be honest, which one of these girls would you prefer as a role model for your nation's girls? modest or "prostitute chic"?
Take the Muslim Pill
The West is too weak to patrol its thots. Only Islam can.
Not that isis is good but Islam can save europe and whiteness if will spread quickly enough
Islam is the only religion still worth anything, particularly Shia
Why would a Muslim woman like a fucking white guy who looks attractive but body looks like shit and cannot form abs.
stop drinking American milk, stop eating HFCS, stop eating "vegetable" oils.
Allahu akbar I take the left one
I’m legit trapped in my fucking parents house I got no transportation or nothing where will I go. What do I even eat
no thank you.
>fucking Guelph
lmao I wonder if toaster steve is still alive
Animals products and leafy greens are all a white man should eat. Food is cheap and abundant in America you should be able to do animal keto for cheap no problem it just takes more effort
Virgin CnC generals poster. This is now a Tiberian Sun thread.
Nice try, Stavros. Zero Hour unironically the most based RTS ever.
> Literally employ slave labour
> All burgers are white
> weaponise angry shitskin mobs with molotovs
> all non-white actors are ethnic caricatures, including chinks
You can ever fucking GAS your enemies to death.
Based polak.
All muslims should be exterminated.
t. kike
Inshallah brother. No stupid "hate crimes" in Islam either brother, only the Sharia.
>he hasn't took the yuri's revenge pill
>he doesn't kill commies and ZOG puppets with his army of psychics
Islam is based in several ways. Muslims have a strong code of conduct they vehemently adhere to. Fags, thots, drugs, alcohol and other forms of degeneracy are BTFO'd without hesitation. Strong emphasis on population growth ingrained in culture because they realize demographics are destiny. Importantly they are not afraid of calling out the jew and seriously fuck shit up when someone offends their beliefs.
On the other hand most Muslims are disgusting inbred semites in the double digit IQ club. Literal genetic scum like the pakis etc. bring about a net loss to society by spawning their defective sand nigglets. Overall cognitive capacity does not allow to take over the world effectively.
The solution: exterminate all brown/black Muslims and bring about white Sharia. Seriously white Islam would be a force not to be reckoned with. OP please kys if you're a brown Arab or another form of nigger scum, thank you.
> a role model for your nation's girls
>The solution: exterminate all brown/black Muslims and bring about white Sharia.
>Make whites act like Pakis
The Bulgarian "intellect", ladies and gents
Fucking hell, why is this kind of a good idea?
The norfpill is better than that poofy pill. Simple as.
>Muslim Pill
will make me explode?
Nice reading comprehension you jewbrained mutt. pakis and arabs are the way they are due to inbreeding, not Islam. We get it though, you love Israel.
can this thread turn into a dump of muslim women i can wank to?
thanks lads
Taqiya Kitman Muruna Tawriya all the way
- Notably, the fourth Muslim Caliph Ali (lived 602–661 AD) was at least one eighth Jewish
- Ali was Muhammad’s cousin and adoptive son and Abd Al Muttalib (three-quarters Jewish) was the grandfather of both Muhammad and Ali
- Ali’s father was Abu Talib (died 540 AD) (one-quarter Jewish) and Abu Talib was the brother of Muhammad’s father Abd Allah (one-quarter Jewish)
- This means Muhammad was one-eighth Jewish, unless of course Muhammad has still more Jewish ancestors unknown to early Islamic genealogists
Quran is nothing but a fork of the Talmud
I started praying again, and reconnected with people I haven't seen for a long time at my mosque
Islam must die, their god is weak and their prophet false.
Weak. Fallacious. Brainless dogma. Try harder.
All muslims should be exterminated
The only valid reason to hate Islam is if you're a jew
>All muslims should be exterminated
Muslims arent human and should be treated as an infestation
Greetings to the mufti ( who looks very tired btw)
>which one of these girls
it's not the girls that are the problem with islam it's the men who rape them...
die nigger
wipe them off the face of the earth!
No thanks Abdul. Europe would be a shithole if it was full of Muslims too. Leave Europe if you want Sharia law and go fuck a goat or something.
At this point, if I could make myself accept it, I would.
Communism is more based and redpilled about women though.
t. jews
t. abdi
To be honest, if most mooslems were blondes with blue eyes, most Jow Forumssters would be shilling Islam like crazy. They just don't like it because of shitskins
muslimas are natural cumsluts who worship white cock
I already got an Arab bitch pregnant and raising the kids to be Christian. sorry OP
I honestly agree with y’all 99 percent of the time but converting to Islam to me seems like a giant slap in the face to my forefathers
Whatever lies tulpa-Allah tells you to sleep at night.
so you get the low mongrel IQ but not the based and redpilled shariah?
the point is to have the complete opposite you absolute retard
white shariah
most are part time mooslims
like me
good on ya mate
all these other newfags are really missing the point of this thread
and yet here you are making graven image
Shariah doesn't work in the West there's no way. Also make sure you don't go to any (((fake Christian ))) churches
heil allah
Most Euros and Americans drawn to Islam convert for the law. Islam has a standing law that is mostly uncorruptable as long as traditionalism is not stamped out by the kikes in the near future.
Whereas Christian law has absolutely no power and as many traditionalist thinkers put it, this power was put to a halt in the post-renaissance era.
>Shariah doesn't work in the West
you haven't hit hard enough then
Islam pill is a suppository placebo.
explains why Western Women are drawn to it
no shit