Are (((they))) gonna JFK him lads?


Attached: trump.jpg (603x133, 17K)

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>superfluous use of ((()))

God I hate reddit

Fuck off frog

Attached: 148949848.jpg (780x2005, 1.01M)

Probably, if they do it will be during the next conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.

Which is around November-December 2020.

All the signs will have been there but no one will notice until it’s too late.


first, he's their guy. if he weren't bitching about the federal reserve, people would start to think things; as long as trump is ostensibly "fighting" them, people stay asleep, do nothing, and realize even less. second, even if he weren't their guy, no one can actually challenge the fed. ron paul would've been heart attack gunned and only wasn't because he posed zero threat. everybody knows this but nobody wants to talk about it. how long has trump been complaining about them? what do they do to actual threats? no, he's not going to be JFK'd, he has about a fifth of the clout JFK had when he tried to challenge deep state satellites and got his head blown off. we are puppets of the oligarchy. nothing is ever going to change it. just accept it, eat cancerous snacks, watch anime and jack off, there's no point to your life.

bump and how to build a white society on a legal and effective way, even with hardcore leftists as politicians and massive immigration: archive.fo/9K9qa

meanwhile negative interest rates!
The central banks have said they will look into buying equities, they're already buying corporate bonds - lolbergs!
The economy is one giant ponzi, Jow Forums isn't financially literate and even the glow niggers who monitor here (hi lads) are virtually clueless.

I recommend reading:

Collusion by Nomi Prins
Joseph Stiglitz last book (I'll have to find the title wait one) absolutely fucking brilliant
and Planet Ponzi by Mitch Firestein.


Everyone knows its a ponzi

Fuck off with your demoralization, faggot.