Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind...

Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind, in the United States?
Even white people marrying each other, even Asian people marrying each other, is not nearly as successful. Black male / white female is quite unsuccessful.
But a white male / black female marriage is by FAR the most successful union there is in the US. It's bizarre.

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Because nigger women don't mind being slaves to the white man.

Because white incels are so desperate that they would fuck a negress, and negresses are so desperate that they have to fuck a white incel to have any chance at white cock.

a white woman thinks she is owed a Chad

a black queen will become Chads property

bro this is common sense, you dont even need facts. the fairer you are the more attractive you are likely to be.

Black females are the ultimate tomboys, at least the ones I've been with. If you have a tomboy fetish and you aren't going balls deep on a black bitch that likes guns and watching action movies on the weekend. You are doing it wrong. Fuck prissy blond sluts, niggers can have them.

Because white Kings and black queens are made for each other

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I dont know, I sometimes got mocked for being pale as a piece of paper

It's for girls, not guys.

And black queens love alpha white men

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this, like are you retarded krautbro? Guys are meant to look like meds

Tell that to asian women lmao
They love pale guys

Because based black women are tired of being single moms listening to fables about kangz when they would rather have BWC. Tyrone needs a daddy.

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but asian women are more attractive

burgers are race traitors, no wonderful they are not white


>asian women
shitposting aside id rather fuck a negress than one of those bugs, disgusting american fetish I cant wrap my head around, sad

Nice source faggot
Also if the number you clearly pulled out of your ass is true, it's because the sheboon managed to get a cash cow and won't let it go

Fuck off to /b/.

I could never trust a black woman after living a mile from a project for 7 years.

asian women have prettier faces and hair than black women

That goes for negresses too
They always talk about loving pale nerdy white boys on twitter

short stubby legs and weird asses, no tits, flat face, retarded personality and voice, soulless

but short stubby legs and no tits are really the biggest deal breakers, seriously dude, look at their legs sometime, the japs really stand out there not the plastic koreans

This. Plus having hapa kids hell no.

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Because nigger women are vile and will gladly betray their own race.

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hapa girls are hot though

hapa girls get the best of white and asian features

niggas cheat!

White men simply cannot resist the BBV

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