Where are you guys headed if both 8 and Jow Forums are shut down?

Me personally I will probably go to stormfront for a while. Or maybe bodybuilding.com and try to redpill those meatheads

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Other urls found in this thread:


I have plenty of pol memes downloaded. I’m just gonna go and print and post them IRL everywhere

I think we should decide on a central location to migrate to. Any ideas? We need a homebase of operations

I'll fill the void and launch a new clone.

honestly I hope it happens because the have sex meme is starting to get to me

Back to r/conspiracy until they ban me again

the mods there are the only reasonable mods left on leddit

>Me personally I will probably go to stormfront for a while. Or maybe bodybuilding.com and try to redpill those meatheads
OP is an honest-to-God faggot.

sex is for animals. procreation is for men.

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I will have nowhere to go. I have never used any other “social media” site in my life. I started going to this god forsaken place when I first started using the internet as a literal “I’m 12 and what is this”, and after 11 years of that I wouldn’t have any idea what else to do.

Most of Jow Forums came from bb.com years ago and already are based roid heads like myself

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long naps, vidya and some outdoors

Yeah discuss it in detail and come to a clear agreement on this so we can take care of that place ASAP.

youtube comments

my local walmart

I literally got banned for telling an anti-vaxxer he is a walking bioweapon. The mods let the plebbitors play as long as they toe the line but they're still crooknoses.

>have sex incel
This gets to you? You need to up your awareness of enemy tactics, my friend.

seriously stop
it's getting me down and im sick of it

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go back faggots

Oregon, lots of affordable land. Now who’s with me ?

Ammunation in GTA5

imagine the torrent of shit that will happen when 4 and 8 chins are gone. They will regret it lol, no matter how many bans or auto ban word filters they make

have sex

Internet meet reality. I like it.

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Every single news website that allows commenting.

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This. There's already tonnes of backups if the two biggies get censored. That's why they won't be InShallah

I stopped going there after it seemed like 50% or more were shills around election time.

>Being a pro vaccine coward
Jesus Christ talk about fucking literal cancer that's infesting this site.

You literally can't keep cocks out of your ass, kike.

Bodybuilding forums are for ultra creeps
>Jow Forums
>bodybuilding bug chasers fantasy

Have (a word filter which is nothing like having) sex, incel.

If they shut this down I’m going to plan something big and on important targets in Minecraft.

You just need to get out there and find a 6/10
>pic related

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Mountains, hills, high places.

lots of liberal faggots there too.....hmm maybe

Don't say shit everyone stfu

I guess there's endchan.

I’ll bring the coolaid

>have sex
Incel…...hurr duurrrrr you got us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got banned for one comment

Jow Forums can't die

If only Jow Forums gets killed instead of the sites as a whole we could try to take over leftypol and other commie shitholes




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My thoughts exactly. This sounds like intel collection. All I will say is that there WN forums out there that are way better than Stormfront. Meaning no jew mods and censorship. Find them.

just ask if you can be unbanned, I did and they unbanned me


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Probably just cut the cable and undergo a lengthy pilgrimage from the Internet, maybe become a mountain man, live vicariously through shitposting in old books.

The faggot counter clerk shot me in the back while I was hiding from the cops in his store the other day.

There's a billion other chans.

Or just go to encyclopedia dramatica or overchan to search the whole list.


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heading back to supersecret leafychan, everything outside of leaf ip are banned and vpns get owned >:-)

Guess I'll go back to Ebaums.

And that's what real anons do !!

Since I'm here forever if this is the end I'll just assume it's really the end and move on with a smile.

already here. let's make it uncomfortable for these faggots.

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prob here or similar

>over sexualized furry meme
it's like you want more

Yeah but I'd hate to see Jow Forums go down

Reddit! Le upboat! Epic my good sir, you win the internet today!

Daily Stormer. They at least have a darkweb backup plan, and it's unlikely the kikes would try to shut down tor, as it would affect their ability to trade child porn.

How come we don't have a IRC? Hell, even a (((discord)))?




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Maybe half of them, but the fact you can’t call out shills ruined that place

I’d probably. Get on with my life. Being here isn’t good for me, but I honestly think I’m addicted to the kind of stimulation this site provides.

Whichever chan is the closest to Jow Forums. I am not going to stop liking what I like just because some kikes remove a site I like.

Problem is it's too small.

isnt there a tor site?

Krautchan's Jow Forums board is lit

Back to IRC, maybe the forums on private trackers but for some reason those forums are pozzed to oblivion despite being illegal sites distributing copyrighted material.

You need to get some black pussy and shut yo dumb ass up.

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Not anymore.

>Someone please make a IRC
Someone please make a IRC
>Someone please make a IRC
Someone please make a IRC
>Someone please make a IRC
Someone please make a IRC

Theres all kinds of chins out there. Onion, 7, 2, nein, etc

Of course I could always murder random niggers stupid enough to wander out into the country. Ballistics tests on revolvers are hard to do since casings arent left behind and boy howdy nobody gives a fuck about a dead nigger when you dump the corpse back in ghetto. I guarantee they wont bother investigating anything, just another dead nigger like the last 26 yesterday.

You can't even post kike or nigger on the most popular forum there.

>Or maybe bodybuilding.com and try to redpill those meatheads
lots of miscers are already redpilled .

Really? It once was big, then decreased in size.

Unironically plebbit to fuck shit up

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I don't want chlamydia.


8 chan is going down forever in like 20 minutes. You didn't hear about it?

I had sexual yesterday

>printing gifs and webms

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can i request a dump?

they're forcing us to create a decentralised alternative to the web. Perhaps we need to research another way to connect to the internet. or some sort of hybrid method that uses packet radio or tesla style earth vibrations or something in conjunction with software to obfuscate ip's

Dude I have a gf that's constantly horny and I'm always looking for excuses not to fuck. No I'm not gay (I s-swear) it's just too much effort. I'm not even that out of shape. Why fuck when i can shitpost with my frens

You should really stop connecting with these sites. They only serve to ruin your mood. If you really want to join a good cause, thne you should be promoting natural medicine and meditative healing instead and spreading the word around.

You should know that the so-called "coloured" people only exist so long that the collective minds of the white people are kept in the state of anger and fustration. They will no longer be a problem once the whole country gives up the system which suspends them in the state of angryness.

Don't believe me? I walked through a black neigborhood once. Some people did make rude comments about me, but ono one even injured my middle finger, even when I slouched in someone's shed(that was during my homless days).

Sites like this one only keep you in the state of angry illusions. Give them up!

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fuck off with this schizo shit

>reddit spacing
>autistic spelling
Did you stop being homeless because shareblue offered you a job?

we're bringing flip books back

no u for u. pretty shit bait for typing a lot stopped reading at natural medicine pretty sad 0/10 lurk moar


The streets

it won't happen

another chan?

where else would I go but a chan, haha

zerohedge is funny...
