He’s right, you know

He’s right, you know.

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The reasons for these shootings are a mental health crisis, too easy access to guns, and the media dividing people for ratings (money).

>mental health crisis
fake news
>too easy access to guns
fake news
>and the media dividing people for ratings (money)

People didn't do this 50 years ago. Guns are neither harder to come by, nor people more insane than then. Ergo, neither mental health nor gun access are causative. Also, you're a fucking idiot for needing to be told this.

yes. We dont have "news" anymore. We only have political commentary shows that toss in some news. There is no real attempt to be factual, only sensational. Sp called reporters no longer ask the 5 W's, they only make attempts to ask "gottcha" questions in an attempt to make a fool out of who is speaking.
I dont understand why the chan shooters arent going after reporters, the real enemy of the people.

>mental health

Yours, right?

I like the way you provided no metric or data to support your claims and went forward with a conclusion anyway. As a retard myself it speaks to the way I view the world.

Nope, there is certainly a mental health crisis. A mentally well person would not shoot up places.

>nor people more insane than then
I beg to differ

or perhaps pushing "we hate you" messages 24/7? I cant watch a tv show without racism being shoved in my face. I dont care what race the tv character is, every few episodes they have to "tackle" the racism issue in one way or another. Either their friend is white saying racist shit, or their friend isnt white and being targeted by racism. Well fuck, no wonder blacks and whites are getting along all of a sudden. Whites are being told they are bad and blacks are being told whitey is out to get them.

People are called "gun nuts" for a good reason.

That falls into the media issue that Trump is talking about.

Gun access was easier prior to the 1980s yet mass shootings only started happening in the 90s.
Why is that?

This whole post is a major red flag.

This but unironically

This problem will never get solved because there is no bipartisan cooperation. Democrats are too busy making #WhiteSupremacistInChief trend and making fun of Trump because he misspoke.

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You're incorrect on mental health. You'd be surprised to find how many people are on meds.

Fake news (((JEWS))) has successfully weaponized millions of idiots

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No fucking wall, not locking her ass up AND ACTING LIKE A GUN GRABBER has contributed more to the anger. CLOSE THE BORDER YOU FUCKING MORON


There is no mental health crisis, only bad health insurance companies that don't want to pay for good mental health coverage.

So I became a neet and I have great free mental health services and coverage. Take the neet pill.

You're right in that the mental health crisis is partially caused by bad healthcare.

He’s right

Shit parenting. It starts at home. See: “black culture”.

Like the media will ever give up their divide and click bait.

Canada is just as bad and so is the UK.
Mental health is not dealt with properly in any western (or eastern as far as I know) world.
The old idiots who think they are in charge need to understand a mentally unstable populace is not going to work out for them.

Listen up you faggots, it has a fucking name and it's been in the DSM for ages

Say it with me: MENGAMUK

The problem isnt guns, it's that our entire society is sick, mostly by design at this point.

Biden has had so many shootings when he was vice president he compltetely lost track.

I like they way you are willfully ignorant and project it onto others.

>He’s right, you know.
Nope, MIGApede are incels that have decided it's good to shoot up people in order to further their own collective agenda.
The only way we can eliminate mass shooting is by banning /ptg/ and all Drumpf support on the internet.

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