/ptg/ President Trump General - 2020 Democrat Platform Edition

@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump comments before departing NJ 8/4/19
>ActWHCoS Mulvaney on MtP 8/4/19
>WHTradeDir Navarro on FoxNewsSun 8/4/19
>NECDir Kudlow on Bloomberg 8/2/19
>Trump2020StratCommDir Lotter on CBNNews 8/2/19
>Bannon on PragerU 8/4/19
>SoS Pompeo/DefSec Esper meet w/shitposters FM Payne/DM Reynolds 8/3/19
>SoS Pompeo arrives in Australia 8/3/19
>Pres Trump Interview w/Bill Cunningham 8/2/19
>Pres Trump departs DC 8/2/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 8/2/19
>Pres Trump on US-EU Beef Trade Agreement 8/2/19
>VP Pence @2nd Annual Resurgent Gathering in Atlanta GA 8/2/19
>At least they were honest 8/1/19
>They're All the Same 7/30/19
>TrumpTweet: The Real Donald Trump 7/30/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



[hopes really really hard that something good happens]

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>I disagree.
>Shill. Heh....owned.


did the teleprompter say toledo or did trump just say it himself?

Ban video games.
Ban guns.
Ban white men.

Based. Let's turn in our full semi autos next

Get off our board, faggots.

Remember when the boomers in ptg watched fox religiously

>let's give (((psychologists))) the ability to deny you basic rights if you have a "mental illness" at a time when they are reclassifying things like "homophobia" as mental illnesses in official handbooks like the DSM

Still not voting Democrat because they want wayyyyy more than just (((Red Flag Laws))), but anyone defending Trump on this is a cuck or a shill, no exceptions.

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cracka ass nazis and they hate crimes

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Call your or other people's representatives and senators at federal and state level you niggers. Email them, write letters like the boomers do which apparently works, and screech at their offices autistically. I don't think anything will come out of this, but it's better to be safe than sorry now isn't it. It makes no sense for you to come down here and whine impotently like how jews do about how one faggoty failed Austrian painter supposedly killing millions of their kind. Also read this
Mitch McConnell has repeatedly blocked gun control legislation in the senate because he's smart enough to realize how stupid that would be.

Also, please do the same to the White House. Trump more or less likely has interns here watching us, but fill up the lines. Let him know how you feel about this pretty bad idea.
>The fact people fail to understand that, considering the people manning the federal government (the blokes answering phones, for instance) are the same as 40 years ago and trained by the same as 80 years ago, no wonder that

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Toledo is dump. It needs some prayers.

This fucking guy...

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>/PTG/ is dead
>/HCG/ is the new hotness

Who else here is now a Hilldawg supporter?

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some people say holy toledo

If anything video games lower violent crimes

>full semi autos
Instantly revealing yourself to be a brainlet.

heres link...

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i don't
i gotta love how gun-owning right-wingers living in cities with registered guns are trying to scare someone disarmed about the red flag laws. like i said, i'll hold open the door for the ATF or FBI or whoever and let them take any gun and shoot any dog they find

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I know that vid
It's the time the jaguar gets the little fella

The problem with criticizing trump when he actually does stupid is that shills will use that to push you into supporting more and more left wing shit.


It's over, just accept it... This outrage will not die out like all the others.

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How would the red flag laws work? Anyone could just tell the cops you have weapons and could be a threat to the public?

what's with this faggots floppy faggot haircut


You should listen to Jared's gun control idea he picked up when shadowing Bibi last year

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What the niggerloving fuck is a hate crime? Is it a hate crime to love jewish cock while I play my vidya?!?


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>not getting the sarcasm
I see you are riddled with autism. I'll be more slow next time

Qfags are back and Fox news is talking about retardchan unironically

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>yfw the border crossed you.

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She literally wasn't even egyptian (who also weren't black)

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>hate speech === hate crime
imagine being this retarded

>Hilldawg is my gurrrrrrrrl
>Hillary 2020

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ok, prepare your anus
hope you're good at twister, sweetie

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>"Cultural change is hard."
Like the Angel mothers who had childfen killed at the hands of the people Trump is now defending. You know what? This is going to end pretty much as I assume it to be, and it's going to be on this stupid fuck. Suck my dick by the way Ivanka.

Just to keep potential fans of Ben Shapiro who come here from r/the_donald aware of the reality of what Shapiro is
Ben Shapiro is so triggered right now
>pic related
>It really upsets him that his kind of conservatism is labeled the same as white supremacy
Do you think he will ever realize that virtue signaling and explaining 6 gorillion times that his strain of nationalism and conservatism isn't the same as white supremacy nor white nationalism nor alt-right is futile because the Left knows the differences but uses it anyway to smear?
>mfw Ben Shapiro also equates anything to the right of him with "Nazis"
I guess he's tasting his own medicine because he does the same thing when he conflates everyone to the right of "daily wire conservatism" to "muh Nazis"

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Ban hyperbole.

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imagine being THIS FUCKING NEW

Its the first step in the chinese social credit system that the world commies want for us


Why does that guy got a dude's name?

Shoot yourself.

>call him Grim Reaper
>whine that he's owning the nickname
People this stupid should not be representing anyone, not even themselves.

>But even if it doesn't get passed, my entire point was that he mishandled this and it did nothing positive for this country. You don't win a culture war by giving your enemies what they want. You tell them to fuck off. When we first started talking, there wasn't any Graham/Blumenthal bill. My concern was with the tone that this sets for the party, the base, and society at large.
>And in less than a day we got the entire country talking about taking away gun rights because of thought crimes, instead of literally anything fucking thing else he could have brought up
>my ankles are swollen
>I have cramps
>Are you cold? I'm cold
Seriously, you're being totally hyper-emotional and blowing this shit out of proportion. It's literally fucking nothing, I don't know why you keep harping on it.

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>clearly didn't actually say hate speech should result in the death penalty
>posts link proving himself wrong anyway

Thank you for proving me right, user.

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>this is the big media take away from it
>this is what all the NPCs area going to say about it
>not that Trump explicitly disavowed white nationalists
>but that he flubbed and said Toledo rather than Dayton

>meanwhile girl's name and senator heebenthal draft thought crime law that removes your right to keep and bear arms if you say mean thing
>that will be expanded and abused in the future
>that Trump wont even get any credit for with respect to efforts to curb gun violence
>because there are going to be at least a dozen more mass shootings between now and the election


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It finally happened. My mom texted me and asked if I know what Qanon is after she read an article about the El Paso shooter following it.

Boy it sure is cripplechan here

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Is it your day job to have cancerous opinions?

I'm a Nazi. I want you to do more right-wing shit like exterminating undesirables and eliminating the debt-based system of finance strangling our nation and race.

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The same way wellness checks work. Cops come to your house unannounced then you get nervous then that's cause to take you to a psych ward

>white nationalists
white supremacists* but yeah

Mitch should have dug a dyke shaped hole six feet deep to get the message across

Cocaine thinking right there.
A judge has to approve of it.
Must like for restraining orders.
Except you get restrained from being with your guns instead of places or people.

>liberals immediately imagine white supremacists getting beheaded in the town square
>look at statistics
>most perpetrators or hate crimes and mass shootings are black

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There is nothing wrong with liking Sonic.

>Why does that guy got a dude's name?
I know what you meant, but damn user, lay off the sauce

>Hillary 2020
>No Gun Control
>Being white isn't illegal
>No Video Game Control
>That's it, I'm voting Hillary

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>Hate Speech

Imagine thinking speech is what makes people hateful.

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>RIP Socialism

>Ban video games.
>Ban guns.
>Ban white men.

Right after we ban niggers, who are overwhelmingly responsible for gun violence in the US.

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Niggers don't know that.

doing this pro bono for now kouhai but i plan on going professional someday

Ban niggers.
Ban kikes.
Ban faggots.

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>now THAT'S a REAL new source. heh. based Shep, kek, maga. *sip*

Exactly. This can't just be passed off as just some trivial mistake in messaging. That guns can't be taken away easily is literally the only thing standing in the way of the return to serfdom. Red flag laws will end that, and anyone even entertaining the though of them has to be a shill and/or retarded.

So if the Feds shut them down, did the glowniggers all come here?

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You guys think they took cripple chan down to trigger the rest of the lefty pol idiots there to sperg?

>be donny
>betray your voters

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So how many niggers, spics, muzzies, and non-whites instead of justifiably enraged AMERICANS and loyal citizens will be hunted down with all the resources, time and manpower of the almighty FBI and ATF?
"hate crime" only applies to people defending themselves now. These fuckers really are completely useful idiots that refuse to acknowledge the reality of the rule of the jungle.
DJT is turning out to be the best useful idiot (((they))) had in a while, and Q is turning out to be a complete incompetent cowardly scum who obviously are traitors to their own people and nations.

Red flag laws will apply to hate crimes?!?!?! WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING?!?! Everyone quickly, to the jew caves. Protect your brain with all the jewish media you can find!!

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>Trump supprts red flag laws

welp he just lost me and my father's votes

Cloudflare kicked them out of the treefort and the place they went to for a new CDN was, stupidly enough, hosted on somebody else's servers instead of their own hardware.

Guac is the only sauce that fuels me user

>imagine being most upset about fucking video games from trump's cucked speech
pathetic faggots

I'm with her.

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Trump serves his jew masters first

if you support Trump, you support jews first and America last

So what will Trump do about video games

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You're fucked, Jow Forums.

From The New York Times:
Conservatism Has a Violence Problem
‘The numbers don’t lie.’

American conservatism has a violence problem.

The current secretary of energy, Rick Perry, once publicly suggested that the chairman of the Federal Reserve deserved to be beaten up because of his interest rate policy. Greg Gianforte, a member of Congress from Montana, physically assaulted a reporter who asked him a question he didn’t like. President Trump has repeatedly alluded to extrajudicial physical force, including suggesting that his supporters might resort to violence if they didn’t get their way.

The most extreme version of conservatism’s violence problem is the most tragic: the pattern of mass shootings by people espousing right-wing views, sometimes encouraged in online forums.

Last year, 39 of the 50 killings committed by political extremists, according to the Anti-Defamation League, were carried out by white supremacists. Another eight were committed by killers with anti-government views. Over the past 10 years, right-wing extremists were responsible for more than 70 percent of extremist-related killings. “Right-wing extremist violence is our biggest threat,” Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the A.D.L., has written. “The numbers don’t lie.”

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>tranny granny has a sore fanny

Oh no, that sucks.

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Fuck this kike.

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Chang Goldberg is a nigger like that.
>Makoto x Joker is my P5 otp

>blimpf said a thing
>I'm voting Democrat now
>so is my dad
>he works for nintendo

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Trumps only saving grace may be how insane the left is.


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Confiscate them all just like he did last time he talked about video games after a mass shooting.

>no mention of banning violent anime
not a dealbreaker yet

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We must defend AAA gaming and jewish business at all costs. Oh and elect nonwhite to office as well!

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