Food for thought

food for thought

Attached: usa mass shootings guns.png (275x828, 92K)

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3 mass shootings in Mexico, thats gotta be some kinda bullshit.

Also Brazil
Like fuck at least try

yeah, would you rather live in US, mexico or brazil?

>1 shooting
Yeah caused by a muslim ROACH

wtf I hate inalienable rights now


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homicides by the year in Mexico

>In 2016, Brazil had a record 61,819 murders
yeah, seems very legit, only 1 mass shooting btw. nothing wrong to see here

Okay Europe what about world war II an I?

I hate these dishonest fucks more than I hate declared jihadists.

>18 U.S. Code §2384. Seditious conspiracy

Food for thought.

Murders aren't mass shootings retards

>homicides are mass shootings
Based pedro retard

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how many peace trucks n stabbings tho checkmate twitter fag

Only 3 mass shootings in Mexico? Right...

Finland and Switzerland have loose restrictions on guns, why don't they have any mass shootings?

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Not as loose as the US

laws that value safety over freedom

Ugh, why did he pick so many huwhite countries as ideals to aspire to? Euro-centric bigot.

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>murder don't count if it spread out stoopid
Thats some ascended level thought process buddy. Thank God those 61k murders all happened individually and each instance never reached the magic "mass shooting" criteria or they would have been even worse

If you check wikipedia for 2019 mass shootings you will see most of it is just niggers killing each other, home invasions etc.

249? More like 249 million am I right?

>NZ - maoris muslims and chinks
>Netherlands - muslims
>Brazil - monkey niggers
>Mexico - spics
>USA - hebrew monkey nigger spics
Wow look at that

Maine 0
Vermont 0
West Virginia 0
New Hampshire 0

Wow, all these States with 90%+ White population don't seem to have this mass shooting problem. Really gets the noggin joggin', don't it?

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Iceland too.
It seems that in small, homogeneous countries where the people have a high standard of living and the average IQ is relatively high, guns become almost a non-issue: either have them or don't have them, it doesn't seem to make much difference either way.

But in countries like the US - with it's enormous population, massive amounts of diversity in things like ethnic background, economic status, IQ differences, it's highly individualist culture, rancid consumerism etc - they are a problem.

Australia gave up it's guns at a time when we were much more homogeneous as a country. If we'd known that 20 years later the government would be importing sub-Saharan gangs of young men who would terrorize suburbs with violent home break-ins, we probably would have been less keen. I can't blame Americans for wanting to keep theirs. If I had to live there, I'd want one too.

Attached: Iceland Guns.png (697x1545, 406K)

Because they don't have americans

Food for thought.

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As someone who lives in New Hampshire, sometimes I wish we could secede just so we’d appear on the good parts of these rankings for once. Fucking unfair to compare this country to places as small as Switzerland or Belgium

Indeed. It seems like the most peaceful parts of your country are also the most White. Stop asking questions.

Attached: US whitest states.png (691x466, 16K)

It only counts when americans do it

>1 post by this ID
(((Who))) could be behind this post?

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Wasn't there just some horrific attack in japan? Without guns?

white people are obviously the problem kek.

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Eurofags gotta get those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers

USA #1 baby. Rest of the world, are you even trying?

>only 3 mass shootings in Mexico
Big if true!


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thats all the evidence I need to know that this tweet is bullshit

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yep, a guy set fire to company building and roasted 33 people drawing anime.

what about the non-white countries with no mass shootings?
you have no argument

don't cut yourself on the edge, kid

Did you look up total murders you stupid faggot?

We had a mass shooting in Darwin this year. The fact that isn't included makes me think the rest of these stats are bullshit.

There are a lot less niggers

Actually Swiss laws are laxer than most leftist states.

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