader.
I'm proud white, unlike you, paki.
found the soʏʙoʏ
>tfw cant read because short attention span thanks to internet and tv
Someone gave me two huge boxes of old classics, and I have no idea where to start or if they're even worth reading. My backlog of modern stuff is already a mile long.
>but no blue eyes is not white
Dirty Bastard is the shit, fuck off poorfag
Just start reading. If it's bullshit, put it on the shelf and revisit it next year
You can always change :)
Data mining thread fuck off
>Mazda RX-7 1979-81
>a shelf
If you don't just stack your books on a pile after you are done with them then you are bluepilled
>I'm a proud white
>but I worship a kike and am a member of a religion that opened the gates to muslims and shitskins
Ok schlomo.
Youre a weird guy i bet
Negative, shipmate.
I like to keep them around as reference, I can't remember everything I've read forever.
The word of the LORD is unintelligible unto the unsaved.
ok i will try frens :) thank u
If you want to re-read something, you can consult the pile
>the pride edition of MK
Reading is always a win. Don't fee pressure to finish books. Most non fiction books you can learn by just reading 20 or 30 pages. Don't worry about having to finish them. Helps your long term concentration to read stuff that long at least occasionally.
>no Bounced Czech
Die homos
Funny how many brain dead retards in this thread are too afraid to read religious texts even though they are some of the greatest stories known to man
>b-b-but imma scawed of the jesus
Yeah you fuck heads would probably become devout Christians if you read it because you're dumb enough to do anything you're told and can't analyze important poetry and stories that are the bedrock of the cultures of the various peoples of the world.
Pathetic and intellectually feeble tier.
based and prepper pilled. You'll be a handy chap when the balloon goes up, user.
99 red?
Thanks Brit. See you after the tribulations come.
True words.
Local radio station calls it "Word Power" and it's true. The Word of God does have power.
They're just tedious and shit though. Agreed, having some knoweledge is good to know your enemy, but cover to cover isn't needed.
"when the balloon goes up" is an english idiom that signifies a catastrophe of some kind. Don't ask me where it came from. I'll probably end up buying the HAM radio stuff you've got there. I don't have anything on that topic.
You wear the helmet while you read right?
Theonly fitting headdress for reading the bible. Your shelf has a comfy aura.