Zero Responses?

I tried once, zero traction. I'm an older user you can consider this an AMA.

I stopped posting/lurking here and I want you all to be better. I don't really care about the victims of mass-shootings I just want you all to be better people, ask me anything.

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Why can't you take a hint?

Why haven't you killed yourself instead of threads, faggot?

Wow 2 replies, thanks.

Let me reverse the question. What am I saying that isn't worth consideration?

Why, knowing what I know about the world and myself, do I continue to value my own life?

lol faggot you think you can "leave"? the fact ur here means nothing has changed.

>consider this an AMA
What is it like to see the current state of the UK?

Do you really want to know why I haven't killed myself?

Because I wouldn't want to cause that pain to my family. I love them and to do something like that would be to cause them such needless pain. I can't even imagine how horrible it is to be the family member of someone who does something like that. I'd never inflict that on my loved ones no matter how dark things get.

Secondly. Because I see the light, I'm not afraid of my future and in my experience life is only getting better as I get older. So why cut the ride short?

That's my overall message to anyone reading this, one of hope and not despair. Don't lose your heart and soul to the sad fucks on here that want to drown you in misery.

Life is good, and if you're life isn't good there are many ways you can make it better before you think of blowing people away with whatever gun you have at your disposal.

The vast majority of "anons" can't read it because they are bots.
Just look at the responses.
Jow Forums is gone.

This is some incel shit

Get a life and stop writing paragraphs of autistic drivel

That's what's fucking weird man. I legit didn't visit this site for a good 8-10 months and 2 weeks ago I can't explain it but I was drawn here. Just lurking, not posting. Maybe it was the Dem primaries IDK, but I felt the need to be here. I'm not a crazy person but there's no doubt that forums like this are part of a wider information war.

My message is don't play into their fucking hands, DODGE DODGE DODGE. LOOK NORMAL

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People here will continue to goad autists into murdering strangers for as long as they are able to

like my old professor once said: "The mind craves truth"

Honestly? It's fucking sad man. I was down in Birmingham for the dota a couple of months back and that place was like an alternate world from where I live. Burqas everywhere in Tesco (UK walmart-ish), total dilapidation of near-city centre areas. It just looked like there was more to do than the society could handle.

I've been to London a few times on business and as a tourist, every time I leave that city I'm so fucking thankful that I don't live there. Where I live (Edinburgh) has it's problems but we're about 90% white, probably higher if you take in permanent residents rather than short-term workers, and we can't perfect our city.

I'm convinced there is a racial/cultural dynamic to this problem and that the major cities in England are fucked because of it. Scotland, well we've got a shitty government at the moment but we're not beyond saving.

I don't have a problem with people of other cultures or ethnicity, they just need to be capable of blending and that can only be done on a smaller scale.

Wow, just wow. You stopped visiting a website. Really fucking brave, dude. Must have taken a Herculean strength. This ama will be the best ever. My question, why are you a complete and utter useless faggot?

What's the creepiest thing you've ever seen online, oldfag?

no one cares you fucking loser

I'm not an incel, but I can relate to them. There but for the grace of god go I, that's how I feel when I see an incel or one of these deranged shooters.

I don't see them as a foot soldier of a movement, I see them as a soul that's crying out in pain that we missed a chance to save...

This isn't how you shape the world. I've thought about this a lot, trust me when I say I have some thoughts to offer.

I'm popular in my company, #1 in my department, and well-liked. I work in one of the bluest cities in America, so I keep my mouth shut about politics to 99% of the people I meet. Why do you believe the propaganda about Jow Forumsacks? Are you sure you're not a projecting autist yourself?

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If your post gets zero responses on one of the most active boards in the world, it's your fault.

Idle hands, devils work, yang2020

"the mind craves truth" - 100% relatable, but let's be clear here.

Are any of us happy for spotting these anomalies or inconsistencies? Do we think that the massive machine is going to suddenly stop once we've noticed what we've noticed? Of course it isn't, so maybe it's time we played dumb?

If pol was right 1 time out of 10,000, and I know it has been at least that, then the world is FUCKING TERRIFYING. We've looked behind the stage, and for every bullshitter and LARPers there's a grain of truth in all of it. After all, a lot of these LARPs are autists contextualising something they've spotted.

That's the really scary thing, when you're bullshit immune and you continue to check this place because you know standard media isn't going to cut it.

Would I know about Indian maneuvres in Jammu if it wasn't for pol? Of course I wouldn't. It's not that mainstream refuses to report this stuff but you need to look for it.

Hidden in plain sight, that's our world now.

There's no assimilation in Europe. In America there is at least an attempt to assimilate immigrants who identify with the ideals of the country. Not all do clealy.

"My question, why are you a complete and utter useless faggot?"

No idea man, I've always been like this. I can't help myself. I just love spewing my thoughts on the internet.

How about you? Why did you feel compelled to write that comment that contributes very little? What's wrong in your life? What are you down about?

I'm being serious, tell me.

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Creepy is a strange word. What shocked me more than anything? Probably that video of the Vietman vet with the M1A1 taking out a lone patrol cop. No idea why but I really felt the terror of the officer when he died in that video/audio. It changed me, far more than any bullshit beheading video.

I was never a big fan of creepy shit but I honestly try my best to get past the idea that a cabal of jews run the media. But I know of secret orders that run the parliament, business and justice systems in my country for hundreds of years. I'm not dismissive of the possibility that organised religious sects and exert disproportionate influence over a larger society.

In the UK our media is entirely controlled by privately educated middle/upper-class pricks, we all know how the jews fare in terms of IQ and wealth without any need for conspiracy theory. I don't put it past them to peddle their agenda.

it sounds like you agree with his advice on how a Jow Forumsack can conduct himself

>it sounds like you agree with his advice on how a Jow Forumsack can conduct himself
If you need an user to give you advice on how not to be a sperg then you're already hopeless.

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but it's the only reason my bedroom is clean...

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It won't let me post my reply I keep getting spam blocked, but think about media sources (TP and Billingcat) who offer mainstream an insight into "internet culture".

They want to pin this on something, we underestimated the power of anonymity and now we pay.


Do you feel any personal responsibility for the decline of Britain? Do you watch Pathe documentaries of post-war Britain and regret what your country has become? Is your navy adequate and able to defend against an invasion of EU forces?

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Honestly guys, my overall message was just to put yourselves out there. Integrate. Take a class in something. Develop a hobby that involves you leaving your home.

They are coming for us, so what you need is IRL cover that makes you something to people outside this board or your immediate family/friends.

If you honestly believe that these recent shooters were psyops or whatever, then the best way to protect yourself from ever being used as that is to have as many eye-witnesses who could run counter to that claim.

What do you have to lose from that? Break out.

Even if all you do is lurk on here than that makes you probably more interesting than 60-70% of the rest of this world so just learn to rein in the 1488 wooden doors shit and you can develop meaningful relationships with people who have never been exposed to a tenth of what you've seen.

Then, slowly and gently shift their views with rational discourse.

I agree entirely. We need to move into the industries and media, not hurt people.

You are talking about hiding your powerlevel? This is something that every 16 year old learns... why the reddit spacing?

Do I feel any personal responsibility? No, I was born in 91, Britain was already declining. I was born in a mini-recession to parents who struggled to make it work.

I've seen many post-war docs as you mention. I feel that our country has shifted irrecoverably, I do not regret it because it was never within my power to stop it. Both sides of my family were fairly pragmatic and it's hard to judge Scotland by the rest of the UK as we don't attract the same "diversity", what we do attract is manageable, like diluting piss into a chlorinated swimming pool. So I struggle to answer that question, it is what it is.

Our navy is not adequate, we cannot prevent russian intrusions into our waters or international waters off our coasts that are of economic importance.

The EU would never invade, the one card the UK has in it's hand is the utter contempt and derision the european mainland nations have for us as a people. We'd sooner passively destroy our entire society than be taken over, it's so very British.

Right. What's everyone on here always going on about? Subversion. Yet every time some incel mutt goes on a rampage they drop /ourguy/s at him. Let's play the game, and we'll probably change because of it, but why is that a bad thing?

I've been accused of reddit spacing before and everytime I'm convinced that the accusation has come from a redditor. I learned to type in paragraphs in primary(elementary) school. Sorry if it bothers you but I've always posted this way, its your problem, not mine.

Powerlevel is a funny question because you can get into a powerlevel off with some guy who flat out denies the atrocities of WW2 which is flat out retarded. But because he believes this shit he has a higher powerlevel?

>Hey, guys, why don't we try strategies that "conservatives" have been doing for decades even though is has never worked and things have gotten continuously worse, the OP

>I was born in 91
oh you motherfucker you described yourself as an "older user" and you're a snot-nosed kid lol

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Why the fuck would anyone care what some limpdick who screencaps his own inane whiny rants thinks? Fuck off, your opinion has zero value

I'm not a conservative by either US or UK standard. I only find myself somewhat aligned with UK conservatives because the political left in my country is fucking insane.

This isn't about political strategies. This is about survival. Do you really want to be the obtainable scapegoat for America's mental health and political partizan problems?

Far better for them to think that the chans are all talk and no trousers, on to the next one. Rather than have the entire scope of mainstream media, intelligence services and investigative journalism infiltrating these forums more than is already the case.

I'm probably gonna back out of this place after tonight. I just felt like dropping my thoughts and experiences onto those that would listen.

For the avoidance of doubt, I'm trying to push you and anyone else that will listen away from this place. Yes. Go get some perspective in your life.

I think 15 years in this place counts as older these days.

I remember when pol was full commie before it went ron paul libertarian.

And yet you posted

>but it's the only reason my bedroom is clean...
Gotta start somewhere I suppose, leaf. Better morals here than in clown world.
>They want to pin this on something, we underestimated the power of anonymity and now we pay.
I know, but even if they didn't have autist Jow Forumsack losers to pin it on they'd invent one, that's what they do.

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>being rational on this board

holy shit you're a tard

Lemme spell it out for you:
The ideology of Jow Forums is happenings. Nothings more and nothing less. We aren't conservatives or libertarians or Christians or atheists or leftists or anything. We're here for happenings. Everything else is pure shitposting.

Get your shit together and recognize where you are. You are pissing in an ocean of piss. Nothing you've written is original, many fags have come along and conveyed your ideas better than you have. It doesn't matter.

You simply do not understand power and where it comes from.

If you want a less vague explanation of why you're a faggot, read the heart of darkness. or watch the fucking movie, specifically colonel kurtz's final speech.

it's sad that there is truth to this. Not for all users, or even most. But enough people here do not give a fuck and will egg on a potential shooter for apolitical reasons. They just want to see something interesting on the news, or maybe it is just fun to talk edgy on the internet.

Jow Forumsacks are as bad as muslims when it comes to tacit approval of terrorism

>I know, but even if they didn't have autist Jow Forumsack losers to pin it on they'd invent one, that's what they do.

Fair enough, but why feed into their agenda? I've always seen pol as an eclectic truth seeking machine rather than a "DO ET FAGGOT" reactionary board. We've been infiltrated so many times, by intelligence organisations, by activist groups, by activist groups posing as inteliigence organisations etc. etc.

How about we make that narrative harder to craft for them, rather than handing them it on a plate?

>The ideology of Jow Forums is happenings.

Exactly, so why are we letting ourselves be engineered away from this? We're now at the point where people in the mainstream can legitimately pin particular agendas on us when that was never the point. It was only ever about the LULZ or what was interesting, but we got invaded over and over again and now nobody can directly show what pol is about.

That's the entire basis of my post. pol was never about having a particular agenda, so why are we allowing ourselves to be manipulated into having one? I always understood it as an agenda of chaos, but we never saw the deanonomisation of the internet and now there are eyes on this place more than ever. It's about clarifying what we're really about, and you said it, it's happenings. We're not the tool of an agenda, yet we've been manipulated to become one and I don't trust the hand that guides this.

OP is a faggot.

Maybe, but you replied to it so you're someone that talks with faggots.


>why feed into their agenda?
Jow Forums is a politically incorrect space, and as such its very nature is offensive to the sensitive. That cannot change, because it acts as a gatekeeper for those who would value niceties over truth, no matter how ugly.

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oh ok carry on then, desu I didn't really read your post I skimmed it

My main issue with the board right now is the serious-business posters. Board is currently no-fun-allowed because "we're not a movement but everyone who disagrees with THE BOARD CONSENSUS is a cia kike shill"

and also the christcuck boomers railing on about degeneracy

what a bunch of disgusting faggots.
We were a much more influential and intelligent bunch when we didn't think of ourselves as intelligent or influential. The memes guided us. Not our fickle minds.
But now the majority of anons believe "the memes are cia and discord tranny plants." Because they're boomer faggots.

I hate paranoia posters. So what if I'm posting alongside cia and mossad and trannys? Who cares? The more the merrier I say. They'll get skullfucked like everyone else.

Is there a culture you think is more conducive to ultimate interstellar colonization than white culture?

>ultimate interstellar colonization
newfags on this board are an-prim christcucks, the earth is flat and science is gay to them, they're here to get fucked by the demiurge in the ass. that's their purpose in life.

Colonization of the galaxy is a goal few people believe in, only the highest tier. everyone else is hedonist cattle

Why aren’t you a leader irl? Why aren’t we all?

AMAs belong on plebbit you faggot.

So tired of this demoralizing bullshit. Both you and I know that nobody is ever going to stop serial killers from doing their thing. And don’t pull some peterstein shit and tell us how to clean our room and ignore the white genocide agenda. More than anything that attitude will only aggravate everyone, including the soon to be killers. Do you know why? Because it’s a fucking lie. I’d never do what these people have done, but it’s like—they get redpilled and realize since they’re 4/10 they’ll only receive leftovers and without anything other than vidya and propaganda laced porn they have nothing to live for. There’s no church for them to support. Just nu-age joe Rogan DMT hippy horseshit. So if you’re going to level with people, do it up front and don’t beat around the bush with euphemistic attitudes about this or that. Call things as you see them.

If you agree that the playing field isn’t level, then just say that, and don’t apologize for lying faggots. Nobody likes apologists and for good reason. They’re fucking to cowardly to call a spade a spade. And if you can empathize with these guys as you say you can, don’t come at them with some carpetbagging attitude of soothing them with sweet lies, exactly what they’ve trained themselves to hate when PoC and jews do that.

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> there are many ways you can make it better before you think of blowing people away with whatever gun you have at your disposal.
is that what this is about? you concluded that the recent mass shooters aren't controlled opposition? (because as Jow Forums sees it they're patsies hopped up on antidepressants and mkultra, or outright fabrications.)
Tell me...are these shootings getting air play in the UK? Isn't there enough durka durka jihad happening over there already?

I've been interested in talking for years. But hardly anyone does. If the discussion isn't blindly repeating the same talking points, then most normies become offended and shut down.

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I agree with all of that, and when you're reading cia discord tranny posts always consider the posibility that it's some Jow Forumstard who's just doing it for the fun of it. That's how I approach everything on here.

I've got no issues with anything you've said here.

I'm one of these guys and I honestly want them to have better lives, spending their day responding to/accusing people of being shills is not valuable. I don't want this board to die but I want it's legitimate readers/posters to start spreading their influence in a different way.

I've done this myself and I acknowledge that it's an easier and more effective way to impact change and live your own life than the shit we do here.

Like you said, I come here for happenings. Not to shout down CTR/JIDF shills or whatever it is these days. I want to see the mad shit that MSM doesn't show the plebs.

I want all you guys to start blending in, that's how we win this. We take them to the micro game where our agenda is impossible to pin down, become the agents of chaos that we LARPed as when we were 16.

White culture is not a term I like, so if I correct it to enlightened western civilisation would you accept that?

If so, then no, I don't think there is a culture better than the one we were born into. The closest you might get is the hive mind chinese bug-people, but I wouldn't trust them to do anything other than steal the ingenuity of the west.

We dominated this planet for a reason. Evolutionary and climate factors made the populations of Europe superior problem solvers, it doesn't mean that other populations are incapable of learning, but we are the architects of the modern world and there can be no doubting that claim. We must defend that mantle.

Shooting up a walmart is not the way to do it.

Because I'm a monumental fuck-up. I blew my first career in banking by getting high every day and now I'm on the road to redemption by taking classes in computer science at what americans would call community college.

I'm a smart fuck, not the smartest, but I'm perceptive and I can get my way by soft measures more often than not.

Put it this way, I don't think someone would be reading/posting on this board if they weren't a fuck up. I'd wager the general genuine user of this board has an above average IQ and squandered it because society expected them to conform to it's structure rather than the reverse, hence a collective of lost souls.

That's why I made this thread, that's why I care about you guys. I want you all to improve, I want you all to spread and infect wider society. It's less dramatic than some sperg shooting spree but overall our ideas will shift the needle, and that's what matters.

Above all else, I think we all value the idea of individual thought.

I agree with you, but wouldn’t you agree that these killers are simply a predictable side effect of governments and tribal instincts that are set against the European population in America? Innovation is definitely the key to escaping this predicament, but simply ignoring the hostile forces set against you seems ridiculous and obviously counterproductive with respect to the very advent of those necessary innovations. A balanced approach is necessary—both defensive and offensive, if we are to achieve the long term goal of interstellar survival.

not everyone here is that mentally ill as to commit mass murder.

theres a lot of very good nature content on this site for example the "improve yourself" threads and the classical music and classical arts thread.

its actually quite surprising that the number of violent acts related to "chan culture" is super low compared to the number of users worldwide.

its VERY surprising that the "race world" doesn't happen considering 90% of people here meme about it (including me, I just want to watch the world burn...) you know what? all this millions of people are not going to do anything, they talk about guns and the constitution but nothing is gonna happen because only the true mentally will take a gun to shoot inocent people.

even back in the 90s with the LA riots NOTHING happened all the "white militia" members stayed away from that event. it was a perfect moment to take advance of the momentum but...nothing happened.

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>I want all you guys to start blending in, that's how we win this. We take them to the micro game where our agenda is impossible to pin down, become the agents of chaos that we LARPed as when we were 16.
I'm on board.

The rest of these fags though, good luck trying to get them to do anything.

Jow Forums is a shithole but I'm addicted. One day I'm gonna try to make a better forum for this type of funposting, but it'll take iterations and experiment.

>be minority
>be critical of neoliberalism
>be fan of guns
>be very funny and out there
>be outgoing
>be critical of capitalism
>into organic shit, health
>be from certain ethnic group suffering under a certain multi-ethnic empire that has invaded our clay
>use this cover to make people comfortable with nationalism and separatism

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The people most in need of Jow Forums's message are the Diaspora Jewish People. They see the false flags and think there is a groundswell of anti-semitism, and they are terrified. Thing is, everything Jow Forums says about avoiding degeneracy, being smart and prospering in life is exactly the same as what rabbinical judaism teaches. The most important thing in both philosophies is having smart children who will carry on the bloodline. The twisting of globhomo subversion hit them hardest of all. The intermarriage rate is off the charts for diaspora jews and their birthrates are worse than native white people's. Consider the effect of women delaying children for multiple advanced degrees and college sexuality, and what it does for a culture where there is an obligation to study hard six evenings per week, i.e. to acquire multiple advanced degrees.

The real integration that needs to happen is high-IQ Jow Forumsacks converting to judaism, or rather for Jow Forumsacks who have always had an essentially jewish soul to realize who they are.
> high IQ neurotic, anxious mama's boys
really would feel so much better in a tribe, y'know?

what's needed is a way that the Diaspora can feel safe (i.e. dispel fears of another six billion giftgas showers) without opening borders to low -IQ people who made their home countries unlivable.

The real duty of humankind is to colonize the stars. If people could just cooperate for 50 years or so, and stop burning quite so much wealth on retarded false-flags and proxy-wars, humankind could go out and settle the stars.

But at this rate, it won't happen. The Cabal (whoever they are) will control all sides into another war of disenfranchised Nations vs. non-Cabal Diaspora Jews and international commerce employing diverse individuals, and the next war will drop nukes on all the centers of power that oppose globhomo i.e. Cabal Family inherited rule over a fully ideologically brainwashed brown-mixed prole class.

So yes, Integrate.

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Are you the whitest man in Argentina?

You know what man, I totally agree with you. I don't think this will stop a single shooter but I'm hoping that it might make some of those who view these events with a nihilistic glee think about how the wider internet "community" sees these events.

The fact that you said "peterstein" tells me that you're at least somewhat familiar with Jordan Peterson's output. If you can't see value in his statement that people need to tidy their rooms before they try to fix the world then I feel sorry for you.

Also, don't hide behind a meme flag. It makes you look like a cunt. Your post has value, so I interacted with it, but a lot of it is just fashy goy bullshit that has little meaning behind it. I appreciate that it's coming from a real person though, unindoctrinate yourself my dude.

I've only ever called things as I've seen them in this read, read through my post history.

My entire agenda is that this isn't the way forward, and with more eyes on this corner of the internet than ever, the need for us to present ourselves as something other than neo-fascist retards is more important than ever.

I'm not worried about myself, I'll be fine. I'm here for you guys. Don't get dragged down, don't join alt-right movements. Don't make your online presences noticeably attachable to your real identity. Always have the ability to cut the chord.

>I'm an older user you can consider this an AMA.
the term is oldfag, redditfag, now fuck off, faggot.

Oh fuck off, Kek.
>become part of the nepotistic tribe in order to maintain your bloodline
Don’t you see how that’s the precise opposite of the main /pollack’s attitude? We want the world to conform to a system in which people succeed based on merit, not some loafer middle-man neurotic approach that settles for mere survival at the cost of excellence.

>the entire scope of mainstream media, intelligence services and investigative journalism infiltrating these forums
good! they shall all feast upon our meme gifts, and when they are done feasting they shall see that the memes have increased, for every time they consume a meme it creates another ten memes upon the meme feast table.

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> older
do you liek duck rolls?

The shootings are getting disproportionate airplay in the UK man, that's how I know there's an agenda. We don't care about gang violence in the US but we fucking love a "mass shooting" because it makes us feel like we're better than those simpletons in the US who don't simply ban all guns....

The shooters aren't controlled opposition, they aren't even opposition. They are the froth of a social science experiment. You know like those volcanos you made in school with vinegar and soap?

These mass shooters are the overspill of arguments that regular people can handle. Of course they're all fucking spergs, they think the world's about to end. And who can blame them? They've got nothing to live for, there's no light at the end of the tunnel for these people so how can you convince them to just hold tight?

Make no mistake though, they're 100% playing into the agenda. I don't believe they are directly brainwashed or ordered to attack, I believe these are the symptoms of a disaffected population, and it's the worst of us who act out in this way.

I'm calling for calm, I'm calling for a new approach and a deeper manipulation of society. A virus rather than a surface rash, which these attacks are.

So according to this faggot people need to sit, have dicks in their mouth and not do or say anything while leftists wish destruction of their race and nationality.

This, ironically, is why, as an older tard myself, I never even think about leaving this place.

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Btw I mostly memeflag in order to avoid the insults that rain upon my country of origin, although I have read some fascist doctrine which I agree with and which forms the basis for much of world history’s most fantastic collaborative efforts, the last half century of Jewish commie propaganda notwithstanding.

Screenshot is not mobile friendly. Next time resize you browser so the text isn't too long on a paragraph.

>Because I'm a monumental fuck-up.
Many of us are or were, user. The distinction between us and the whiny leftists is that we admit our failings while they blame everyone but themselves.
>I'd wager the general genuine user of this board has an above average IQ and squandered it because society expected them to conform to it's structure rather than the reverse, hence a collective of lost souls.
breddy much
We were taught one set of rules while growing up while at the same time the leftists who were taking control of institutions declared those rules racist, sexist, patriarchal, etc

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Oh, and back to r9k with you

I appreciate your interaction. I know you're not a shill or some shitposter but an actual person and it's nice to have the back and forth. It helps me further explain what I really mean.

when your shitty political movement is such garbage that you have to tell people not to cheer on mass murderers, I think it's beyond trying to reason with them. Let them wallow in their own filth, let them become more extreme, let them all off themselves one by one, and just hope they don't take others with them. I'm so tired of all the extreme edgy contrarianism and legitimate mental derangement from posters here, it did NOT used to be this way. It's always had a few crazy people, but never legitimate emotionless psychopaths cheering on mass murderers as they go on killing sprees. What the absolute fuck happened in your life that you became such violent, hateful and spiteful people?

I'll be sad if Jow Forums gets shut down. I've spent the better part of the last 13 or so years posting here, mostly on other boards but Jow Forums (and /new/) as well, but I've been hoping that Jow Forums would just get deleted for quite some time now while the rest of Jow Forums lives on, but it now looks like Jow Forums is going to take away everything else that we have.

Good answer, boomerbong user. I like the cut of your jib.

Fuck right off. You don’t know shit.

Yeah, you're completely full of shit
You aren't one of us and never have been
Back to plebbit

Ignore this disengenuous cunt.

>implying this is a new fad to cheer on mass murderers

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this is a concern trolling faggot. all you need to know about him, someone who pushes leftist stuff in a country thats fucked beyond everything and thats close to adopting sharia law. says all

Of course there is an agenda against them, all you need to do it google/look up twitter on "White People" and you'll see a level of race hate that we've been crushing as a society in all areas but relating to ourselves. I don't question that this is a response to something.

My claim is that it is an irrational and counter-productive response.

Think about it, the cause of black people in the UK/US isn't advanced by the race murder of whites by blacks in these countries. So why would we think it applies in reverse?

We're letting the worst of us dictate our agenda, with the race baiters and the accelerationists (which I'm partial to a bit) but in the long run it doesn't advance the cause.

If you find dogshit on your front path the solution isn't to stamp on it. You carefully move/remove it to avoid collateral and prevent more work in the future. These shooters are the equivalent of some retard jumping on shit in boots. They press it further into the ground and make it harder to remove in the long run.

I sort of get this vibe as well, but maybe he’s legitimately concerned.

You do understand that chan is full of bots.. right

he should be concerned what the state of his country is due to the ideology hes trying to push here

Well I’d feel the same if not for the fact that populations hostile to us have attacked the exact institutions responsible for maintaining an objective morality such as the church, as a means of dividing and conquering. All is fair, love and war. So can these populations be heard to complain when individuals lacking in moral virtue attack them?
>error, does not compute.jpg

only crazy psychos do what these kids did, why blame ten of thousands of posters for it?

I didn't read most of that because it's annoying to read hi res screen caps on a phone.

But yeah, while part of me enjoys these mass shootings, as I always have because happenings are the best, I agree with you these mass shootings do nothing but weaken our collective positions.

All they do is embolden libtards and feed into the EVUL WHITE INCEL GUNS ARE EVIL crowd. Imagine if the mass shootings just stopped and we went years and years with no more events like this. The left would have jackshit for antigun arguments. But retarded nerds keep pulling this shit.

Any of you potential shooters out there, just stop. You're fucking it up for the rest of us. If you want to kill redguards in skyrim use a fucking chainsaw or something. Stop giving these fuckers excuses to take our guns away.

No, I'm saying you need to improve your life away from this place so that your political opinions carry more weight as you improve your social status.

The best way to defeat the left is to indirectly make them feel that their ideas are stupid, not direct confrontation.

Trust me, this is the better path. Undermine rather than frontal attack.

>I blew my first career in banking by getting high every day and now I'm on the road to redemption by taking classes in computer science
hahahahaha bong is learning to code. meme comes to life. golden kek. try Durga Babo Sir training company, i hear they are good with java.

good luck and may you do well bong. atm only real thread here.

Taking responsibility for one's own failings has been a life changing experience for me.

We were taught that we were the problem, people with an overly left-wing agenda were told that they were perfect little flowers and it was the rotten world that needed sorting.

There's no doubting that, the question is how to best beat them. I believe it's a strategy of gentle nudges rather than grand displays of force that will prove more effective in the long run.

this war wont be wont be won with just words if all the institutions goverment, media etc are dominated by leftist ideologies. you want people to sit with dicks in their mouth, processes are already happening lad. not surprised coming from such a faggot from such country, you must be enjoying the situation there and fighting the left with words

>Taking responsibility for one's own failings has been a life changing experience for me.
My life only started to improve when I did.
>I believe it's a strategy of gentle nudges rather than grand displays of force that will prove more effective in the long run.
I agree, it has to be a series of mental jailbreaks via arguments that make sense that they've never heard before and that they can't easily ascribe to simply being rayciss.

Shills or retards? Hard to tell

>No, I was born in 91