8ch is dead

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Fuck, I was learning Japanese with some of the lads there

they're gone now user banished to fb

It would literally take me less than 2 hours to spin up a clone of the chan boards. Its like these idiots think they can take down a media format... these image boards are simplistic and require little to no maintenance. You just gotta pay the bandwidth usage.


Fucking shame honestly. I was only visiting the other day when this place had all those women-hate spammers washing through; it seemed so well-organised. Like spam actually got deleted and the threads were typically on topic. And now this.

All this because somebody posted yet another of those shooting threads on there? Because it's supposedly on them when some crazed bastard feels the need to stroke his ego? How can you just condone this?

Well, I guess there is no more white nationalism in the US now. That solved the problem once and for all. Let's go turn on CNN to get our news, then maybe catch some Big Bang Theory reruns and wait for the next sportsball game we're told we're interested in.

Go to end chan.