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Four persons! Another false flag.
Is this to slide the Epstein stuff?
uh, wow. is mossad, dare I say, based?
fucken caved for the purpose to spread out that short interview
>she can't even speak english
jesus christ
not like I'm jelly because the USA I've looked up to died a long time ago but that's still kind of sad to see
Four shooters:
I saw it. big if true
cant seem to find any videos of the shooting
I wouldnt trust a women recalling any events...
they are gonna sweep this under the rug just like all the other shootings with multiple shooters
of course you wouldn't you stupid fucking jew
>hurrr duurrr you stoopid, u jew for being misogynist!
are you retarded?
Hahahahaha, kikery in the style is also considered as a fakery
another one... is Jow Forums infested with retards? must the fucking summerfags.
no youre just a fucking idiot
That settles it. If that's your argument, then clearly you are a) a little kid (summerfag) b) retarded.
Fuck off from here if you can't understand a simple lame joke nigger
Clearly a very retarded joke, i will give you that.
Spics are really child like and low IQ, her so called testimony cannot be trusted.
Just don't be serious in everything, it's just boring. If you say so, i know so, and that is exactly my point why i have write "lame joke"
Sloppy job
They're taking their sweet ass time scrubbing all video evidence.
Nothing ever happens.
Everything you need to know about the (((shootings)))
>Khakis vs Cargo pants
Not the same
>trusting a Mexican
Not the same
did i offended you, you retarded faggot? god, crying like a little girl on a board is very pathetic.
Beware of anons insulting relentlessly back and fourth in a thread like this, they are attempting to slide when they change the topic of discussion into simple insults
It's the same guy they squished his face in the upper left pic to look less like Dershowitz
I wouldn’t trust anyone with a memeflag
Projecting this hard, what a fucking pussy
Do you trust me now? What is it with people and "muh scary memeflag". What difference does it makes?
Now you'll say i'm using a VPN, and we keep going and going to no end.
Awww, you really took it to heart. Don't cry pls
didn't the media get the memo: only interview the crisis actors, not real people! fucking idiots!!