
if you're not from the blue area you are not white

Attached: drawn-flag-western-europe-535787-716296.png (1837x1655, 133K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Implying all those areas aren't blacked!
pic related is you

Attached: SwedishCulture.jpg (1000x1415, 858K)

Funny of you to include France and England



Attached: 8AAC9072-F233-4EB0-85CB-82B1D1470135.png (693x496, 66K)




skål på dig, broder

where did this meme come from?

What, 10yo girls or teen daughters getting raped and immigrants being given 3y jail time or excused because it could seem raaacist it's a white thing?
You know false flags are low-iq. Trying to divide at this point only makes Europe stronger I'd say.

Attached: 1558304781439.jpg (963x1024, 100K)

The Romans

>Czech are white
>slovakians which are genetically identical aren’t
Swedes are pretty fucking stupid


Didn't include Faeroe, Isle of Lewis
or even the isle of wight

The isle of wight man!

Attached: untitled.jpg (685x506, 40K)


Attached: Germanic_Europe.gif (800x545, 75K)

Of course Sweden considers top white, while bottom is not.


>Southern France

based asf

Attached: 1558988854324.jpg (688x960, 133K)


thank you kind sir

>/b/'s wet dream

Attached: BXYMHL2CQAAzQ5W.jpg (300x360, 21K)

Attached: Where+are+your+brainlet+images+fj_d237bc_6691842.jpg (692x800, 73K)

I'm Irish and I'm whiter than most people here. I look like a ghost

Literally every "White" country is POZ'd

The worst part is how most of the normies are just fine with it Black pilled AF

Attached: 1554745606880.png (600x583, 96K)

there's no inherent value in being Germanic
stop coping

I just returned from france the "white" frenchies look like faggy middle easterners and the rest are arabs and niggers

baltics arent wh*Te

But not being a cuck or a fruit despite "Aryan" genes is quite an accomplishment though these were probably impure or switched at birth

Attached: jjjh.jpg (503x356, 52K)

don't worry only Mongoloids think that Irishmen arent white

oh but there is

Attached: 20716b3f9dbbc0f20fc4281b6ec509a7--ted-kennedy-john-kennedy.jpg (468x459, 47K)



Can't let you shit on Hungary, Sören.

The fuck is this shit? By this logic, northeastern and western Poles are white but the rest aren’t??

Southern "French" and Northern Italians are subhuman sandniggers too

"Past studies had shown that Southern Europeans such as Spaniards, Greeks and Italians had more genetic variability than people from Northern Europe; other studies showed they had a small percentage of what looked like sub-Saharan ancestry."

"The team found that for Southwestern Europeans (those from Italy, Spain and Greece), between 4 and 20 percent of their genomes came from North Africa, compared to less than 2 percent in Southeastern Europe.

The study also found that the apparent sub-Saharan ancestry in these populations was actually the result of North African lineage."

Attached: realcharta.png (1374x1245, 141K)

Meme map

t. sammi mutt

Now ask yourself if southrons can be considered human, let alone European or White. Being carriers of homo erectus monkey genes that is

Attached: subhumanity.png (580x5424, 1.85M)

look at

Never would've realized I'm white before this. Already look like a ghost. Thx dutch ancestry.

Slovaks are waaaay whiter than Southern Frenchmen

If what you state is true then whites suck because these are the most faggy places on earth you could imagine.

Basically this.

1. Scands
2. Nords
3. Franks
4. Anlgo
5. Celts
6. Meds
7. Slavs
8. Semetic
9. Arab
10. Mongoloids (Fins and kazaks and OG Mongols)

i think i might agree with you looking at their politicians at least

there more white slavs than there are white meds


Remember to report and sag* the non white shills D&C

Attached: 0-00sjacc_za00adm-h5m-mX_XA8.jpg (3800x1904, 2.96M)

Northern Italy is not white go away nordfags

Stupid. We don’t have Germanic ancestry.

We’re Sarmatian bvlls

yes but slavs are literal barbarians and Meds contributed to White culture much more than Slavs. whiteness isn't just racial there is a cultural aspect to it as well

You realize the most achivement and greatest civilizations in Europe were Greek and Roman, while Germany, France and scandinavia were litterally snowniggers?

The albanian mongrel shill, tryng this hard. Posting literally caucasoid/white dna shared with neolithic pop's, exactly the same as the west'asian' anatolian.

Attached: wes_024-f-12_west-asia1_anatolian_syri1_v60_d3vw--w39cs2_x2-04.gif (800x581, 90K)

the only white here is the nordic, the rest is just niggers.

who are you trying to fool ?

Attached: 6a7b1b48157c6480ab5d0701d33b649a.jpg (445x600, 54K)

Very happy not to share race with you. You were literally snowniggers in the past and now a bunch of gays men.