Hahaha the white master race, oh my sides
Hahaha the white master race, oh my sides
>implying aryans were white supremacists
but that's a jew
A-well-a ev'rybody's heard about the bird
B-b-b-bird, b-birdd's a word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, bird is a word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is a word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's a word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is a word
A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird is a word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's a word
A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is a word
A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird's a word
A-well-a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is a word
Boorman Reich: Rise of the Attack of the Clones
That is a jew
Why do you people keep posting fake photos.
jews are more pure. this is some uniquely american mixture of native, asian and british dna
>Jow Forums
But OP, the Dayton Shooter was a registered Bernie Democrat who was radicalized against the DHS and the Border Patrol.
You're a jew
Behold the master race
Lying won't help your case. His manifesto is out there. Own up to your friend's actions.
he's not talking about the el paso shooter, retardicus.
You're thinking El Paso again. The Dayton Shooter is 100% a leftist. Pro-Socialism and everything.
What is the deal with the whole "manifesto" thing? Why write an incriminating letter like that?
Fact is, attractive whites don't need to shoot people up. They'll always be desirable and btfo out of any shitskins just by existing. They'll always get every job, get every girl, make the best of companions, etc. etc.
It's why brown people are jealous of whites in the first place.
OP is gay.
Thats not the Dayton shooter
This is
same crisis actor?
Because they don't expect to live to see the morning. This recent manifesto though, it reeks of fakery/trolling. If I recall rightly, there was another shooter that did that, trollingly put a game or something in his "manifesto" expecting the media to jump on it. Long story short, they did.
>It's why brown people are jealous of whites in the first place.
>White incel cope
Whites you are describing are literally 0.0000000001% of the white population, the vast majority of you are genetic trash larping as the master race
How fucked up in the head do you have to be to kill your own sister
This is the picture the media here uses for the El Paso shooter
I mean, come on America. This is not a white person
Found the genetic trash!
He doesn't even look so bad. If he just waited a few years he would probably get laid
>No you
>nignog lips on two of them
Sure thing, shitskin.
theres no proof linking the first two to being nazis, the first one is a italian iranian mutt in the first place, no proof on the second and thats not the third, the third was a confirmed leftist antifa you dipshit, fuck off nigger, no one wants you here
Weakass comeback.
>using the same crisis actor for 3 shootings
>using a different actor for the El Paso shooter as in
Sloppy job Mossad
woah.. the master race looks like THAT?
Is that the same person in all three images?
Lol boomer gifs
bruh ugly white people existing doesnt mean were not the master race lol we're the tallest best looking highest IQ next to east asians, and we invented everything and tried to civilize you brown monkeys that were living in mudd huts, stfu you inferior shitskin, you will always be inferior and you know it
Yup. I got the rare stuff.
Why is there so much disinfo on Jow Forums? This is elpaso shooter.
this is dayton.
>built everything
>can't even insult using proper math
neck yourself nigger
>this is dayton.
he looks like an MK Ultra agent. Those eyes are borderline psychotic.
>Garlic Gunner
>El Paso Incel
>Dayton Downser
Who’s next?
> ugly white dude coping this hard
I hope I never become so pathetic that I use gifs of cartoons from over 20 years ago.
bruh im tall and handsome, calm down muhammed
Gilroy and Dayton were both commies
Garlic shooter was half-Iranian. Of course that won't stop the MSM from ignoring the Arab background and trying to paint him as a white supremacist anyway.
I'm 6'2 and look like penn badgely but keep coping achmed
This effeminate white basedboy looks like perfect tranny material
the wordfilters here are getting really taxing
and bruh you're a nordcuck anyway, the most useless europeans lmfao
>Whites built everything
Complete fallacy, a select group of CAUCASIANS did. You dont get to jump on that because you think your fake white identity means something.
Pf, you can do this with fox as well you retard.
jews aren't white though.
Did he name the jew?
anglos, germanics, greeks and italians built everything. white europeans not "CAUCASIANS" dumbfuck, thats why you're speaking our language bitchboi
Too late, you're already a leaf.
and yes white europeans can take credit for the accomplishments of their ancestors but keep thinking your dumbass sargonite individualist argument means shit lol
at least use the right pic of the dayton shooter - he had weird eyes, weird nose, and a big head
Half the people you listed there arent even white and without the Phoenician alphabet, this language im typing doesnt exist
If your a Slavshit, Nordnigger, Irish ect what the Greeks, Romans, Spanish, Anglos, French etc did arent your ancestors accomplishments
stfu italians and greeks are white, go suck talebs arab dick bro, no one believes his BS thats why he blocks everyone lmao
im anglo dumbfuck, my pipo have contributed more to society than anyone else lmao
lmao he looks like their brother.
>Im Anglo
LOL ok mutt
They are jews you stupid nigger.
hurr durr romans weren't wite u guiseee
I wouldn't say that entirely. Though when people celebrate their heritage they like to forget the less... palpable aspects.
I have mostly Scottish roots, but have Anglo branches as well. While I liked the freedom minded ancient Scots, who were pretty damn good river knights and wrecked a lot of Vikangs, they still leaned towards the savage. A not so great aspect of ancient Scots.
Wasn't until Scotland finally merged with the U.K that the best (intellectually) of my genetic line started emerging. Before that it was mostly warriors and priests.
>Nordicist revisionism
Are you feeling terrified yet?
ive already traced my lineage you retarded faggot all my ancestors are of english descent and a couple are of german descent, and came to america in 1600, but i expect a retarded pol fag with no understanding of genetics to be like "lol le 56% u guisee" fucking retard lol
No reason to feel terrified. All the more reason for more American citizens to arm themselves.
Yeah, I doubt most of them know much of anything about their own genetic heritage when they spout shit like that.
the is an accurate reconstruction of augustus' face using roman descriptions, no one disputes this, you should see nero and the other reconstructions as well but keep coping
Genetically inferior martyr themselves. Like it should be.
especially when she defines 'slampig'
>mfw not real naziism
Who here unironically watched fox besides maybe tucker Carlson.
>Are you feeling terrified yet?
> Bernstein
> Peitzman
> Sherman
Jews being Jews.
This manifesto feels like a larp, it's like what an alphabet agency would think is an actual thing that someone here / infinity chan would write. It lacks all novel convictions and opinions, and is just random drivel that a comic book villain would say.
RoMaNs wErNt wIte u gUiSeee, sTupid NoRdicisTs, tTheY wErE acKsHuaLly ArAbs!! nice cope faggot
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. It wasn't his actual beliefs. Either an injection from alphabets for negative media attention on the rightwing, or a well played troll knowing the media would run with the fake story.
Jow Forums melted his brain, silly chimp