There was a shooting recently where a man targeted beaners.... that's hilarious

There was a shooting recently where a man targeted beaners.... that's hilarious.

Imagine all these short, fat, ugly brown people running around like "¡Ay Dios mio!" with their sandals making a clap, clap, clap sound on the ground. Sounds fucking hilarious.

Fuck these ugly brown people. Did *you* vote to let them into America? I didn't. It was never up to a vote. Yet they still flood across the border.

We don't want them here. No one likes these creatures. You ever think about how many millions of beaners there are in America yet how little representation they have on television? You turn on the TV and you see white people and black people.... you don't see ugly ass beaners. We'd all like to pretend they don't exist.

Fuck beaners.

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This is a board of peace

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I don't really hate wetbacks, but I wish they would stay in their own shitholes. If a few have to die, so be it...

>in b4 we were here first and "Atzlan"

beaner = subhuman


Is this "great again"? If so, it's funny to see happen. Ay caramba!! LOLOLOLOL

Oh yeah forgot: the rats will now get benefits for all the killed by terrorist murrican men lol, they only want to eat beans and dominate you, what do you have against that? Spanish conquered the beaners, but the beaners are destroying murrica, even if you have 20 ak-47 everyone, you are fighting this wrong murricans! be smarter about it lol

>when your thread can be seen from space

well said Mr. FBI man

Killing mexicans in a walmart is a surefire way create sympathy for them, which will lead to even more immigration.

>Jow Forums

Kike boy has a beaner pet on his night show.

actually White Rh Negative man was in the AMERICAS FIRST. These mongols showed up later and even talk about it in their ancient lore and the Skeletons like the Kennewick man and Clovis spear points prove it. That and Rh Negative DNA harvested from said Ancient skeletons like Ohio River Valley mounds Paracus Ruin and even writings on the wall depicting the mongols invading and murdering the original White inhabitants. Shit skins are all the descendants of Cain Rh Positive Blooded typically non White. or a lighter skinned dark person. IE. OBONGO!

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>or a lighter skinned dark person. IE. OBONGO!

Where Obongo has Rh Neg from his mothers side. Its why he is Whitish and carries the blood. He was never really a nigger though just an Anti White puppet and Tom pet for niggers. Failed social experiment that worked as intended. I'm glad Trump is President. Finally a real leader of civilizations.

Yea, whatever Tyrone.

El Paso was a Mexican town waaay before it was an American one... Those "Mexicans" are American citizens (w/ Native American ancestry) whose families have been living there long before Europeans set foot on this continent.
The idiot called them "Invaders". Fucking autists should be rounded up and killed

>worked as intended

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No More Humans

T. shitskin Brazilian

Salty "based" beaner

fuck it lets kill everyone, blacks, whites, beaners, and blues!

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No More Humans

family guy funny.

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Mexican nationals right?
For sure.

How can you tell the difference in a blind rage shooting between mexican nationals and Americans who have deep roots in America but lack your ideal melanin pigment?

>non european
go back south pablo


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