Damn bros, just look at all these drug dealers, muggers and burglars! They totally deserved to get killed by a enraged incel. Praise kek, he saved the huwhite race!
Damn bros, just look at all these drug dealers...
lmao all disgusting shits
Fuck off Russian faggot
i even spot jewy looking goblins.
right top, and right middle.
those are the people who shart in mart
All spic names, our guy has a good eye for the invaders.
Mexicunts btfo.
The survivors should go home like our leader Trump says
>families and an old lady are robbers and drug dealers now
this place makes me sick, you should all be in a special jail for the rest of your lives
you are confused, fren. it's a race war, not a police raid.
damn he did a really good job cleaning house, those are some nasty-looking spics. feel kinda bad for the ricardo guy and the grandma though, they look semi-white. some innocents have to die for the greater cause. the fire rises
They look whiter than most Italians.
Fuck off, faggot. I bet your name is Ruslan or Eldar, and those creaturas are whiter than you.
I'm glad low IQ spergs like you are being monitored when they post this now.
And that's another reason not to believe it was even real to begin with
I feel bad for all of them. Imagine getting gunned down by a retard.
If you want to get rid of "invaders" then mail your congressmen anthrax or something. Indiscriminate murder is never justified.
stfu junglebean
>he thinks i'm not posting behind 7 proxies
Dont worry.
4*2chan and Jow Forums are actively monitored by the FBI. Even a news article mentioned that 4×2chan was useful to the Feds.
>moralfagging on an anonymous anime imageboard
Too many A's in those names.
ALWAYS justified, clean this plant
Nuclear war now!
unlike spergchan, Jow Forums is a board of peace.
the daughter freaking out to the news crew about her mom, englisbee, really got to me
all spics… Finally we are starting good old race war
dios mio....
Where are the Americans? I thought it happened in USA.
>mexico is so bad even little old grandmas want to murder you
Wow mexico really is fucked, we should send them all back.
Kek checked and based and redpilled
Checked af
Yeah too bad feds are incompetent retards that don't do anything to stop it.
Wallow in your impudence, cuck.
>he thinks he has anonymity from intelligence agencies
The only thing that hides most people is the sheer amount of things posted on the internet. If they are looking at this board and for this specifically you're fucked lol
I wonder what we've truly lost. Best case scenario is people learn to evolve past such primordial filth... somehow it doesn't seem worth the blood been spelt
So they shooting up the people where Trump's wall should stand.
This. It's not like the average layspic knows that they are being used by greater (((forces))). Attacks like these have 0 effect and are needlesly evil. As long as you dont hurt the puppetmasters themselves, nothing will happen.
Im barely moralfagging. The perp looks retarded as fuck is all.
Getting killed by a random sperg would piss me off. At least try to look as if you "deserve" to have power over other peoples lives. Instead he looks like a feeble, genetic dead end. Fuck.
Americans aren't going to take away guns, that's just political talk, they might ban guns, but not stop selling them, after all they even sell to Saudi Arabia to make cash. At best they going to collect more money by handing out tickets for breaking some gun law.
>Getting killed by a random sperg would piss me off.
No you wouldn't because you would be dead.
Baw someone shat on my based genetic dead end
god fucking dammit man how can you call yourself human most of them are middle aged parents how can you justify killing these people? look at the dad in the bottom left now his children won't get to see him again put yourself in their fucking shoes
Jacklin a cute
My ghost is going to seethe for a very long time. At least long enough to drag the fucker to hell.
that pic is proof enough that the race war is already over
The time for sorrow ended and every tear being dry when Epsteins of the world flooded, raped white people and enslaved them in own countries. Then we also had transsexual pedophiles. What's there to cry about? I could cry about many things, then i would die from all the tears. This is nothing but a quarter drop of shit into big pile of dinosaur diarrhea. Capitalism has no life value to begin with, it's all about doing what money masters want, nobody cares if you are crazy from depression or sorrow, they only care about public points they can score. Mass murder in capitalism is like taking a shit.
They should all be in Mexico desu
this basically proves white people can tell the difference between white and hispanic white at a glance.
All of them look spic to me. So he did target spics. Nice. Didn't they say only a few were mexican? Fucking fake news.
>being upset about dead people
>commie flag
Oh boy, it's like you know nothing about the history of your ideology.
mexican nationals, you can be mexican american and not a mexican national
based shooter
beaners btfo
Yes. This whole event seems to be an internal matter restricted to within the jewish community. Let them sort it out in their own way.
>genetic dead end
at least be subtle with your proxyfagging
They're Invaders, nothing more. The only tragedy is that more weren't removed.
I can't even pronounce any of their names, who cares.
Plenty more where that came from.
>nose ring
>1 post by this ID
Fuck off glowing nigger.
fuck off if they came legally then they aren't "invaders". also the shooter is a fucking pussy he should of went to some ghetto neighborhood not to fucking walmart like the pussy he is. did killing those middle aged people "achieve" anything?
Pretty shitty. I live among the dregs of American spics, and the people pictured look like far better human beings than what I see every day. Brainlet went to like the nicest part of town and shot a bunch of non-criminal, non-welfare, Americanized spics. Hell even the Mexican nationals were probably shopping for the day before they went back to Juarez, and aren't the ghetto 400lb. anchor-baby factories that are actually destroying our society.
He is a jew. A Converso. Why are jews so violent ?
>walmart not a ghetto
wait.. he killed adolfo?
>those are some nasty-looking spics
You're unironically retarded. This is what nasty-looking spics look like.
Christians are filthy kys kike lover.
Half of these are white. Nice job shooter, genociding your own race.
3 old ladies and middle aged men are ghetto. please do us a favor and go kys you fucking pussy. the shooter is a coward if he truly wanted to "cleanse" anything he should of killed people that are invading not people that are fucking 40+ shopping at walmart.
it wasn't real. none of them are.
JUST LIE is the rule.
Fuck off (((you))) 8chn is a board of peace and along with cuckchan.
im laughing so hard, especially at the kid who died, we stopped one from breeding, goodjob boys
He's culturally appropriating a White name and deserved to die for it
the others deserved to die because they are gross spics
Superbad was a funny movie... But a shame it's all Kikes...
If I was going to proxyfag Id use my Swede VPN desu.
The city's name is Spanish and its a short drive from the border.
Its like living in alsace lorraine and complaining about German invaders.
Anyone who wears glasses before 40 should be put in a watchlist
yes we all know he was a pos...
>be glownigger
>have to wade through multiple private and public tor relays in countries around the globe, pluggable transport, computer encryption just to go after someone for wrongthink
yeah okay niggerfaggot. they don't give a flying fuck and they wouldn't be able to find me anyways
Read The Talmud
But But shills told me he only killed 3 mexicans.
The rest were white pplz.
Roasties,Mexicans and Boomers blown the fuck out
One of the women killed is literally named Coca.
So what, am I supposed to cry for everyone who wants me dead
No one is saying they deserved to be killed you retard
Why do these losers never go for commies and anti-whites and people with institutional powers in minecraft? What a bunch of fucking cowards. These guys see a self-hating white leftists scream about how much they hate them, their race, and every single European cultural aspect, and they just kiss their feet, because all whites are special. Bunch of fags, they cannot even deny it. Because there has never been an attack on leftists. They however, will be glad to attack conservatives. They are also pussies who use guns, looks like the Japanese are smarter given the Kyoani fire.
walmart pride worldwide!
are you reading this thread?
RIP Ricardo
not a single American name
really makes me think is the shooter dare i say it... BASED?!!
They would probably still be alive if they stayed in Mexico.
$100 that incel got angry because Jacklin choose Arturo over him
Adolfo looks like the father in arrested development.
she was his niece
Shut your whore fucking mouth, unlike you italians are bros
She ain't making choices now.
for all we know youre the glowfag posting retarded wignat shit online to get other people to do the same