>banning prostitution while giving incels easy access to weapons is a good idea
How does burger logic operate?
>banning prostitution while giving incels easy access to weapons is a good idea
How does burger logic operate?
i respect american nigs
whites i do not
well we generally hate slide threads so fuck off
>muh bible
>muh conzdidooshun
>muh israel
that's the extent of the American thought process
why would you even upload such a photo
How do we solve the burger problem?
Principles and morals matter more to burgers than real world consequences.
You can blame that on the early Puritans settlers and all the goofy churches that permeate America to this day.
I think that Sweden's prostitution laws are good. Make buying illegal, but selling legal
Checks out, Irish fucked more nogs then any other european ethnicity in US history.
Pick one.
Nobody is going to fuck you tranny. Not even another tranny.
Honestly, by just shitposting. They can't handle it for some reason, it rattles their shallow psyches. They really want everyone to treat this place as seriously as they do and when you mock them they shart their pants.
He probably killed and injured for life a bunch of latin hotties which could have been escorts to get laid with.
Must suck being a burger. I make 4000€ a month and it costs me like 150€ for an hour with a 8/10 which you wouldn't get unless you are Chad so it's as best as it gets for a sub Chad existance. Im pretty fucking relaxed. Gym, swimming pool, get some sun without becoming a peeling prawn due ideal phenotype, check my passive internet traffic earnings.
Sure, im not Cristiano Ronaldo tier Chad, but life is pretty fucking decent. If I was living in America I would have become insane already from inceldoom since getting laid outside a relationship it's impossible for average looking guys let alone the mong from the shooting.
It works perfectly as (((they))) want to deminize white men. Don't you see how it fits the narrative? Leftists spaming on Jow Forums were extatic after the massacre.
How much for an hour with a decent 7/10 and whats the average salary? (realistic average)
In here it's not legal or illegal, nobody gives a fuck what 2 adults do. I have a Whatsapp number full of legit models I can call for like 150€ an hour.
I have a ridiculous blonde with natural tits for 200€, that's 50€ more than im willing to pay but I may risk it because im feeling like fucking a legit tanned blonde hottie.
>implying they want prostitutes
>this is what Swedes actually believe
>Thinking giving prostitutes the ability to blackmail is a good idea
Never change Sven.
>How much for an hour with a decent 7/10 and whats the average salary? (
No idea, prostitution is harmful to women and shouldn't be supported and buying sex should NEVER be legal. Also beauty is subjective.
>I have a ridiculous blonde with natural tits for 200€, that's 50€ more than im willing to pay but I may risk it because im feeling like fucking a legit tanned blonde hottie.
Send pics. Is she Russian even their whores are hot af?
What's wrong with not supporting human trafficking?