Does anyone actually take him seriously anymore?

Richard Spencer and his "policy" institute, NPI, have lost relevance, convince me otherwise

Attached: spencer-racist-tweet.jpg (1258x708, 593K)

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No. Everyone knows that he is from an elite background and has humanities degrees. He is larping.

Richard Spencer is such a terrible representative for whites and white interests that if he isn't a glownigger he might as well be one. He is the perfect caricature of the smarmy greasy haired asshole people have been conditioned to imagine when they try to picture a white supremacist. While ours is a fight for white sovereignty, many of his statements are white supremacist. Even though it is true we are supreme to other races in many regards, taking that stance publicly in the fight for white nationalism makes the battle much much harder than it already is.

No one ever took him seriously in the first place, he was just a convenient face that the media could parade around as a personification of the nebulous "alt-right"

Richard Spencer is a good man fighting the good fight. He does more than the shitposters here by a long shot. Same with Jared Taylor and Steve Bannon.

Never did

I liked him better as a podcaster interviewing Bowden

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Cuckservatives and centrists can fuck off. You have no future.

This. He talks like a faggot and he's terrible at making articulating a point in person

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Dumbass forgot the real niggas. Koch, Merzers, King Soros, and Israel

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What happened to Conte? What's his next move? What actually tool place with them and has he ever said anything about Spencer? If anybody knows the truth it's him.

Attached: e8a234a2-837a-4257-8703-d038f8c89bcf-large16x9_GregConteTwitter.png (986x553, 827K)

Jow Forums has lost relevance. Convince me otherwise.

this. he insults everyone with his pompous attitude. He is not astute at all in selling his brand. Thus he does more damage than good.

I don’t know how anyone of you faggots took this guy serious. Ever. He flowed in the dark from the get go. Agent Provocateur. You have to be a inbred, low iq retard to ever take this faggot serious.

That CIA nigger is for sure a white supremacist

>if he isn't a glownigger he might as well be one. He is the perfect caricature of the smarmy greasy haired asshole people have been conditioned to imagine when they try to picture a white supremacist. While ours is a fight for white sovereignty, many of his statements are white supremacist.
He has the pedigree for being CIA / FBI. It would not surprise me if we find out years from now that certain people were glow niggers.

Dude stfu
You have no idea what you are talking about. Spencer has never been wrong.

>Richard Spencer is a good man fighting the good fight. He does more
Fuck you. Spencer is an asshole.

>What happened to Conte? What's his next move? What actually tool place with them and has he ever said anything about Spencer? If anybody knows the truth it's him.
Good question. Greg, you're reading this. What happened? What are you doing now?

This is what I would expect a Jew to say.