Poland is turning very friendly towards LGBT

Hate Poland thread.
Catholic archbishop warns of ‘rainbow plague’ threatening Poland

Attached: Sir W.Churchill called Poland hyena>.gif (1440x902, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>wants to start hate country X thread
>hides behind meme flag

He is a polish nationalist

Britbongs calling anyone hyenas is ironic. Also, we’re in Central Europe, not Eastern.

Fuck off kike. Sage.


Let's turn this into a thread about those who really hate you instead

Attached: 1564162141252.jpg (894x1024, 217K)

Polish nationalists don’t hate their own country, do they now, Moshe? Most Poles don’t even know what Jow Forums is desu.

you are talking about NPCs. most Jow Forumsaks here are redpilled catholics or at least conservative.

Attached: 1563996434087.jpg (1024x1016, 68K)

Chad hyena

Attached: greedy hyena.jpg (725x492, 196K)

*what 4can is desu
Autocorrect. You’re no desu, kike.

Poles are worse than niggers. Fact.