Only one way to save their U.S. Demicratic Socialist Stooges from Prison;
o fuggg if only
OP is a fag.
>all these low effort slide thread trying to distract from Trumpstein and Epstein
You will think distract when the troops start swarming across the Border.
What do you think they are doing it for?
US will not go to war over Hong Kong, PRC is going to pull a Tiananmen 2.0
US wont, but Brits will.
Lol. They can’t even defend london.
They dont have to defend Hong Kong.
All they need to do us sacrifice a fee troops----Art5.
They should start exporting "cultural enrichment" to china
>india massing troops in kashmir
>china massing troops near hong kong
>iran grabbing tankers
Bongs literally gave Hong Kong away for no reason. Chinks didn't even ask for it, they just decided they would give HK to china because lolwhynot
They aren't going to fight over it. They knew exactly what they were doing when they turned a city of millions of people raised on western, democratic ideologies over to a government known for violently supressing western, democratic ideologies.
Communist are losing the U.S.
They have to do something.
You want mirrion dorrars? Fuck you heres 300 ICBMs.
how are people that don't want an extradition treaty with a hostile government necessarily DemSocs? the reason the protests are so big is that this is really something that appeals to all political spectrums that aren't interested in blind submission.
Bout that.
We did a warning ICBM Launch ourselves this morning.
DemSocs want to quell the Uprising.
Oh my goodness the last couple days with all the happenings have been so great. More!!!
are you stupid?
Bomb Iran ONCE in a DemSoc meeting.
>Bomb Iran ONCE in a DemSoc meeting.
what? are you implying that since leftists don't want war with iran, we should support it?
Nah the Jews gave Hong Kong to China in a backroom deal. No way will they let their anglo dogs block it.