Why do you hate us, Jow Forums?

Why do you hate us, Jow Forums?

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Because you're subhuman shitkins.

I don't hate mexicans at all, but immigration is only bringing wages down.

I don't. I only hate niggers

cause you trannys

You already have like 20 countries founded by your people, for your people. This is not one of them. Fucking go to one of those others instead, since so many of your lot are too fucking entitled to learn English anyway.

I won’t hate you if you let me sodomize all three of you on meth and cialis for 12 hour straight

I don't. I would deepdick all three of you. My dick is giant, you can touch it.

You seem fine, but I doubt that's you.

Talk about desperate losers. xD

If what was coming in here were all 70% European mestizos we might not be in such a bad spot but we're getting like bottom tier aztec guats from Legends of the Hidden Temple.

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Because when you all hit a wall, you’re not worth anything.

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gib sex clones

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because you're all trannies.

Just imagine how ugly they look like under all this makeup

I don't hate then, I truly truly truly don't care about them

smellfags get the rope first

Sorry, tits or GTFO.

>wh*teoid unironically thinks there's gonna be a day of the rope
how are white births going, famalam? you better act fast


Because you have voting rights. If voting roghts wrre limited to people who had been here 5 generations or more it would be fine.

If you are a Mexican-American, African American etc. Then you are not American.

You know daddy loves y'all. But this is how it has to be.

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And IQ. And racial purity. And city sanitation

The question is why do these people don´t stay in their countries?

Actually we would be in a worse spot. The problem becoming chronic and unable to ignore is the best thing for us

That's a fair point.

Hate begets hate

They're just fucking ugly and disgusting

send some mestiza qts over the atlantic ocean please

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Their uglier in person my nigga.

I just want to be loved by someone that I can hold in my arms. But my lonlieness has become desperation for affection and I guess that’s unattractive so young ladies like this would just ignore me anyway. I’m past the point of being angry about it so all that is left is an empty hole in my heart.

because you want to own and profit from what my forefathers built and fought for and because you would outbreed us with low iq brown midgets

How do you know my (((nigga)))?


brown girls are best


>And IQ.
Damn you are right, just look at yourself

Because you want USA to be a spanish speaking country with hispanic traditions

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Don't worry about if bro. Get a subhuman spic whore. You'll get the whole girlfriend experience and it won't cost you a dime. Just make sure not to get to attached to the animal.

I wish all three would crush me with their smelly feet at the same time.

No data for Africa, Arab world, India, or half of all of southeast asia.
It's almost as though they don't want the truth to be known.

Who hates you? Just suck my dick, prepare me a taco, and then go back to your own country.


I don't hate hispanics. I just hate people who come here illegally. If it was a bunch of Canadians driving wages down and speaking only french, I wouldnt like them either.

I don't hate you


very cute and feminine girls what is there to hate?

no hate

but the women don't age well

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chicanos are not latinos
chicanos are not gringos
chicanos are nothing

whites women age the worst, what are you on

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I don't hate you, it's you that hates us, and yet you still come to America by the toyota truck load, vote left and destroy every neighborhood you live in.
So take your abuelas, ninas, chatas, chelas, cholos and chorizos, your whole fucking raza and fuck off back to where you came from.
You can stay but only under these conditions: 1) Stop coming here illegally. 2) Stop voting left. 3) Destroy your home country's flag and start waving an American one. 4) Speak some fucking English.
Do these things and we're alright, until then pack your bags.

>he thinks I’m white

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because you will swing the vote to the left, FOREVER. Also I don't like your attitudes, living standards, low IQ, and I like an Anglo world. It's not complicated.

Would it kill you to learn English? Fuck

I don’t hate you. I just don’t want you here destroying our culture, waving the flag of your horrible home country, and sapping resources from actual Americans. Get out and fix your own shitholes rather than running to us and creating a bigger problem.

have you ever met an intelligent mexican? or anyone from central america? ever?

i dont
white men should breed with spics to make more canelo babies

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Fucking ugly
Looks like arabs from the west bank the fuck! All shitskins look the same god created NPCs


WTF is up with everyone posting these fucking goblinas?

>chinks are experimenting on creating super intelligent Zergs
>whites are breeding with blacks and spics driving white average IQ down
the future will be interesting for sure

tf is a zerg

we will have genetic programming soon which will fix everything 4chinz is concerned about
in the mean time i will fuck all of the qt latinas

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Sandnigger milkers

lol this Jew

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Fpbp. And they’re thieves, every last one of em.

>1 post by this ID
Maybe this site deserves to get shut down, desu

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because they arrest INNOCENT JEWS who just try to deliver gift to beautiful Mexican congress

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I always find this funny, considering I'm paler than 99% of the anglomutts I see in this country.

>whites are breeding with blacks and spics driving white average IQ down
>implying the average white IQ in america isn't already in the double digits.

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wow what a superior race wow

Because the foursome would be way, way too fucking weird.

meh, I don't mind. Playing god by chinks can't end well anyways


Shoot girl, I'd marry all three of yall.

How much was that package on the Lolita Express?

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theres more white people today then there ever has been in history by the way

>high IQ avant-garde humor is supposed to prove americhads are stupid
eurocuck cope

This is actually true. science will let us extract the shitnigger genes we have.

Based 150 IQ Celtic Redhead blue eye master race now

Meant to say Dixieland balkanization

god i just want one, is that too much to ask for

Exactly what I was thinking, footfriend.

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>racial purity


I'm seeing double

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