Could you guys stop being fucking psychos before you get this site shut down and turn the internet in general into a police state. I want to shitpost about cartoons and K Pop in fucking peace
Fuck Jow Forums it was supposed to be a board for OC, not a haven for aspergers syndrome
Not politically relevant. Fuck niggers fuck kikes fuck jannies fuck OP and fuck the media lurkers
Jose Hill
If you don't know how to tie a noose, I can show u bud.
Kayden Gonzalez
>Could you guys stop being fucking psychos before you get this site shut down and turn the internet in general into a police state. I want to shitpost about cartoons and K Pop in fucking peace
Austin Cooper
uh didn’t they basically split Jow Forums for just this reason?
>Fuck Jow Forums it was supposed to be a board for OC, not a haven for aspergers syndrome Jow Forums in general was pretty much made to be a haven for Aspergers syndrome >K pop Please kill yourself unironically
Jaxson Murphy
>shitpost about cartoons and K Pop in fucking peace Enjoy your 3 post an hour lifestyle.
Jordan Roberts
Assholes like you are why we're gonna end up with a Chinese style "intranet." Enjoy your own home-grown Jingjing and Chacha.