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Should girls be soldiers?
Robert Hughes
Logan Sanchez
James Bell
Yes of course.
Women are equal to men. I hope soon that fathers can earn abortion rights. Equality is so close on the horizon I can smell it
Chase Brown
Absolutely not, it's disgraceful to have your people in a society that mocks itself by pretending to.
The only societies that do are so decadent and detached from reality that what they define as a soldier is equally as detached from reality.
Juan Sullivan
Only if they can pass the same training and achieve the same physical standards as their male counterparts, particularly ability to remain effective under stress, without gimping the entire training process like the US military did.
Anthony Lee
yeah totally
if women so harshly wanna be equal to men, why not get women to come as soldiers too
Kevin Baker
Sure, if they qualify. I would want them to perform tasks adequately to their abilities. It would be more efficient.
Austin Ramirez
No, but they can be a trooper in my bedroom.
Cooper Cox
Now soldiers just sit in front of a desk controlling drones on the other side of the earth... even kids can do that...
Juan Wright
Women are welcome to die for Israel if they want
Carson Hernandez
could fashion them into some kind of bullet deterrent. maybe have them hang on tight like a vest. perhaps have them lock arms in a red rover formation and act as a wall of sorts?
Carter Garcia
they SHOULD be, but they never will be. women are only good for pushing out kids. anything else they attempt, they will fail at
Easton Kelly
>should they
>could they
technically yes
James Davis
> Proof that abeeds are traps and got impregnated by evil colonizers.
Thomas Bell
Logan Ward
lol yea! men are smarter, right?
Matthew Martin
I don't know what the point is I could kill all four of them and they couldn't stop me.
Brody Taylor
Yes you can use them as bait in order to ambush enemy forces.
>Oh look the enemy deployed all of their sexy women at the other side of this narrow passage, onwards men, your booty awaits you
>Get ambushed by actual soldiers
Hudson Mitchell
Jason Thompson
Yes, they function well as decoys to absorb enemy fire.
Jaxson Reed
one trillion kills confirmed
Jeremiah Sanders
Yes of course they are, testosterone regulates firing speed of many neuron bundles. This is separate to the issue of mass/density.
As for women.... They always refer to their appearance and visage when they want to demonstrate intelligence. They often wear glasses without lenses (which an intelligent person would consider a mark of disability and low-quality DNA) and they often paint their skin and hair in garish artificial colors.
Women need to step up, and soon. otherwise they are doomed to being old cat ladies relying on their vaginas to pick up all the slacking off done by the rest of their minds and bodies. Y'all have it too easy.
Jordan Collins
Hunter Morgan
Fpbp I did 5 years in the French army and I concur.
Carson Murphy
if you draft both women and men to fight in your wars, the chances of repopulation after a war is extremely slim.
meaning that your society might still be doomed even if you won a war.
Anthony Nguyen
women shouldnt be drafted, and women shouldnt be allowed to vote
Josiah Lee
they can be barrack wives.
Adrian Hernandez
Incel lmao
Thomas Green
Do they wear diapers like their Male counterparts?
Nicholas Martinez
No, anyone who's been in the military or police will tell you that women are a burden because they can easily be overpowered, can't carry as much gear and pretty much need to be protected all the time.
Gavin Taylor
They shouldn't even be working. By entering the work force they have effectively taken 50% of the jobs our unemployed males should be doing and by doing so have cut my wages in half. Women should be wed, making babies, and keeping house.
Carson Sanchez
Yes. Raping an enemy soldier isnt a war crime
Owen Collins
Isaiah Myers
If you think your country can withstand them getting their head blown off or raped by the enemy on live televison, sure.
Gabriel Hughes
Conscripted Comfort Woman's Corp
Hell yeah. We need a CCWC
Landon Richardson
Juan Brown
Justin Mitchell
Ayden Jackson
I feel so bad for her...
Luke Jenkins
no, you can't reverse hundred of thousands years of evolution
Brayden Turner
No, they're far too emotional.
Thomas Lewis
It all just goes back to hunter gatherer ideology. The men hunt and fight off any invaders while the woman cook, tend to children and grow crops. Now when the men are home he can also do those things aswell.
Sebastian Baker
Even then it's not worth the breakdown to order and discipline. The average infantryman is 19 years old. He's going to be distracted and demoralized by the only woman within miles of his location. Remember when you were a teenager, how different the dynamic was when you had an all male group (teamwork even in silly enterprises) vs when even one girl showed up (guys become unwilling to do things that might be "silly" and instead try to one up each other by showing off in front of the chick).
Kayden Robinson
There are three reasons why women shouldn't be soldiers according to common military doctrine
>Less physically able than men
>Much more valuable to the tribe because they can bear children
>Romantic interest ruins group cohesion
t. 2 years on a tank
Grayson Foster
How did it go ?
Leo Phillips
>hunter gatherer
>grow crops
But yeah, women stay home and do domestic shit
Charles Williams
People really underestimate that last one, but its probably the most important.
Nathaniel Wright
they shouldnt even be allowed to be doctors, nurses or admin staff in the armed forces
Jack Smith
Women SHOULD be soldiers. Different physical standards to men you fucking retards. The platoons should also be segregated and women used only in internal/counter-sabotage roles. Women should have a vested interest beyond "staying alive to be raped by the winner" in society. Teach them to fight for their survival, they will quickly realize that at a distance, when shot, their pussy pass does not matter and they will shoot back. Holy fucking shit you incels. Look at the fucking Jews, they do it and their women are loyal, their tribe has a high cohesion. How can you not copy the model, but in white? Name 1 thing that's wrong with this plan.
Best post thus far, too bad it's full of room temp IQ brainlets in here.
Christian Torres
>women used only in internal/counter-sabotage roles
sounds like you want to put women in counter-terror ops
did you know that women arent allowed to do that, by law, in America, UK, France, Japan and most other civilised countries, because they cant handle the pressure
Andrew Ortiz
Henry Watson
>go to war with female army
>600.000 dead women
>given an average birthrate of 2.0, in 20 years you have lost 1.2 million people
>600.000 men don't exist to fight the next war
>600.000 women don't exist, cycle continues
Such a fucking brainlet. Women in Israeli troops do office work, nurse work, supply work etc.
Lincoln Bennett
Anthony Walker
>did you know that women arent allowed to do that, by law, in America, UK, France, Japan and most other civilised countries, because they cant handle the pressure
can you post links/sources to such laws?
Blake Turner
why not. they could probably take out more people in less time than some dude did. 20 is not really a big number. with a proper strategy, a woman could have cleaned up at least 40 or so, if not more. dudes think with their dicks, chicks actually think.
Isaiah Ward
[citation needed]
People can be trained. Internal peace keping in war time is not stressful if managed well.
>lose 600,000 women
>lose 600,000 men
>get war raped to make up the numbers
>at least we didn't lose the women
Oh, never mind. You lost your only war.
>Women in Israeli troops do office work, nurse work, supply work etc.
I could've believed you if I hadn't been to Israel twice and my documents haven't been checked by a female soldier. But I have, so you kys.
Matthew Kelly
nobody should
Military is a bunch of psychiatric cases, who will get their therapy in this century. We used to praise other schizophrenics as saints, and a certain schizophrenic tribe's induced psychosis is still prominent to this day too.
Jordan Lee
Yes, but in roles that suit women. No women should be on the front lines fighting. Florence Nightingale in the crimean war herself stated women are not suited for some roles and should embrace what they are good at instead.
Jacob Roberts
>be in combat zone
>have to retreat
>female soldier unable to keep up and falls behind
>enemy soldiers capture her
>she starts screaming as she's getting raped
wat do?
Jaxson Davis
Yes. REAL nations practice Conscription.
NO basement dwellers in Israel.
Lucas Stewart
What you're suggesting is basically exposing women to reality. The problem is modern system will actually provide privileges to women in service and they won't get hit hard. On the other hand throwing women into real action is just proving a point and additionally it threatens other squad mates.
There are other ways to expose women to reality. This one is not the best although it's definitely better than not doing anything unless women are properly brainwashed from young age.
Jeremiah Morgan
>Agree with my retarded gibbering or you're a brainlet
Owen Allen
Luis Parker
Women ruined the air force
Christopher Richardson
now you can tell where the enemies are by her ingenius alarm system
Andrew Thompson
Of course not. Weak!
Blake Morris
>imagine never seen this movie and this cene
>4chang on women: They should be wives and mothers because thats what they are best at
>4chang on women in the military: SAME STANDARDS AS MEN, NOT AS GOOD, LOLOLOL
They probably see the military as a boy's club and not a place to coordinate and execute national defence with all resources available.
Or voluntary military service with added major benefits.
Yeah, that's the long and short of it. That's why I mentioned they should be in non-critical roles that free up men for the more important parts. If the firing line gets to the point you have to use women, you've lost the war.
Not an argument. Better posts have presented disagreeing arguments.
Robert Campbell
They ruin everything they touch
Andrew Wright
You are a massive brainlet.
Women don't get raped in hundreds of thousands in wars. When an army wins and advances it has to secure supplies, repair equipment, guard camps.
Soldiers don't go rampaging in the thousands trying to have sex.
You are a faggot who goes against 1000's of years of military doctrine. Women are more valuable so they are protected instead of thrown in the war.
When you want to cull deer and hogs, you go for the females, not the males.
>checking documents isn't office work
Just because they hold a gun doesn't mean they actually do much with it.
Jaxon Johnson
is that a model or are they just incapable of acting serious and disciplined
Lincoln Wilson
Wait my turn. I have manners and shit. Plus I risk touching the balls of the comrades, which would be gay.
Justin Richardson
This is the only correct answer. Women entering the workforce, let alone the military, was the third worst mistake the west ever made. Right next to letting them vote, and allowing Jews into their countries.
Camden Fisher
>Women don't get raped in hundreds of thousands in wars. When an army wins and advances it has to secure supplies, repair equipment, guard camps.
>Soldiers don't go rampaging in the thousands trying to have sex.
Sebastian Howard
Haha it's this cute Russian reporter girl. She's never held a rifle in her life. I just like to mess with people pretending like the Russians would actually let women into combat roles.
She's so adorable.
Liam Sullivan
>knowing anything about war
My commander would have shot us dead if we touched a civilian
Luis Howard
I'm afraid this will be proven right in the end once civilization collapses or undergoes significant changes.
There are plenty of women capable of doing stuff the right way and there are some women capable of doing great things. The problem is, however, women are not adjusted to most jobs. Only some jobs can be filled with women while in other jobs women will always get outperformed by men
>(just because there is a very small fraction of women - who look like men, check stem degrees - doing serious stuff properly it doesn't change this).
The best system should allow women to work normally but it should perform a reasonable selection. Also, housekeeping should be endorsed as a perfectly fine job. We know that it's not easy to create stuff like this though so it may just be wishful thinking.
But yeah, women can survive and become fulfilled by staying at home while for men this is impossible.
Bentley Williams
Just one question: Are you Greek or part of the roach infestation in Cyprus?
Ethan Thomas
>Women don't get raped in hundreds of thousands in wars.
Correct. In modern times, they do it for free. Also for an actual, savage version read:
It goes from antiquity to mutts raping and killing in Iraq. It literally takes 30 minutes to do it, you can go on about your day after that.
>You are a faggot who goes against 1000's of years of military doctrine.
Let me remind you that the "most qualified men" of WW1 ordered slow marches against machine guns. In war you change or die. Literal retard.
>Just because they hold a gun doesn't mean they actually do much with it.
It is important checkpoint work which I said it can be relegated to women. The gun is necessary to be there if the documents don't check out. It's okay to admit you are wrong, now, user. We all have been wrong, but we learn.
Adrian Bennett
Trying to hard to be ridiculous.
Austin Wilson
Yes. They should be on the frontline so that the more competent men are not wasted in the first wave.
Andrew Harris
Feminists (both male & female) should be the 1st choice of conscripts in a care of war. Send them to the front line and wait for them to die. Execute any deserters.
Now you have a right-wing, nationalist majority. You just fixed your society.
Cameron Clark
Yup. They want citizenship, they serve just like the boys, as is fair.
John Peterson
Isaac Torres
I suspect it would disrupt the unit cohesion of male soliders.
All the dudes will vie for her attention, or go out of their way to protect her.
Most soliders are late teens and early 20s. They'll do dumb shit for women.
Gavin Perry
The average 13 year old boy is more competent that a full grown woman in almost any physical activity. War included.
To equip a soldier costs $17000 and train a average soldier it costs $50000. Women either drop out, sprain an ankle and get compensation, or get pregnant 1 year into service.
We should be training 13 year old boys before women. Prove me wrong.
Parker Walker
yes. we should send all of the uppity ones without kids to the front lines.
Aaron Carter
As a veteran, I hate myself for having chuckled to this post.
Blake Martin
Gotta have someone to rape, don't you?
Ryan Walker
Yes, but the fact our Biology is different, should always be remembered. Women and Men should fight together, but if they can’t keep up, then they need to simply accept the consequences.
I’m all in for equality in the military, but women should not see themselves as something speciel. We are all the same, in that shitty life, we choice.