For the last 3 or 4 years /leftypol/ has been trying everything they can to turn not just Jow Forums into /leftypol/ 2.0, but turn all of Jow Forums into a leftyfag hellhole where you can’t say anything mean against them. Their plan is to turn the entire board against Jow Forums and then make Jow Forums lefty as well. /his/ and Jow Forums are the 2 places where their shilling has worked the most as Jow Forums is a testing ground for JIDF to test out their D&C memes and /his/ is full of unironic commies from Reddit. They have been trying to shill all this ever since the 2016 election because they are scared of what a Unified Jow Forums can do, so they will do anything they can to divide the whole place and turn the other boards against it.
/leftypol/ is trying to turn Jow Forums into a lefty echochamber
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as long as I'm here you've got nothing to worry about bro
have sex incel
It's not working. They're able to disrupt quite a bit, but the website isn't turning left at all. If anything the lefties are becoming more rightwing. I've seen more lefties turn from idpol, embrace Stalinist leanings, and even become racist than anything else. They were warned, you're here forever.
Thanks Greek user you fucking faggot
Race denialists are retards that think ripping their own shitholes wide open trying to shove their entire heads up inside, constitutes being intelligent.
That’s entirely and solely the problem with both those places; egalitarian retardation, nothing more. Little babystupid still believes mummy and kinnygarden teachys wittle we all eqwal bull’s piss because if not might hurt little bebe’s worldview fefes. It’s mentally offense like a bad smell is to the nose.
They larp as nazi. I pointed this out when it started and now I think I am softbanned.
Based greek savior