This is freaky. This abortionist doctor becomes immediately possessed when he hears the word 'Repent'.
>eyes change
>voice changes
>begins to foam at the mouth
>hissing and snarling like an animal
This is freaky. This abortionist doctor becomes immediately possessed when he hears the word 'Repent'.
>eyes change
>voice changes
>begins to foam at the mouth
>hissing and snarling like an animal
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Another example of real life demon manisfestation, exact same situation as the above,
It's just Autism, user.
abortion is a satanic sacrifice
That demon manifested titties. Impressive.
That demon looks shaken. When did demons get so beta?
Do they allow spergs to become doctors now?
That's just ocd.
you have a mental illness
He probably was just a nurse or something