India is planning their own "Final Solution" for the province of Kashmir. HELP

>What is going on?

Kashmir is disputed territory and holds special status in the Indian constitution. No one outside of that territory can buy property or live within the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Scrapping their special status and going for full integration means the demographics of the territory could switch from a Muslim majority state to a Hindu majority

The dispute started back in 1947 when India and Pakistan both became nations after the dissolution of the British Raj, but both countries aren’t the same as they are today in terms of territory. There were over 500 princely states which could choose to become independent or become apart of the two newly created countries. Kashmir was a Muslim majority state under the rule of a Hindu king, and he chose to remain independent. However, he organized a massacre known as the Jammu massacre of 1947 in which 20,000-100,000 Muslims were killed and many fled into Pakistan. They told stories of what was happening and the northern Pashtun tribesmen of Pakistan decided to invade, later on the Pakistani military decided to help out. The Hindu king became desperate and went to India for help, the Indian government told him they could only help if he signed his kingdom over to them. He signed a treaty of accession and Kashmir became part of India, except Pakistan had no intention of stopping their invasion and India didn’t plan on letting them finish. This led to the first Indo-Pakistani war which resulted in Pakistan securing the territories of Gilgit, Baltistan, and small parts of Jammu and Kashmir. India held onto nearly all of Kashmir, the vast majority of Jammu, and all of Ladakh. China has something but it’s irrelevant

India has became a fascist dictatorship under Modi and plans to commit its own holocaust. Its our duty to stop them.

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>actually hoping based MAGApedes browsing Jow Forums

They’re Muslim so they probably deserve it, t b h. There must be more to this story that you’re not telling. Anyway fuck em. Kill every Muslim on earth for all I care.

I don't give a fuck about brown people or what goes on in their countries.


Kek, fuck Muslims. Wait for the Bihari horde now.

>locals caged


You could just stop being Muslim.

When you have to look allah in the face you are going to break down and cry for the evil you have done. For the evil of backing down and staying idle and allowing evil to flourish. Hindus want to kill fellow muslims in India and you guys think its funny. Thats just great.... You are going to regret this mark my words.

Today Kashmir, tomorrow the WORLD!!


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Muslims deserve it.

What's going to change? Is India going to flood the Kashmir region with dark brown people from the South or why are Kashmiris afraid? They have had the Indian military bumfucking them for the past few decades under martial law anyway, what's a few more Hindu BVLLS taking Kashmiri women as personal property?

Amit shah sharted on Kashmir now all the muzzy are going to feel how it's like to live along with northies

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You have to go back Ahmed.

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basiertes blatt

Wtf is going on in that gif

Based, fuck streetshitters.

they are going to get painted red by chewing tobacco northie niggers

Sub 80 IQ

Just like the Chinese with Uyghurs.... They look at the state of the West, and how normal people have essentially become jihadis out of disdain for inaction against actual jihadi Muslim rape gangs (etc.), and understand they must stomp out the worst parts of diversity or face the same Balkanized destruction as the Amerigoyim experiment.

Everyone in the whole fucking world understands this except for elitists kike "white people"- who actually are so arrogant as to believe that they will successfully create a one world government with one world currency - making it so the demographics don't really matter...

At this point, the best chance white people have is being an asterisk in the history books of the Chinese. You can bet your asses that in just a few short generations of top notch education, military investment, eugenics, and AI based law enforcement- they will have a population that on average makes high quality whites of today seem like niggers.

>muslim vs hindu
And nothing of value was lost

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stfu porki Kashmir is going to get fucked one way or another

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Ya Ibn el Sharmouta.
Just because you dont like diversity doesnt mean you have an excuse to GENOCIDE MUSLIMS ON ARABIC MUSLIM LAND.

What is the matter, afraid of little immigration? Time to open those borders up for everyone.

Muslims are the scum of the earth and need to be purged from every land. Men. Women. Children. Let that sink in.

Seriously who cares. We left you guys as you wanted to be independent and now you want sympathy. In fact I hope there is a massive genocide, as I'm sick of you fuckers coming to our countries.

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Subhuman vs subhuman

You dont know what its like to live with indian scum. Believe me I grew up in Pakistan and have met many disgusting fucking indian street shitters. These people are fucking barbarian and dont wash themselves. They crowd together like sardines and smell like utter shit. Dont try to compare muslim immigration with indian immigration you moron.

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We need to do something about the Sikhs they think they can carve Khalistan out of Canada.

Why are there so many fucking muslims posting under American flags? Fuck off, shitskins.


>just because you don't like someone doesn't give you an excuse to genocide
And where is that written, other than the Geneva convention and every religious book except the Quran? Jabs at Islam for being the shittiest religion on earth aside, I don't give a rat's ass what you think faggot. Clearly I don't call the shots on genocide, or else I would be genociding right now rather than posting about it on the taiwanese underwater terrorist basket weaving cartoon porn enthusiast board known as Jow Forums

>the plan is in full swing

We should have listened to Indiachads, now we're just going to be whitoid slavs as they seek out bobs and vagene to sate their lust


>muslims gonna die or be partitioned again

For real, what's happening.

>how would you like your indians
>or dark brown

They will kill the Mughals and make India Hindu again.

>crying mulatto

Protip: the chinese are beta as fuck and regularly get btfo by africans who refuse to repay them, they will never rule anything because they're a giant nation of lawyers and kikes with yellow skin.

>I grew up in pakistan

It's weird how most people would probably be more sympathetic if you had kept your ass there instead of moving to the West.

>paki moves to america and cries about indian immigration

There is no difference, neither of you use toilets

>poos killing muslims
I'm ok with this

You're the same literal shit but you're fags on top of being streetshitters.

He's standing in "line" to get onboard the train.
The jeets disembarking the train blunder through him, but clever Sanjeet is wise and knows their scheme.
He holds on for dear life to the train in order to secure his position in the "queue" to the point where people lift him up just to get past him.
His physique lacked the strength necessary to execute this feat masterfully.

Jeet does not respect his countrymen.
Sanjeet suffered for it.

>wage bubble
>"le boomer military vet"

I hate these people with the fury of the fucking sun

Modern slavers hide in plain sight, pay their slaves extremely well, and the plantation is the entire globe, be a slave from home is now possible. Yet the slaves don’t see it. They are satisfied merely by the “opportunities” they now have and the “investment” in them. At least until one of their neighboring shitholes offers yet lower wages and the jobs move there.

>Dont try to compare muslim immigration with indian immigration you moron.
What is it with you pakis and poos. You are both the same shit. Have you seen what you have done to our country- literal letterboxes moving on the streets, most restaurants are halal and grooming gangs are the norm. You are no better than the poos, in fact you are probably worse as you inbreds shill for a literal caliphate here.

not mentioning mass murder of Kashmir pandits or the fact that pakistan started insurgency form their side
Abdul we know you are behind the flag

>wage bubble

What kind of stupid fucking kikery is this

Do these jews seriously think they can trick people into supporting more immigration by openly declaring that people are paid too much? The fascist state is 5 years away at this rate.

radilogical/scatological conflict between pakistan and india in 2020. Remember, Deus ex predicted this.

Dear Muslims shitskins (the ones not yet purged), please restrict yourselves to only using the DNC meme flag. Thank you, sincerely—USA flag posters.

Not my country not my fucking problem.

I just keep hoping you will nuke each other.

Abdul stop hiding behind the flag

kek'd and saved

Stop shilling your zionist propaganda here. No one is falling for it baljeet. Fuck off

What is wrong with US politicians


Considering future wars will be fought with robots, the Chinese military has really nice and new equipment while everyone else is using shit from the 60's, and small people are harder to hit when it comes down to it... (among about 100 other reasons I can think of) I'd bet my money on the Chinks if I could.

I feel this is the best decision by Indian government. Uneducated & young civilians in th Kashmir was just turned into stone pelters,I hope our army goes in now and fucking kick their ass....

Pakis are muslims you thick cunt

seethe faggot you can't do shit Articles has already been revoked get ready to get ass fisted by degenerate northies

Operation REMOVE KEBAB started by India, when will yeh World have the balls to join?

total replacement of muzzies

Fuck off poo. What I was trying to say I see no difference in either of you as you both are brown and not white.

Indian immigration is 10X better than pak immigration. Only upper class aryan indians come to the west, while the trash stay back. Meanwhile, in Pak, all the terrorists come and camp in the west.

Based India. Finish the job.
Fuck Pakistan. Osama Bin Laden hide there for years

If they don't nuke each other then it's fucking nothing

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Yeah cause you suck muslim dick already you cunt

It’s like when I use a handfull of paper towels to wipe my ass at work when there is no more toilet tissue and I flush and it looks like the paper is too heavy to flush and it sticks to the side until the very last second it finally goes down the pipe with the rest of the turds and I’m like “whew! It almost got clogged”


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>it's just matter of time when India fucking nukes pak
Terrorism in Pakistan is getting worse day by day,womens are not safe in there,fucking kids are getting trained to be a terrorist,pak needs to be nuked

t. Mohammed bin Muhammed

Not outside the cities. Quite comfy in the countryside.


just a matter of time lad. They did same with Kashmir.

West and india should declare war on Pak and middle east and destroy the Saracens once and for all.

Go back you brown pissant, stop pooing up western countries.

This brings back the warriors of India who fought the Nazis.

Mother fucker, Indians take no prisoners. Fuck Yeah! Bye bye Islam

The Indian Legion, right?

Why did she have a goatee?

Did i forgot to say SEEETHE

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Do it faggot.
If I see allah, I'll make him tongue my prostate until I cum.

Meanwhile the west is switching to a Muslim majority and we do nothing about it

I hope there's an indo paki nuke war

Nah, I fully support a Fascist India that secures it's state for Indians.

That's what the Texans said, and now if you look at their demographics... well my, my- Texas legitimately could be a totally democratic state next round of elections.

Thet will sacrifice nine women in the ganges to summon the great poo god, and rain shit on kashmir until they all die of disease.

Yes. Sikhs are ruthless too when provoked.

You kidding lad? America has been helping pak on war against (lol) terrorism for decades now. It'll only happen if dumb America stop giving money to these paki terrorists

Who is this 'we'?

>stop them

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Indians should only be allowed into West if the're:

1) Aryan
2) good at fighting and killing Saracens

other than that they should be kept out

kashmir's gonna get flooded with biharis

it's gonna be a beautiful place with some of the ugliest people in all of asia.. lol..

white people... save my muslim brothers!
me do something? eh im too busy collecting gibs in your country.
you're evil if you dont it!

go suck a pig

Shut the fuck up Paki, I hate migrants like you who whine about their homeland all day even after leaving that shithole. That is true for Poos too. You left that shithole for a better life in a superior country, why are you still talking about it? Go back to your shithole country if you're that attached. Faggot.

>sikhs gonna rake the leafs

>no dood in 50 years the chinese can just NEET it up and Chinkbot 5000 will do everything for them

Truly you are a useless NEET if that's how you think

Why would people from Bihar move to Kashmir? Is the land cheap there? Also how can I enter the real estate market and make some quick gains

Cause Bihar is a hellhole filled with low-caste fags