
President Ivanka or President Hillary

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I would choose anarchy over being governed by a woman

I really really really like this image

Hahaha Ivanka is gonna be first female POTUS and Hillary is gonna be 6 feet under

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I do too, but I saved it first so it's mine

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Both want to take our guns and open borders so I'll have to go with the lesser Jew
>option C = cyanide pill

Neither of them are a transdisabled woman of color so they're both not good enough

Anybody but Clinton and i mean literally anybody.
Her being up there as being one and alongside the most evil people on this planet being the reason why.

President Hide and his running mate Sage are a better choice.

Both options are horrible, but I'll go with Clinton since it'll obligate the GOP to obstruct her, unlike Ivanka.


Ivanka is a literal retard, that much time front and center in a campaign would not bode well for her.

>white president in the current year

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u mean president Jared Kushner or hillary clinton?

>slave has an opinion in the current year


me like ivanka

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ivanka. only because she might accidentally tweet out titty pics

Ivanka (Yael) is already serving as the president alongside Jared.

And at this point, I'm convinced that Hillary couldn't have possibly been any worse than Trump's performance thus far. It seems that they all follow the same script.

They both look like trannies

get in the fucking kitchen.

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I'll take President Suicide, thanks.

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hillary because she will start wwIII and accelerate the end

Fuck. I’m just now finding out about lubavitchers and Yael and all that. I thought she was just posturing as a Jew. We’re in deep shit.

President Civil War thanks.