The Feds are here, we're all under surveillance. Your real identity is known...

The Feds are here, we're all under surveillance. Your real identity is known. Pay attention to cars trailing you and/or bugs in your room. I'll contact you again when I know more.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did they just shut down 8ch? Getting a network error on the entirety of the site

can we get FBI to send feet pics?

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Niggers tongue my anus

Cloudflare dropped them

I spent 3 solid weeks posting every tidbit I could on Epstein and his Mossad links. Strangely, my IP kept being tied to bannable Jow Forums offenses that I, myself had no part of.

Then, my phone's performance began to deteriorate. My battery life was cut in half, and my CPU was using 100% - I realized I was being recorded via screen capture AND my front facing camera.

I started getting strange voicemails left on my phone. Repeating messages all garbled and indecipherable.

I don't think anyone is following me, but I live a thousand miles from D.C.

Cloudflare took their thing off 8ch, so people can just fuck up the site with attacks, so now we are seeing an influx of people from 8ch to Jow Forums.

>Your real identity is known.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x165, 279K)

good, shut this fucking place down. you racist morons need to hang for the consequences you sow.

Send donuts this van is cramped and we need food.

Meh, the worst part was all the daily torture in 2017. Now it's just gay jewish bullshit.

>bugs in your room.
I bought some spray but it isn't helping

Yup and Jow Forums is next. Trump even said in his speech that he will destroy the dark anals of the internet aka Jow Forums

would Using TOR browser work?

>implying FBI niggers and I haven't made eye contact and made small talk with each other already

make thread and do updates

lucky bastard


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Were they nice?

Go back to 8, faggot.

>not working for the intelligence service in the first place

[gurgles beer in russian]
Kill niggers, kill kikes, kill arabs, kill chinks, kill poos.
And fuck jannies.

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>Marble is sentinent

kek I love these theories. Please never take down Jow Forums

All timestamps must now contain feet pics to be considered valid.

>dark anals

>The Feds are here
Trudeau is a pedophile and on Epstein blackmail list. He is a danger to Canadian national security and national interests!
This needs to be exposed before this coming election cycle.
Need proof? Ask USA to release the information, by treaty law they need to release it to you.
Trudeau has been a groomed deep state controlled via pedophile blackmail plant from the day one.

Attached: Justin on list.png (790x739, 163K)

>gays produce no infrared signature
Then why do I produce it, faggot?

I don't get it? Are all politiians pedophiles or are they just so corrupt and power hungry that they agree to rape a child just because some guy says it?

most grow up in fucked up environments with the ethics this makes them easily controlled since they have dirt on them from their young years even

without ethics* dafuq

Not violent, quite nice to people, polite and gentle, don't own guns.

But I dress up in a cape behind closed doors and play video games so I'm public enemy number one.

Meanwhile Ahmed is taking part in a gang rape of a white girl while plotting a suicide bombing with his mosque gang but that's ok, apparently.

Dear agents,

This is why I'm team Batman and not team FBI.

Regards, B.

Attached: because.jpg (200x267, 13K)

That would be very very stupid of Trump as Jow Forums memes is arguably what got him elected.
That said I can see why (((they))) are fearful.

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maybe thats the plan, channel all this high energy to the real world for a change

Gibe original source, plox.

It's been going on for generations.
It is a actual conspiracy, not a conspiracy "theory".

Attached: trudieWithPerdo.jpg (262x192, 8K)

they better send someone descended from an officer who served under George Washington, or I out rank them

>bugging the rooms of no-life autists
smart plan. what's next, gonna stalk me at the local nightclub?


You'll join us since now you posted.. therefore you are contributing to "muh Nazi propaganda". Posting here even once is enough to taint you.

It’s the price of admission to the most exclusive club in the world. You can have wealth, power, fame, anything you wish, but you must be controlled. Do what you are told, or video of you fucking that 9 year old boy gets released.

Dear Agent watching this thread, what was on Antony Wiener’s laptop?
Are you the least bit intrigued by the rumours?
Remember your oath.

>Meanwhile Ahmed is taking part in a gang rape of a white girl while plotting a suicide bombing with his mosque gang
they also sell drugs in the mosque during services, tell the FBI and getting them to do a bust is like pulling teeth from a chicken

>Are all politiians pedophiles
yes, they are selected to run for their ability to be controlled this way

yeah, make a thread about this some time. post your research in a pastebin or something. your IP being coming up as banned on Jow Forums is kinda weird but not that alarming. your phone could just be acting up on its own, not a coincidence. what kind of phone and how old? i have a 3 or 4 year old samsung and it does some pretty crazy stuff.
post the voicemails if you can, record it on vocaroo. post the numbers that call you

i never leave my house and live in a sterile air lock so i’ve never seen a bug inside. get fucked feds. also i signed up to my ISP with a fake name and have never logged into social media. have fun going after the wrong faggot lmao

but if they want to legalize pedophilia this tool of control would fade

FBI needs to make a web browser that sends
all browsing data to their servers and everyone
should download it use it and only look at gay

Attached: LiveLeak-dot-com-08D4CE9E-39EC-4D7D-80DF-DF5ECD672508_1550011539.png (683x485, 253K)

Stay safe, fren.

I'm quite honored that feds took interest in autists like us

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If the rumours are true, it isn’t just sex and sodomy.

Original source was soho'd but it was supposed to be publicly released on Friday but the judge that was to release it had a heart attack and died on Thursday night.
All that's left is the blackmail book itself and the flight logs so far. I doubt the judge dying will effectively stop the release, maybe just slow it down.
Every single time there is a big release of stuff like this there is a mass shooting to take up the news cycle.... In this case they want the chans all shut down and it will likely hider the sharing of the information. Especially if the deep state orders the information censored like they have done many times before.

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So, Facebook/twitter?

Yankee feds have absolutely no power over me. The eternal irishman is untouchable. I can say that the holocaust never happened and that I'm going to car bomb a school full of children an nothing would happen. Have fun with your with big brother while I enjoy my literal ethno state

>The Feds are here, we're all under surveillance. Your real identity is known.
This has been the case for years newfriend. Is this not common knowledge?

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change your fking flag and remove Macedonia from the name slavnigger

Exodus 2: the journey home.


The judge dies before release
>Pure coincidence
as per usual.
Shit happens I guess.

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> under surveillance
I am already being gangstalked so they would have to get clearance from the proper channels first.

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Btw everything I post/have posted is NOT satire. I'm serious about everything I say. Minecraft == RL.
Now inject my brain with a portion of hot lead or fuck off.

Hello bröther

The politicians ( new world order) will be eventually in warm waters when satanism is normalized and every other human is made a slave

>Minecraft == RL
also this meme unironically made me play minecraft again
you are not white kamen :^)

if we r gonna die id want to go down as a dark anal

I love you Sasho ;^}

This already happened near the end of WW2, dumbass. You follow derivatives of abrahamic or hindu religions and act like hiveminded retards who think and do the opposite of what common sense dictates.

i've always wondered how you can go from alexander to sasho
usually diminutives just shorten the word
how the fuck do you go from alexander to sasho

>The Feds are here, we're all under surveillance
Tell us something we don't know, glownigger.

Attached: glownigger.jpg (250x250, 12K)

>The Feds are here
Finally! Gut gut!

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Who's side will you fight if they start a war against us?

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They watch you through the window!
