Based Muslim BTFOs Jow Forums

How can you faggots even try to reply to this? I am smiling right now imagining your red and flustered faces, spittle flying from your pearly whites as you foam impotently. Your ideas will be eradicated, your grandchildren will be brown, there will be no more white race.

Attached: BC51745A-0C5E-463E-8D77-1177E0A7BC3B.jpg (750x820, 145K)

>Spics and Jews are now white nationalist kkk members
Wew lad


>Labeling over half of americans as terrorists.
Please do. A C C E L E R A T E FASTER

ya I just report it

>people who hate guns wanting to eradicate half the population
Boy oh boy, that'll go well

froth at the mouth much?

>wah muh feefees
You maggots are so pathetic. Here’s some twitter wisdom to enlighten your day

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Sounds like someone has Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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>Aslan's family came to the United States from Tehran in 1979, fleeing the Iranian Revolution. He grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area.[5]

An iranian immigrant has the gall to point fingers and decide who it what.
We are truly in the end-times.