Once you give up your arms, America will inevitably end as a third world banana republic under the iron rule of some hispanic dictator. Why?
- Because there is absolutely no reason why it won't, as the people will be absolutely powerless to stop it.
The right to bear arms is the single MOST important right that you have, as you simply cannot defend any other rights without guns. If America keeps questioning the 2nd Amendment, it's all over. The police won't protect you, as they are all low IQ mutts who will be the ones taking your guns in the first place. The army won't protect you, as they are peasants with uniforms. No one can defend you from the state besides yourself, and for that you need guns.
You'll become Brazil, consider yourself warned.
No matter what it happens, YOU must grasp these guns and never let go.
Your politicians are awful people, you don't want them to have unchecked power over you.
Brazil also has a lot of money, massive tax influxes and very rich people.
More and more, your rich will become a caste of few individuals with access to the politicians, as government grows ever richer and business can only prosper if they make the state into a client. How do you make the state into a client? Through constant bribery of political entities.
America has a terrible history of throwing money at problems and failing miserably at solving anything. You'll spend your last penny trying to make hispanics into whites, and still won't work.
Thx, huebro. I'm glad you get it. We will do our best.
Leo Barnes
got some mixed messaging going on here
Jonathan Gomez
Protein shakes and peanut butter poop
Hudson Garcia
Brazilians really love tile floors. My cousin lives down in Salvador and every photo I've seen of her house the floors are always tile. You'd think with all that Amazon to deforest they'd have some nice wood floors at least.
Joshua Johnson
hey wait doesn't jair support guns?
Parker Richardson
>all these pics wtf i want to be like brazil now
Grayson Martin
Piss, shit, cunt smegma, body odor.... Anything I missed?
Blake Gomez
>cunt you mean cunny?
Isaac Martinez
Americans are too fat and way too apathetic about mostly everything that doesn't involve sports or mainstream television. The lazy subservient mongrel populace doesn't give a damn that our politicians are sucking us dry and that our country is currently being flooded with 3rd world racial trash.
America will be just another civilizaton that slowly decayed and rotted from the inside out. We have no future. The social revolutions of the 60s marked the beginning of our demise as a prosperous nation.
Jair Bolsonaro is an outlier retard whom we elected. He is an one-of-a-kind type of politician who is full of right-wing prejudices and due to his low IQ, he is incapable of questioning anything. Bolsonaro is completely uncapable of formulating an argument in favour of gun ownership, but he is in favour of it because he's gotta be the opposite of the Left, and the left wants gun control. That is it.
Bolsonaro can't allow guns by himself as that is a job of the legislative. He revoked the previous president's decrees that favoured gun control and that is it.
Don't count with 'America will have a Bolsonaro in 50 years and he'll fix everything', as Bolsonaro only became a reality because of a perfect storm that would NEVER happen in America, including: >ex-president who could easily beat Bolsonaro goes to jail >ex-president who could easily beat Bolsonaro failed to get a successor >ex-presidient's corrupt party in constant legal trouble because of all the corruption schemes they ran >population loses faith in the ex-president's corrupt party >Bolsonaro is an internet meme >Bolsonaro is stabbed and almost killed, thus not allowing his 90 IQ to ruin his chances of getting elected during debates >Bolsonaro represents a part of the population
Bolsonaro was the thunder that stroke the same place 10+ times. This would never happen in America. Brazilians don't vote with their skin like Americans do, as brazilians are already far too mongrelized to be able to distinct white from black.
If a Bolsonaro ever wins in America, that is a sign that everything is already over.
>America will be crawling with horny filled out lolis who will take you raw for a cigarette >implying this is bad I for one welcome the multicultural future
ok and die at 40 years old from diseases lol retard
Luis Cook
lol your "country" is a glorified drug cartel. Don't lecture others on how they should conduct themselves when you have one of the highest murder rates in the world.
Austin Jenkins
>tries to mow the lawn >gets shot
Matthew Foster
Don't just take my word for it. Ask her yourself. I'll be touring around the south banging different thots until I can't anymore in December. No visa necessary
Men are savage beasts. Most would fuck a slimy hole in a sewer if it whistled at them or the mood was right. Yet you whores keep thinking you're special because the male attention you receive. You aren't special. You're just another slimy hole and easily replaced by the other slimy holes all over this planet. Males will pretend you're hot just to stick their dicks in your slimy hole. Males will tell you all manner of lies just to gain access to your slimy holes. Deep down, they all agree, however, that you are just another slimy hole. You are worthless. You are disposable. You are easily replaced and nobody, not even your so-called friends will ever love you. Why? ...because you're nothing more than a loud, obnoxious, easily replaced, slimy hole and your friends are all just as delusional as you.
Isaiah Moore
>no visa oh man
Elijah Edwards
Easton Collins
have you seen the slime holes in this thread tho?
Kevin Rogers
>tries to draw anime pics >gets burned alive
Michael Jenkins
Jews beta test all their crap here first. Everything USA, Canada and Europe is suffering now was prototyped here from mid-60's to late 90's.
Wyatt Cooper
why does spanish/arab and indio DNA create perfect braphogs?
he cant be that bad. who would you rather in power?
Adrian Peterson
I'm already going to die from one of my two congenital diseases in my 30s. Either my heart will give out, which has happened to 3 generations of males before me, with the oldest making it to 45, or my rare 100 percent fatal condition which will at some random time cause spontaneous total organ failure, with the oldest person to die of this at 40. I don't have a long lifespan. I've been rejected and catfished at such an astonishing rate, my blood boils when I see women outside wearing skimpy clothes as if to say >literally anyone can have me! come take a look at my body and its yours! not you though user. Next! So I'm not putting any more work into them. I accept that I was not meant to genetically continue, and I'm gonna get what I can sexually. And if you don't like that, eat shit.
Anthony Lewis
The collection expands
Luke Ward
>imagine having no male urges because you're so full of estrogen from all your onions products
>I have literally got high with a THICC bitch like this (of Iranian ancestry) >tfw she told me (we were both nude and so fucking high), "are you hungry?" Damn, stoned sex with voluptuous women is fucking heaven. I love my current woman... I just wish she gained 30lbs (as evidence from her mom's look... she is destined for THICCness). youtube.com/watch?v=VuOdosizz7Q Anyways bros, I appreciate y'all (I'm a dad, woman's man and responsible for many things... right now is my cathartic alone time as a drunken shitposter, listening to weird music in my truck [YES, I'M PHONEFAGGIN])
Christopher Gonzalez
>imagine not being able to control the urges
that means you weak
Justin Sullivan
ok now I KNOW you're crazy. Thanks for the clear-up. Don't trust your pets, because Obama put a tracking device inside them to monitor your dreams
Eli Morris
well i wouldnt spend my last years on hoes thats just a waste
Ryder Richardson
Tile is the only option in hot and humid climates. Water wrecks wood flooring.
Connor Clark
He's good. Being a dumbass makes everything better.
But we can't count with Bolsonaro. The man's a miracle.
Grayson Williams
>Hispanic dictator Spics are generally ruled by whites.