Why can't people simply acknowledge the fact that multiculturalism and diversity are the source of all of our problems...

Why can't people simply acknowledge the fact that multiculturalism and diversity are the source of all of our problems? The more diverse a society, the less social cohesion and trust there is among the population.

Countries with homogeneous populations are the safest and have the highest quality of life i.e. (Norway, Finland, Japan, etc.)

Countries with "diversity" (South Africa, Brazil, the U.S., etc.) are the most violent, dysfunctional places on earth.

Why is wanting to live a safer, more happier life, surrounded by people you can trust and relate to considered controversial and "racist"?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because Jewish consciousness has penetrated every field of science that many people look towards for authority and answers.

>Why is wanting to live a safer, more happier life, surrounded by people you can trust and relate to considered controversial and "racist"?
because they are, as ironic as it may sound, intolerant of the idea that the people they dislike might create a better society. So out of fear of being wrong they will never accept a white society

They instill the diversity brain rot very early in the public education system, so unless you're a free thinker, or incredibly cynical, it's very hard to break the conditioning. Its about creating a mixed populus so we're easier to control. A nation with no identity.

people have be brainwashed into thinking the worst thing you can be is racist, the best thing you can do is accept the moniker and do your best to turn others to your side

Putnam’s HARVARD study: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x

Good Fences: necsi.edu/research/social/scienceofpeace.pdf

Self-identification study: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15625622

Everything else:

More diverse neighborhoods have lower social cohesion.

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Diversity increases psychotic experiences.
Diversity increases social adversity.

A 10% increase in diversity doubles the chance of psychotic episodes.


Diversity reduces voter registration, political efficacy, charity, and number of friendships.

Ethnic diversity reduces happiness and quality of life.


Diversity reduces trust, civic participation, and civic health.


Ethnocentrism is rational, biological, and genetic in origin.


Ethnic diversity harms health for hispanics and blacks.


Babies demostrate ethnocentrism before exposure to non-whites.


Ethnocentrism is universal and likely evolved in origin.


Diversity primarily hurts the dominant ethnic group.


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This is what I don't understand either. It's so easily provable yet in every community I'm in, you have tons of the smartest people in those communities asking why America is descending into third world status without comprehending why leading thousands of the most retarded complex wastes of life ideas in how to fix.

The thing that redpilled me the most was just looking at statistics. It's easily provable why things are going to shit.

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Because we're at the final stages of the dumb meme of universalist egalitarianism and the white capitalists and bourgeoisie at the top 10% of the income spectrum are cultural-historically obliged to pretend that their slash and burn virtue signaling is objectively correct and not decadent nonsense that they in reality do everything in their power to avoid suffering the consequences of even as they force it on everyone else

Yep... and the fanatic censorship movement of our sentiments against globalism just fuel the fire even more. Pretty much just confirms the insidious agenda, part and parcel

It is evolutionarily rational to be friends with someone genetically similar to you.


Racism and nationalism are rational and evolutionary advantageous strategies.


Homogeneous polities have less crime, less civil war, and more altruism.


States with little diversity have more democracy, less corruption, and less inequality.


There is extensive evidence people prefer others who are genetically similar.


Our analysis shows that peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups


The more integrated a neighborhood is, the less socially cohesive it becomes, and vice versa.


The more ethnically diverse the people we live around, the less we trust them.


The other thing you faggots haven't piece together yet is how our money system works and how it's weaponized against us. Every dollar in debt the system incur and every dollar of debt these parasites of bring that comes out of our pockets goes to enrich the elite who continue to try to genocide us.

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I'm going to adress just a small part of what you wrote: do you really believe you can trust a random stranger just from the fact s/he is white? Then you're a retard asking to be literally raped.

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I don't want to be racist. I don't have an unkind thing to say to black people or spanish people on the street and I'm pro-America and Americans. But this current path we're on is completely self-destructive and evil being pushed over to serve and enrich only the most evil elements of humanity while destroying everything good about America and what Americans have built.

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Fake. Our blue zone in Sardinia nobody trusts each other. They are famous for honour killings that go on for hundreds of years

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>why do peasants agree with what their lords say is correct
to curry favor obviously

virtue signalling, whatever you want to call it,
its all just sucking up to the elites,
and the elites are convinced that importing niggers is going to fix their economic problems.

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You don't trust any stranger without knowing anything about them. But can start to form a judgement, which can later be proven correct or false, by considerating the person's appearance and how it relates to the AVERAGE person that shares that appearance

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As a mixed black injun guy i'm offended by this post.
Stop calling me a gorilla, please.

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Why not Asian immigrants?

We are the richest in the United States

We are the most educated in the United States

We are the lowest crime rate in the United States

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So? They live the longest here. OP is talking about quality of life and homogenous populations. Can you even read?

You forget Asians.

In the United States, your whites are second.

Careful when saying "asian", The brits would include arabs in this category too.

Because of them

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I'm saying it's fake since Sardinians are famous for not trusting anybody, even if they are a homogenous group, not even their neighbours and they seethe for centuries

Race isnt any more useful than other superficial traits in doing that. When observing a well dressed nigger walking with his family smiling joking with his daughters and then riding off in his Volvo, the fact that he's a nigger is the least useful piece of information to decide his character.

Now all you have to do is apply this
>well dressed walking with his family smiling joking with his daughters and then riding off in his Volvo
in different scenarios, with subjects of different races and see how the averages present themselves
if you notice I said "start to form a judgement", not base it solely on that

My black coworkers are trying to say that trump incited and condoned the shootings over the weekend. It's basically hopeless trying to red pill them. And when I tried to explain that the dems admitted to and fought in court for their right to rig their primary it's like I was talking astrophysics to them. They legit can not get past that cnn told them orange man is racist. And it doesn't matter what I say now, if I'm not agreeing with them I must be racist too. They keep looking at me like I'm going to be the next shooter. I don't even have a gun. I'm not angry. And like... Dude... If anyone is afraid of someone else's race I should be afraid of them obviously. I said the media shouldn't give the shooters their 15 minutes of fame. That's all I said.

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My point is that you're not interacting with statistics and you're not protecting you're family from statistics. You're interacting with individual people, and race by itself is a piss poor indicator to go by when judging what kind of people they are. You can take one look at their house, their clothes, their car; hear their choice of words; and it tells you things that their ethnicity does not. Those are the things you actually operate by in real life. You'd never turn your back on a shaking pale guy with cracked fingernails in a black hoodie in a dark back alley just because he was caucasian. That would be suicide.

This is a bad image because all you did is make chocolate milk, and chocolate milk is tasty.

wtf I love miscegenation now

>Why is wanting to live a safer, more happier life, surrounded by people you can trust and relate to considered controversial and "racist"?
How to create an all-white society on a legal and effective way, even with hardcore leftists as politicians and massive immigration: archive.fo/9K9qa

Diversity is a weakness. Divide and conquer.

Because the right are too lazy and incompetent to gain political power and media influence at the level that the jews have. The jews have the power, and the jews wont allow the truth of multiculturalism to spread. That is why why right wing males here are sperging out and advocating for random acts of violence and accelerationism. They are losers. They are desperate and saddened by the fact that they are failing and cannot be bothered to put in the legwork.

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I had a laugh this last Canada day. I live in a small farm community, 99% European descendants and some filipinos working at fast food companies. For the event the government sent out an organization to host the celebration, every member was black, asian or middle eastern. They set up ethnic booths, not one of them had anything to do with a European culture or even native americans. The locals who where there for the event did traditional Ukraine and German dances, the nearest native reserve also showed up to participate. Yet even they where forgotten by our diverse governments idea of Canadians. I could learn all about india, Africa etc.My local paper published an article on the forced diversity of the event, the comments where gold. Best part is the locals who where in charge of hosting the event are the small group of people who advocate LGBTBQQ shit and had a three person march down main street for black pride. Like pottery.

I repeat again.
"start to form a judgement"
If you don't wanna consider race as a factor on poeple's behaviour do as you want, but I will consider it

Consider it all you want. I'm saying that unless you have a death wish you'll consider other things first, such as whether you're dealing with a psycothic meth junkie or a PTA mom.

That's a really cool picture OP, do you mind if I save it?

aww. hang in there lil buddy.

did your asian waifu crush ignore you for a more handsome Puerto rican dude? Don't worry. you'll find a nice chubby white girl with less options to settle for. there's plenty we've left behind.

Because the western world follows a liberal ideology that sees man as an individualistic creature of reason. If you believe that people generally strive for individual happiness and that anyone can achieve anything if he tries hard enough or is taught well, then there is no problem with importing lots of foreigners. But this ideology leaves out the tribal, animalistic, nature of man. It ignores that people naturally gather in groups and thus necessarily antagonise other groups in competition for resources. Even leaving out the question of superiority or inferiority - as soon as people identify as something they will lobby for their own group's interests - and this becomes a problem in any society.

What if I dont want to belong to your faggy little tribe? (Obviously not talking about the white race here. The tribal nature of man isnt something that applies to groups of 1 billion people)

I'm just saying that I'm pretty content with leaving any group the second it grows old, save maybe my biological family. What do I gain by submitting myself to a lifetime of servitude to some group? There will be some asshole at the top. There's no guarantee that asshole will be me. What's in it for me?

Anyone who has lived in multicult understands this.

Only sheltered people who have no experience first hand and people who profit for it like Jews and multinationals push this shit.

Security, for one. If you're in a group of people you trust, chances are, they trust you, too. And they're willing to defend you. Plus, if we're talking tribalistic behavior, grug will probably share a few of his berries with you.

I wouldn't say you're dedicating yourself to 'servitude to some group'; you're dedicating yourself to brotherhood and community in some group.


>Countries with homogeneous populations are the safest and have the highest quality of life
Explain Liberia. No it's not just homogeneous populations, it's the lack of niggers, jews, and other sub-human parasites.

It's not a matter of what you want. Humans are group animals. Even if you consciously deny it, your subconscious mind is subject to the very same mechanisms.
And even if you happen to be the special snowflake who is above all this, it is still a statistical truth that applies to the majority, making your special case insignificant.

>What do I gain by submitting myself to a lifetime of servitude to some group? There will be some asshole at the top. There's no guarantee that asshole will be me. What's in it for me?
These are questions of reason, but what I am talking about is instinct. It takes place in a different sphere.

Unless I'm free to leave any fucking minute I feel like it it's servitude. Your brotherhood is no better than the mob, the best it can offer is protection in a war they instigated in the first place. There will be brothers who give orders and ones who follow them. A nation of laws enforced by paid public servants is a far superior solution to the problem of security. Embracing the bad parts of animal nature is willful degeneracy.

You will never be able to wake these globalists up from their dreams.

Pretty much.

Spare me your freudian bullshit, try to rise above borrowing arguments from a sex-crazed kike who's thankfully long gone.


>Why can't people simply acknowledge the fact that multiculturalism and diversity are the source of all of our problems?
Why does OP ask loaded questions?

Canada is as multi-cultural as the UN and we're 5th on some Social Cohesion Index, or something, not that anybody gives a fuck about these random social scientist indices.

If you're trying to convince fence-sitters I doubt this argument will do it. And if you're trying to argue at someone they can just hit back with their own metric, something more concrete like "Immigrations raises GDP" or some other shit. And then the conversation would just be two idiots using metrics that they don't actually care about to argue for what they want.


What is your definition of diversity? Because there are ethnically homogeneous countries that are absolute shite (see most of the African countries, India, and China to name a few)
So, yeah what you are exposing is considered controversial because you are ignoring everything that doesn't fit your narrative.

Canada is going to shit and if you want deny it, you're most probably one of the streetshitter, chinkoid immigrants

Diversity is our strength.

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written by a confirmed cuck who was taught the story by a nigger who was fucking him mom

the history of shitaly is written by a confirmed cuck?

do you think it's a coincidence that this heavily mutted region, that shitalian was referring to is "famous" for its based honor killings or whatever the fuck he was going on about?
also, who comes first to mind when you think of nigger-tier "muh honor" murder, please do tell

You can deny it as much as you want, reality itself is proving me right.

>Countries with "diversity" (South Africa, Brazil, the U.S., etc.) are the most violent, dysfunctional places on earth.
you forgot Sweden. It's a nice counter-balance to Norway and Finland, and serves to prove your point.

FPBP. /thread.

there is nothing bad about the idea inherently.
the trouble is with formulating a way of getting there that is fair and peaceful.
it seems naive, any people convinced to go that route will (probably have to) use violence to get there. this implication seems obvious to most and that is why they rather avoid the question or lie do deny its obvious answer. there is much more to lose for most in a case of civil war/ state collapse than there is to gain, since most people are still living relatively comfortable lives (apartment, car, food, internet)

shut the fuck up, turdroach
you will never belong in Europe, and maybe you will finally realize this once they put a noose around your tiny head and hang you from a lamppost

>>Not posting the correct meme
Fucking OP... YOU HAD ONE JOB!!!

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This but unironically because shortness needs to be bred out of the population.

I might add: this also has nothing to do with Freud. We are talking about behavioural biology. Evolved behaviour that aided the group animal we call human throughout thousands of years. You can't get rid of these mechanisms so easily.

I could lob the same accusation at any of OP's shining examples of Socially Cohesive countries, but it would devolve into a very low IQ conversation.

There's just nothing in any data that supports OP's claim that multi-cultural countries are not socially cohesive. Pointing to the countries that disprove him and vaguely accusing them of "going to shit" is childish.

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But he is absolutely right. You can't trick nature. Natural order is only what we have

OP makes a great point. S Africa, Brazil, US... all countries defiled by Euro invasions... all hotbeds of turmoil that were perfectly based until the shit gene pool made its way in. I totally agree... round up all the descendants of Europeans that exist in non-native countries and ship their asses back to the shithole Euro countries they came from.

With Brexit in its way, and the fall of the Euri bloc imminent, it's perfect timing

>inbred poojets and their stanky apartment blocks that only poojets live in are "socially cohesive"
you honestly deserve to get shot on sight, imho

Those imaginary apartment blocks probably would be quite socially cohesive. You have not provided any reason to believe that they would not be. I think you're working with a strange definition of "social cohesion". Or maybe just sort of using that term here and there while you make random disparaging remarks about brown guys.

all the links to independentaustralian are dead

Because feelings. We ignore these truths at our own peril.

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those apartment blocks should stay in the shithole they crawled out of, because nobody wants their country to be a third world shithole filled with LITERAL subhumans

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Nailed it. FPBP.

great post, thanks for the input

based and red-pilled


OP's topic interested me, but he only made 1 post in this thread and nobody else is taking his position and engaging the topic intelligently.