With cripple chan’s impending doom.. I say we give them a compromise.
Here me out.
You want to keep your free speech? Fine. I agree with you.
In order to keep cripple chan, you must unmask the villian behind these ruthless, senseless attacks. We are a board of peace. It’s time we pressure turd chan into revealing who is behind Q once and for all. Please, on behalf of the people of the United States — show yourself.
Other urls found in this thread:
this just in! Q's identity leaked by Anonymous
Q is glow in the dark, jfc
Q here
Find a man to kiss tonight
Kiss him and wait for further instruction
Trust the plan
- Q
Fuck off Q is just a boomer larp. This Q shit has ruined Jow Forums and has made me hate all boomers.
Some fed faggot, maybe even the big bean Jim Comey himself
Planned and Q-Pilled
His identity is widely available and he's not exactly secretive
Holy shit, I never thought you retards would believe my shitty larp. I was just bored one night, I've literally only made a 'Qanon post' once. You're following a bunch of copy cats. Please, take your meds, schizos.
Its Peter Thiels Palantir
Okay, what do I do next?
fpbp. Q is mossad.
truth is, Hillary hired me to be Q for a day
Top kek
Q is a random larper when he is not a Russian troll. You are a fucking idiot if you don’t realize this.
Q is Jews
so...why is q the most successful larp of all time by a huge margin? no larp has ever lasted more than a few threads this shit has lasted 3 years? where are all the copy cats using the q larp formula?
gas yourself newfaggot
>mfw 4+4chinz is being nuked because of q
really activates my almonds
I think it is that kike rat. Just my guess. But still, whoever it is needs to be revealed. I thought it was illegal to be a vigilante and a terrorist organizer.
when has Jow Forums ever been opposed to nuking the jews?
It was created based on data analytics. Persuading people has never been easier.
Memetic warfare is real , do you really think all those new memes that show up non stop are some random user creating them?
Teams of professional data analysts professionally create them and disseminate them.
Homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity.
Q here
Go back to R3ddit
The wind blows eaSt
Eat dogfood for breakfast
Pee in the sink
The storm gathers
Shemitah comes
- Q
>calls someone a newfag when he believes in a literal newfag shitty larp
take your pills, schizo
>failed to unmask the Jester
>failed to unmask Q numerous times
Been tried, you'll fail. But this will be good.
Do you want to die? Delete this
You, personally, should hate yourself instead.
>mfw plebbit spacing
>mfw can't even into greentext
eat a bucket of AIDS, douchebag
Qraig Wright
you’re forsure cia dude. your comebacks are like a little bit above bart simpson and miles worse than eric cartman.
the leaked document where the fbi or cia exposed itself also had the same kind of insults. oh and he called him out for “plebbit spacing”.
you’re a huge fucking pussy and fuck 3 letter niggers.
The whirlpool is spinning
Mom and dad are splitting
If you want to be my friend
Put my dick in your hand
If 8 gets shoah'd, Q will probably move to Voat. Q requested that the subverse be created for a time in the future when a platform outside of 8 will be needed.
I am Q.
Q here.
Shit cum in my pants
Look north and then in the past
know the code when the time is right
proof of Q being mossad you fucking retard
>a little bit above bart simpson and miles worse than eric cartman
>you’re a huge fucking pussy and fuck 3 letter niggers.
top jej
you glow-in-the-dark trannies stand out like your adam's apples
Bots replying to bots...
anons i’m serious is there any real leads besides Sloppy Microchip?
i feel like this is something that could be figured out in a day.
this isn’t a slide thread you fucking moron. this is called sarcasm to get the truth out of morons.
What? training the american populace to do literally nothing but "enjoy the show" as jews take over all services such as that orthodox kikess that was just promoted to the NSA cyber unit or "based jewish people if you don't support'em with your cash you're ash" congressmen ratcliffe? what kind of proof are you looking for? a Unit8200 memo describing the comings and goings of Q? get real.
>eat a bucket of aids
bobs burgers and master of none humor. you’re forsure a millennial.
You get the rope
>if it wasnt for Q people would be revolting
Q is more believable than your premise
Its happening. My load is about to drop.
Q predicted this.
perfect storm of boomers entering the internet and newfag invasion from 2016 election
Listen I don't buy into the Qanon crap, but it is 100% critical he doesnt grt revealed or in trouble. We need to draw the line all speech is free speech, he hasnt called for any violence he just gets people worked up and crazy. Its them not him. If he gets revealee who's next? You? Me? We need to hold off this impending tyranny for a little longer.
I'm Q
>training the american populace to do literally nothing but "enjoy the show"
i'd say q has gotten more normies to pay attention to deep state fuckery than before, which is a good thing
naming the jew is not a practical approach newfren
>bobs burgers and master of none humor. you’re forsure a millennial.
you forgot where i called that faggot a douchebag, those shows are trash, and you have to go back, cunt
This symbol crops up a lot in Independence Day: Resurgence. Is it a Q? The final boss is a queen.
Every time I eat my waffles in the morning, I make sure to eat the eat the edges first. I continue to eat in a circle, making sure to maintain a perfect square on every fourth bite. But this morning I took a bite right out of it, it felt like complete chaos, it was just so wrong and evil.
You will shit your bed tonight.
Trust the plan.
Waffle House
On haunted Hill
Wind blows eaSt
And penned
Its will
- Q
this thread is cancer and OP is a faggot
>in all fields
Don’t you dare predict me shitting on the Waffle House booth seat, it’s happens before.
Nigger chimp
Beats shit
Out of
Your wife
what is the solution to the boomer question?
shit bot here start over
Dude imagine being Mossad right now just knowing that your day of reckoning is coming as the DOJ moves on Epstien, your false flags are more obvious than ever, and your shadow hegemony is crumbling.
Man, I'd be gassing myself if I were those guys. How pathetic.
You think we would just identify the Q-fag to you? Wwg1wga. Wigww4m. It's not that easy, you wigwam wearing wigger.
[B]ros (b)efore [H]oes.
Barack (be) Husse(l)in.
Obama has the same numerological letter-by-letter value as Amabo. (Wow!)
Amabo = Obama
Equilibrium. Destruction of opposites.
Your mom should have called you Otto instead.
Sucks to be you. Only acceptance can heal you now.
So learn to TrUsT tHe pROcEEsS
Q user is the greatest hero of the past 500 years.
Why are you asking?
Will there be fireworks, if I sit back and wait long enough? I know you've already answered this, but I just want to hear it in your voice, Q.
And We Pretend to Know he's not BSing Us
Romans 8:28
top kek
Q user is just a fan fiction of the book “Q” by Luther Blissett
Retards don’t read though so I guess it makes sense that they believe in conspiracy theories.
>who is behind Q
>Remember goys it's the Nazis!! Ignore how Jews are the ones that controll the media and banks
OP we can't reveal the je-I mean Q here. don't be silly
he's an oldfag from here, and is involved with the NSA and/or DNI currently
the fact you faggots are so scared of him should be enough to any lurkers in this shithole
Has any of what he has said ever happened? "Hillary will be arrested soon" he said in 2017, "New regime for Iran!" was he yelling a jew, All the times he was saying that big stuff was going to happen "that week" and never happened, Declass didn't happen...
Explain this please.
tbqh i'm almost positive that shit is fake
ah, cleaver, very very cleaver
you may even get a promotion soon if you keep shilling like this user
That's some Q plus shit right there