Lets just fucking relax and fucking chill out...

Lets just fucking relax and fucking chill out, who the fuck cares what color your skin is or what you think about religion or your politcal alignment.


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Fuck off nigger

fuck niggers

but why?

agreed. I want a brown friends. some of them look so cute. I want us to be friends and do stuff together like play video games, watch anime etc

>t. someone who has never actually met a nigger
I live in a majority black area, op.
They aren't just dark-skinned white people.

whites extended the olive branch time and time again but niggers keep violating the NAP

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because they're niggers

lol bro just chill out, jus relax man take a few more oxys while we pillage your land and women and steal everything you own lol relax dog

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go back to africa nigger

Fuck off nigger and/or kike shill

You have no place here or anywhere

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hate drives these racist people, fren

i too... have hate

This. They got everything since 1865 and have only been getting worse. If insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results then the solution is to start rescinding nigger enablement.

If it were only physical appearance I would not be racist at all. It's far beyond physical appearance. It's different talking patterns, culture, crime rates, intelligence, everything else... Completely incompatible with one another.

I'm not advocating for the genocide of anyone. I want peaceful coexistence in separate ethnic states for those who wish to live in such a place.

On the other hand, some people do wish to be race traitors, and I think that should be allowed as well in separate nations away from ethnic states. (such nations would be buffer states between the races)

Win,win,win for everyone...

Racist people get there own place, anti-racist people get there own place. Everyone is happy.

>New Zealand
shitskin or chink?

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"Nigger music told me racism bad"

Ok retard

No one truly hates anyone for the color of their skin,they hate the criminality and the degeneracy

using emotions to subdue an enemy, calls for
the greatest judgement ever.

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Chink, too articulate for a monkey.


Noting the biggest mass shooting is the one you never hear about - Las Vegas. Like it never happened. More than 80 people right? Shooting from multiple angles, dead witnesses, no explanation. So until we get answers, don't bother me with any removal of non-whites. Go back to your shithole if you don't feel safe.

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It's not simply about skin color you NPC faggot

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Giving them anything was a mistake. Change my mind.

Die antifa coon take your nigs with you!

Shut up you gas huffing Abbo. Who taught you how to type?

>They got everything since 1865

Jim Crow is what they got you brainlet. Are you even trying?

You want to just meet your imaginary group of non-coethnic friends at the local fried chicken part franchise to be entertained by the not from your town employees of the local telesports show?

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$50 Trillion since 1965. What did I get? The bill.