Be leaf

>Be leaf
>Go to Walmart
>Don't get shot

Attached: leaf-girl.png (2048x2048, 88K)

>go home, put away bags of milk
>pay rent to chinese landlord
>have sex with dog in accordance with Canadian law

Attached: peak leaf degeneracy.png (500x780, 191K)

You mean canada tire

Do you even have wallmarts? I thought leafs eat moose shit.

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Outrageous, Canadians can't keep getting away with it

>take out trash, set them on curb next to other trash bags
>whoops, it's your Muslim neighbor's wives sitting outside
>apologize profusely
>go inside, watch tv
>Canada's Prime Minister promotes sodomy and chemical child abuse
>guzzle another quart of maple syrup until you pass out
>wake up next day
>repeat cycle forever
>pray for death

> never comes

Attached: prime sodomist of canada.jpg (634x498, 98K)

That’s it. You’re North Mexico from now on. That means no more asylum seekers, no more hand outs, stop sneaking our freedoms over the border, give us back our Netflix passwords, and if we see you around our dog again we will shoot first and ask questions later. This is your only warning, snow Mexicans.

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>be leaf
>go to Walmart
>pay $40 for a pound of ground beef

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why is 100% of leaf girl art total shit? is terrible anatomy a stylistic choice?

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>and if we see you around our dog again we will shoot first and ask questions later
you can't stop our love

>bags of milk $3/L
>decide to save some Yuan and buy a 2 pack of $50/kg steaks
>go to self serve because the register hands only speak Hindi
>have to eat dinner with hands because cutlery is illegal now

yeah and we don't even get the estrogen and flouride filled beef like the chads in the states either

lol, I get mine from Walmart for like $5

>Be burger
>Go to Walmart
>Watch spics get shot
>Go home and eat cheesy puffs

non whites are bad artistes

Attached: aussies_are_really_like.jpg (2440x1283, 633K)

I’d rather be shot.

Then why are you still such feminized sheep?

>Be leaf.
>Be unimportant in every way across the entire world.

Seriously, even England forgot about you, and they used to own you. They just forgot. That's how unimportant you are.

>imagine if your entire national identity revolves around making it clear to people you weren’t your bigger, wealthier, and more attractive neighbor

Isn't it funny that we never hear about Canada?
Like literally, they just sit up there discussing the US and Europe all day, every single day, and we don't pay them any fucking attention.
If it weren't for emmasculated cucks like this talking about themselves they'd never be brought up. It's actually really fucking pathetic.

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>be leaf
>go to sobeys
>have to pay $40/kg for chicken breast
>see picture of farmer laughing her ass off on package
>shoot self

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>be leaf
>ching chonk, poodle ramen, chong ching

Attached: cucknada.jpg (1280x1235, 280K)

>be leaf
>go to walmart

more like
>go down to burger land
>buy all your dairy and gas
>go back to leaf land and don't get shot

Attached: 1535418677482.jpg (1024x768, 93K)

All I have to do is post and you burgers talk non-stop about us. Keep it up fatty!

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>be leaf
>be gay
>shots himself

>be leaf.
>go to walmart.
>cant afford any of the food in there.

based and leafpilled

>be American
>can't spell

>your face when that laws been changed
you mad bro we can go to walmart and not get our brains blown out by a loser beta male incel?

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I want to kiss Leaf-tan

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>be swede
>never go to walmart
>get stabbed

All you have to do... is post... about yourself...
and then we discuss you.

Wow. Supreme logic there.

>go down to burgerland
>don't get shot
>jump on Jow Forums and pretend as if you didn't just go to burgerland and not get shot

We have a home for you here in Minnesota, friend. You'll feel right at home, there's even a college named after Gustavus Adolphus. You can even carry a gun here.

I joined this thread simply because I am drunk and felt like bashing a leaf because it is like punting one of those little teacup chihuahuas, funny, but not very nice.

Rochester a shithole? Heading to see family there in a week.


>be leaf
>hear only mandarin barking
>is called laowai in his own country

How would a Minfag know about Western NY? But yes, Rochester isn't super interesting.

I'm glad there are no walmarts here it seems digusting as hell consumerist church.

Rochester is mostly full of spoiled rich white kids, although some small areas are infested by Mexicans. The city is basically fueled entirely by the mayo Clinic, so there are shitloads of doctors and lawyers, etc. I used to love going there for tennis meets because they have really fancy facilities.
There's also a Rochester in Minnesota.

>Pay $100 for lunch meat

neat ty user

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the one by where i work has a grocery section that smells like sewage because they spilled malk all over the place and didn't clean it up correctly

They have small grocery stores called neighborhood markets that are actually ok for what they are. It’s the supercenters that are a stain on humanity. Although there are some in nice areas that can actually be ok.

post the edit

you mean this?

Attached: canada.jpg (1280x1235, 482K)

tourist love it

>Be leaf
>Have gay thugs stalk you
tough being a leaf

Any burgers here that have actually ever been shot before? Cause I'm pretty sure it's just a meme.
Compare that to how many leafs have actually fucked dogs before.


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man, i go to el paso walmart every week, i am a survivor.

>Mexican flag
>goes to El Paso every week
Yeah, that checks out.

>be leaf
>go on camping trip
>shoot people

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i have fear now.


hahahhahaahha i will buy my groceries at whole foods, I won.

there aren't beans.