Greetings citizens of Jow Forums. Excuse my bad english...

Greetings citizens of Jow Forums. Excuse my bad english, I'm what you would call an alien native to a planet called Seiddit Htog Gib that's orbitting a cute little twin star system in a remote arm of the milky way.

I'll be sticking around for a few hours to answer your questions. Ideally you keep it Jow Forums related but I don't give a shit. I'm just wasting time until my ship is refueled.

I've got three spare seats, if you convince me why I should take you with me the best posts get to join me.

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Fuck off space nigger

>I've got three spare seats
Pick up some niggers and fuck off

Why? Who are these "niggers" you're talking about. I'm not familiar with the term.

>Excuse my bad english
Nigger detected

I'd like to be an alien native to her ass if you know what I mean.

>Seiddit Htog Gib
I saw what you did there

You keep using that word but I'm not sure what it means.

OP gay

Actually this was one of the first picture my people received from your planet, after reaching relative proximity to earth. Where I come from it's considered one of the great works of indigenous art.

You're alright, spacenigger.

Explode Israel, please.

Considering you're not willing to ask me questions about my home planet, let me ask you a few.

I'm curious, who is your leader for starters? Is it the man you call Trump?

Imagine the smell when she is serving and she exerts so much force that all of the gasses in her intestine get expelled out the back end and her meaty grunt of exertion is the only thing that masks the sound of the BRAP

He is somewhat of a leader the American government is separated by 3 separate branches of government. 2 out of the 3 don’t really do anything except fuck around but Trump is the “Executive” branch. He has the most power of all because it’s just him. And his commander of the military


I did a 'google' search to stay in the mood and this place you call Israel is just a small patch of land that seems pretty insignificant. Why do you want to get rid of this "Israel"? The native people look amusing with funny hats and long noses.


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Leto detected

Frig off chaim

Just him? What's stopping this Trump from doing something crazy like forcing everybody to do the NicNac?

What are conditions like on your home planet? Is there a value in drugs expanding the conscious mind?

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Let's say they cause too much problems for everybody...


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clue: Big

Didn't know that one lel

Oh yes, my home planet. It's a boring place really. Historically we had bad experiences with overpopulation but after the great culling we decided it would be best to keep our numbers low and just increase our lifespans instead.

Most of the day we just hang around and play music, we really like what you call death metal and laugh hard listening to it, and enjoy the sight of our females. They are graceful beings who enjoy cooking things and cleaning, but are also known for their wisdom and common sense. My woman is called Amiga Centauria and she's very beautiful but modest and pure like all our women.

When we don't hang out thinking about the universe we like to wonder our marvelous nature, climbing the yellow cliffs and then jump down gliding to the bottom again. More adventerous and curious of my people took up the effort of mapping the rest of what you call the milky way.

I guess most of us look somewhat alike, we don't know big differences in skin tone for instance.


martina hnnnngis

I still don't get who these "niggers" are supposed to be. Looks like it comes from Niger which seems like a river in the continent called africa, but I don't understand why a word would cause people to have bad reaction like that.

Where I am from we jokingly call people of the lower lands lowlas but they just shrug with their shoulders and say once a lowla never a yellc. I don't know if it translates but we go fair enough and ask them if they'd like to have a drink and that's it.

wow bum da dum bum

Will you take me off this crazy planet?

You're the first to ask me so far. I don't got much room so you can't bring much. Why do you want to leave anyhow? Is it these "niggers" your people keep talking about?

Hey space nigger, what does alien pussy look like

Take me, I wanna see cool new ecosystems and ask advice from less retarded species

Because people think with their feelings and not with their brains.
No they're just being satirical

Pussy? Are you talking about what primary sexual organs? Mhm. I suppose pussy where I come from is like.. what is the word... very pink and adaptive. It makes a slight hummmmm sound when you listen closely and it tastes like... I suppose like what you'd call strawberries but more metallic. When you stick your thing into the women her pussy canal makes waves like one of those fat mouth people you have blowing their lips. Depending on the situation we nut hard and fast but sex can last for days as well.

If one gets a seat. Whats the process of actually joining you? Do you just land in the nearest wood?

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I don't know if we're less retarded. We're very humble and understand we're not perfect. We make many errors and try our best to correct them, but there's smarter creatures then us lurking the universe. For instance, there's another race of aliens who arrived on your planet in secret a couple of years ago, and we think they're manipulating you without your knowledge.

How many dicks am I holding up?

It depends. We got a... I don't what to call it in your language, like a molecular rearranger that can teleport you but this is normally reserved emergencies because people argue it's not you who is being transported and the real you just dies. More realistically speaking I could hover over your house and pull you up with a tractor beam, if you climb on the roof.

If you don't want to make big waves I'd land in a remote area and give you the coordinates and you'd have to find a way to me. Or I come and pick you up. I'd like to but I'd rather take the tractor beem because I promised Centauria to bring groceries in time.

I have the best biscuit


>Who are these "niggers" you're talking about.
people who work for our federal government, they're a violent gang, the biggest on earth (our world)

Proof you are what you say you are.
Eradicate all kikes from the face of the earth.
Then we talk.

>pull you up with a tractor beam
dude are you from space Arkansas? because these days we have biscuit beams

So the word "nigger" is just being funny? What would happen if I'd go to one of the places your "niggers" like to gather and say "how do you do dear nigger"? Would they have a laugh with me.

Gang? Like a organized group of individuals working towards a common goal? What are they trying to accomplish? Are you being satirical?

I noticed your website freezing dear Jow Forumslacks. Was this these government niggers you were talking about? I feel bad for you and wish I could take more with me.

Manipulating us to what end ? What are their methods ?

I'm just what you would call middle class, although this would be an oversimplification. I know there's more fancy ways to get around the universe but this spaceship was given by my father Nekta and it was a good friend to me ever since. You don't always need new stuff and if you do you wouldn't be happy on Seiddit.

>What are they trying to accomplish?
slavery, to make money to pay hookers and have fancy objects of meaningless value for little to no labor or effort

>Are you being satirical?

you could also say MAFIA,

>Was this these government niggers you were talking about?
you shouldn't use that word unless you are describing it's use and role in the history of the culture,

most likely site is slowing down thanks to new system of interaction of the site with cray supercomputers, similar to the military, each user is now a supercomputer node, this system is called RAVENS CLAW


It sounds like we are the groceries. Well i can offer you a strong thirst for knowledge and some crafty hands or healthy non tattooed human meet if your wife actually ends up cooking me. I live right next to a big hill that you can scoop me up from like a plant.

how do you overcome prolonged gravity issue? do you use low pressure or high pressure reactors or both?

if all your women are modest and pure, how would you be able to define what a "modest and pure woman" is?

Do you also communicate with other Earthling species like elephants or dolphins ?

Greetings fellow illegal alien, what do I have to do so I can get a seat on your ship?

We don't know for sure. We usually keep our distance from them and our peoples don't like eachother. All they seem to think about is profit and chances are you got something they want. But truth be told those guys grew even more greedy in the last couple of years and there might be something different going on.

In the past for instance they terraformed small only slightly populated planets and sold them to other groups. There's a treaty about not doing that to intelligent species but yeah. Honestly some think you guys aren't that smart, not me though.

I am curious if there are imposed limitations on breeding, have they overcome the finite resource mindset?

>what do I have to do so I can get a seat on your ship?
can you change space tire? cook taco made from palladium?

I'm sorry, but you have to go back.

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Our leader is Angela Merkel, please abduct her

>In the past for instance they terraformed small only slightly populated planets and sold them to other groups.
did they learn to terraform on your home planet or did they begin use of the techniques on other worlds? this is a contention with our government currently

it's too late for that, she has already laid an egg, if she disappears the egg will hatch and millions of new MERKEL will be unleashed upon the world, much safer to keep her in stasis field

Interesting. Gibbme alien gf pussy

big goth tiddies

>sex can last for days as well.
similar to our most elite humans, are we related?

Sure thing, I’ll do the work not even the niggers in your planet want to do anymore.

what are you doing here on earth.
can you post a picture of your hand.
do you have an economy?
what do you think of earthlings?
what are you doing here?

earth is flat, faggot
poo in some other loo

i wanna go with you.
i am angry freighted and scared.
i see no future on earth.
i dont like it here.
i want to do something different and help other beings.

fucking awesome, Mexican gets picked up by spacecraft, all of a sudden spacecrafts runs better than ever before, Mexican been rebuilding spacecraft with screwdriver, vicegrips and spanner wrench

Listen, I'm not multiverse-callibrator, I just fly this thing and repair what I can but if bigger stuff happens I have to take it to a shop or pay for nanomachines. Luckily it doesn't break often because we build things that last.

Let me say this: what you call a reactor is more like an antenna that taps into higher dimenions devoid of organic life, but nothing gets lost forever and the actions of this universe transfer energy back to said dimension. It's complicated.

My wife just like exotic mushrooms for delicious sauces. she's a good cook and wants to try new things so I fly around pick up stuff.

Well, dolphins are actually quite smart, smarter than you'd think, and it's somewhat amusing you can't understand eachother despite living in closs proximity.

Tell me about yourself.

This post is brought to you by cripplechan.
>I'm just wasting time until my ship is refueled
You guys stick out out like a sore thumb. Take your Nazi mumbo jumbo elsewhere.

>i see no future on earth.
don't worry, if you're White Elon will take you to Mars, oh wait nevermind you're Brit, sorry you gotta die here

>My wife just like exotic mushrooms for delicious sauces. she's a good cook and wants to try new things so I fly around pick up stuff.
cop some of these bro, they're delish

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Oh they didn't terraform ours. Our planet healed by itself luckily enough but with them it was more complicated. They never had the culling and instead grew and grew like a cancerous tumor. There's enough space for everybody but we wonder what will happen if they eventually run out of space. We're hardy people and we have a few friends who'd come to our aide, but we don't have an empire or something along those lines that could resist for long. It's actually a big problem.

>Seiddit Htog Gib
I prefer planet Stit Ome Loms

Snippety snapper lemme sniff that brapper

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Timestamp and pic of you or fuck off

>Oh they didn't terraform ours
how do you know they really terraformed the other planet and didn't just tell you that it was terraformed and spent the money on hookers instead? can you travel there and back yourself or instead your travel is somehow restricted?

I like this thread because the 4/p0l bots aren't hip to it

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They subvert and destroy other nations. Explode israel and free earth


I can't take all of you with me, but maybe I can help. Maybe if you guys manage to write a little letter to my peers I could convince them to interfer in some way or form, even if we don't like to generally. The problems with strangers is they multiply and never fully integrate. It's ok in small numbers but hardliners here argue if you bring strays you need to castrate them.

That's a very good question. It seems like we share some sort of genetic ancestor, despite being very different. One of our religions speaks of the Star Seeder who once upon a time travelled the universe seeding different planets with life and then vanished into the multiverse. They argue he's still seeding planets to this day and might come back one day looking what came out of it.

I'm on a joy ride basically where as I'm driven by curiousity. Of course I pick things up for my wife while she's at home, just to make her happy. We like to try different things and talk to people and I have a podcast with her that's called Kitchen Stories, doesn't translate well though.

We got an economy but it's based on ressources. I guess you'd call it true cost economics. But then on the other hand we have a low population number and therefor got more of everything to the point of stuff being basically free. Unless you're talking about high tech. But given what we build doesn't break even that isn't that expensive. We don't need to work and I guess you could call us technological hunter-gatherers in a sense. We walk around, do stuff, pick something up, reshape it, and move on.

Earthlings are funny. Many big laughs we have and my people are very curious. We don't know much about you, not as much as we could, but we like to know you better. We're aware though you got a dark streak to you, and I'm not just being satircal jabbing at what you call "niggers".

i dont want to go but ill wave goodbye to you and your ship as you go space fren :) have nice trip

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They sound a bit like those terraformers I talked about.

I don't know for sure I'm not a perfect historian. To our knowledge it's just that our history technically predates theirs, or seems to, and they're moving at a much faster pace. We grow more organically, slowly, like a tree. They're like an explosion.

Depends on the context my ayy.
Pick me up and I'll teach you the ways of earth

How does a space nigger find Jow Forums

hehehehe lois

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Holy freakin' crap!

Cheer up human. Things might look dire but nothing lasts forever, even the bad. We believe there's a soul and you'll eventually settle down somewhere where your heart will take you. When it's time to move on and you learned what you had to, you'll join us maybe. But we can be frens or what you call it right now. I'd very much like it. My name is Nektu, nice to meet you fren.

Your news talked about it.

I have to take a space shit, I'll be back later if the thread is still up. Feel free to explain me how your planet works and again, write something I can show to my people and to convince them to take action.

Military can't quarter in civilian homes, amendment 3

>But truth be told those guys grew even more greedy in the last couple of years and there might be something different going on
Good lord, not even space is safe from kikes

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I just want to see the big goth tiddies you were talking about