He destroyed Trump's 2020 chances

Attached: 1540693843258.jpg (680x383, 63K)

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No, no, no. It's cool.
Trump went through and deleted all his tweets with words like "invasion".

Oh, plus after that guy wrote a 4 page manifesto that was basically just copypasted Trump speeches and quotes, he added a part about how he wasn't influenced by Trump.
He'd held those views for years.
You know, since he was a kid.

So many slide threads today.

Not even close to a little bit, Mossad.

And this guy restored it.

Attached: leftie.jpg (1648x708, 200K)

Imagine thinking you will get out of the hole you dug this easily.

yea he did, he helped us all realize that trump is a spineless coward bitch.

mcafee 2020

Attached: JOHN MCAFEE.png (1167x584, 867K)

you mean the dems, Seth Rich'd Trump's chances with a psyop more beautiful than what they did in Waco Texas? NPCs must be celebrating

oh noes!!! who will sell out to israel and save the little nigga rappers?