are gun laws gonna finally change for the better in light of recent events?
Are gun laws gonna finally change for the better in light of recent events?
People here are delusional if they think this can happen every week without changes in the laws happening
This is so pathetic and so glowing - I saged.
based. Americans really need to get with the times, basically every country has figured this shit out except for you. Nobody is trying to "take away your guns", so calm down. You just some kind of common sense gun control, every other country that did this doesn't have mass shootings like you guys do.
It's pretty much a no-brainer, so simple a mutt could do it.
Shut up leaf. You're an 85 IQ downey. You want to have an actual discussion? Fine, you want to waste your Sunday putting out these low hanging troll posts? Kill yourself.
Have an Epstein, faggot.
1. Guns cause a relative minority of deaths, especially those due to mass shootings where these weapons are used.
2. Threatening a corrupt government is easier with guns than without.