Mexican here, what the fuck is going on in white households to create these shootings?

Mexican here, what the fuck is going on in white households to create these shootings?

I think we need to be asking this question to all white households. A lot of it has to do with excessive babying of these white male teens who are given everything and grow up to be violent manchildren. They find sites like this and think they are among "friends".

If you're kid wears glasses, is into anime that looks like it's for asian teenage girls, watches "comedians" like Sam Hyde, watches WW2 videos, wears dark clothes, etc., then you better keep an eye on him.

You don't see shit like this from asian, mexican, or black households.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I doubt Israel is behind it.

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"You don't see shit like this from asian, mexican, or black households."
This made me laugh.

Whites are better at everything and that includes killing people
When niggers snap they just wave a gun around and kill four people max

While all responses all different, why would any sane white person care for the current society? They are called conspiracy theorists for protesting against their replacement, the media is completely anti white, they are not a protected class like jews/gays, etc. Society is against them. When society beats down on them, why is a response like this a surprise?

How come you're not better at having sex?

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You haven't noticed that black and hispanic people organize themselves into gangs and kill each other en masse?

In other words, conservative white people actually follow their christian beleifs of saving sex for marraige
Wow so surprising

How is that working out long term for leftists? I hate left/right dichotomy but

Young White men are treated like shit by society and they’re striking back. Getting fucking used to it, this is gonna be everyday from now until forever. Part of living in a multiracial society

There are no white people in America.

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NOW they're asking parents? top kek

Niggers don't shoot up schools, they shoot up their neighborhoods

Someone post the goddamn screenshot of whites reaching out to others, only to be stabbed in the back.

Fuck you. No mercy.

Who's doing to send the image to the niggeress?

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Miss Sambo is confusing white bois with Jews, like the Jew shooter who allegedly shot up Wal Mart.

Crusius is a Jew, maybe a Marrano, but a Jude. Close set eyes, big nose, fish lips, curly dark hair and a face filled with hate. Confirm: JEW.

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>You don't see shit like this from asian, mexican, or black households.
Come back home and you will see plenty.

I like the part where you pretend cartels don't run your whole country.

You know you can just ignore those black twitter thabksgiving with white family memes

You don't have to shoot up a public area full of people

>A lot of it has to do with excessive babying of these white male teens who are given everything and grow up to be violent manchildren.

I was given everything, and turned out to be a peaceful, passive silly autist who appreciates all the simple pleasures, like free internet, food, looking at pics of cute girls, sleeping on a comfortable bed, etc. Don't know why this phenomenon of "spoiled kid who becomes violent and entitled" is so common. Maybe some end up like that, but the vast majority of spoiled kids are just passive autists who spend time playing minecraft and eating bacon and jacking off to porn

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>what the fuck is going on in white households to create these shootings?
Nothing. You beaners are simply invading America and destroying our country. My parents think I should mind my own business and not care about our land and culture being stolen by spics, so they aren’t the source.

Seriously though. Fuck spics. All of them must be deported by any means necessary.

>you don’t see shit like this from Asian, Mexican, or black households
Lmao that’s right, you just see compulsive chainsmoking/ gambling, compulsive drug dealing and machete killing, and compulsive chimping out.

At some point people are going to need to address the reality that mass shootings account for less than 1% of homicides in this country, on a bad year.

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Said the D&Q kike

Whew, the statistics for white murderers don't even come close to young black men. It's the difference between Pug attacks and Pit Bull attacks.

>You don't see shit like this from asian, mexican, or black households.
I don't know what La La Land you live in, but I want to go there.

>Mexican here
you belong in Mexico then

What are you gonna do about it whitey, shoot up a Wal-Mart in Texas?

Blame the guns, blame “mental illness,” blame white parenting, blame white genes ... blame anything at all to avoid confronting the reality that these shootings are caused by a rotting cultural and moral foundation at the heart of American society. It’s a lot easier to find scapegoats than to confront the fact that the Empire is falling, and that the violence will continue to escalate.

The mentality is different
Most nogs and spics have unhealthy levels of self esteem and entitlement
Depressed whites hate themselves and want to burn down everyone with them
Ego driven killings vs slash and burn
Both are still selfish and pathetic they just manifest in different ways

Right leaning people don't hate their parents, you're thinking of the left wing trannies who don't know their own sexuality.
I'm also pretty sure kids raised in broken homes 9 times out of 10 turn into violent thugs.

You know the shits you get from spicy food?
Well, there is reason to believe it is the source.
Remember that we are just one spicy autistic shit away from habbening centra

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So is the left finely admiring that white people have a culture

Any retard can make a collage with random mugshots. Try harder, fag.

Is this collection of mugshots better?

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What's with all the mexican gang banging?

You don’t belong in America if you think Mexicans belong in Mexico
Land of the free, motherfucker

wow epic rebuttal you really debunked that
lol you kikes are dealing with people who are smarter than you, give up

Go back, spic

You're alright Wayne

>black woman talking about the parenting of whites

If they expect to just phase the white man out of existence, steal everything that is owed to them and giving them nothing but lies and insults, all without incidents, they have mental problems bigger than the actual shooters.

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Shooting up a walmart would be a great service to our country.
I shart you not, the last time i went to shartmart there literally, at least, less than ten whites in their with me. Everyone else was either a fat nigger or a poo. White flight is real in my state.

Youre not the one beeing wiped out.

Bought groceries at Walmart 45 minutes ago. The store was 95% white.
Move to a better neighborhood.

Why you mad? Doesn't the existence of "incels" make it easier for you? Less competition.

I wont but someone else might

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white white or American white? There's a big difference.

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Hispanic gangs are responsible for far more deaths than muh evil whitey.

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White white

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Just like someone else of a darker complexion might end up fucking all the white girls in your area, huh?
Go mail order a gun already, we're waiting for you, user.

alt-right doesn't equate to white, rtard. Point still stands and in fact you actually prove his point

I live in virginia if that gives you an idea of the ST8

Niggers don't go to school.

You just realizing brown people are retarded? Yes they have mental problems, it's their nature.

The internet is radicalizing alienenated and disenfranchised people, and a fraction of those people are actually violently derranged and do shit like this.

tl;dr it's the internet

Richest parents, most medicated, etc.

jew-spic mutts aren't White.

Oh yeah, my Dad lives in Raleigh and my bro in Alexandria. Both places are like Little Delhi

>white male teens who are given everything
Quite an assumption.

This tired old meme. Put it to rest

You don't get free lunch on the streets user.
Ah I see, the wired has finally synchronized with Earth. Soon we will finally meet Lain.

Wrong. Fuck off.

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You have to go back.

>You don't see shit like this from asian, mexican, or black households.

America has too many excesses. Both wealth and poverty. You know you can adopt some good parts of socialism (not the let's give all niggers free shit kind) and the stresses in your society will disappear. Too bad Yang is a fucking joke of a candidate, but he is on the right track.

>why ypeepo do this
>"mexican" in america

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Thas ok paco we can diy our own tacos, no need for you

>You don't see shit like this from asian, mexican, or black households.
Correct, but what we see from said households is why our youth is reacting like it is.

>Mexican here, what the fuck is going on in white households to create these shootings?

go back. until you do, they will continue.

Black households don't exist. Asian households are too busy with their parents, and you do see this with Mexican households. They just don't show it.

You were colonized for a reason, Mestizo.

That doesnt happen irl

i lost my virginity at 13 and have banged over 50 women. and i still hate likes, niggers, spics and jannys. kys girl

Btw im not user im Wayne Lambright

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Mexico's economy consists of nearly 33% remittances. When the next recession begins your country will be Somalia with mariachi music. Maybe worry about your own gun violence you silly bean.

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Imagine actually basing the worth of somebody based on the age they got their dick wet lmfao. Revolutionaries clearly have no standards.

I've had socialized health care for near a decade now cause of my jobs. Got sick the other day, stayed in line for just one hour, the doc checked me up, got all my meds for free. Sometimes this cartel den of a country isn't too bad.
Can you DIY yourself some kevlar?
>You were colonized for a reason, Mestizo.
Tell me, how does the Moors and Indians finally getting their revenge feel?

Not good enough. Why not make it an Imperial Spanish Colony again? Prince Sixtus Henry is looking for his throne.

In this simulation we obey the laws of thermodynamics ok retard.


Mestizos like you used to be my servants. I suggest submit before the reaction occurs. We're not going to be as nice as we were the last time.

>You don't see shit like this from asian, mexican, or black households.

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These white cucks are so fucking impotent at every facet of their own lives, but have to prove to themselves they are better than Tyrone/Chang/Chadpreet they go out and kill unarmed targets. If you motherfuckers had any fucking balls you'd pick a fight with someone who could fight back, but forever beta cucks can't even mass murder right.

I think it must be hip-hop music with all its glorification of guns and shooting people to solve your problems.

Black mothers, why are you producing so many young black male gang members? What is going on in your households? How involved are you with your sons? Are you missing signs they are failing in school, stealing out of your purse, and are surrounded by other black men who think that the gang banger lifestyle is okay?

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I offer free energy and you spit in my face.

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Losers gonna find a way

We'll ask for reparations, and trust me we won't be as nice to you as we are to the US.
Just try it, papito. We'll make sure your remains are thrown into the trash along with Franco's after he's exhumed.

>How involved are you with your sons?
fucking lol

>not from black households
shill deluxe

yeah, black youths aren't violent at all

You are not Lambrights enemies! Desist now! We will all be equal under the new world order that i will establish. Free energy and maximum prosperity for all! No more hunger. Accept the mark of Lambright on your right hand or on your forehead user. When the time comes.

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>white people don't organize gangs.

Reparations? BAHAHAHAHA. No das la talla man. And for the record, get my European tongue out of your filthy indio mouth. That perverse language you speak isn't Spanish.

As for Franco? He's merely the transitional leader. Our true King will be restored, moors and other migrants will be expelled, and our Empire will be restored. You are but a thing, a servant. I'll savor your pain, mestizo.

We can ask the same stupid question about Mexican house holda. Pic related

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you have to go back

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Savages. They behaved so much better as our servants.

Then be a man and show us all how mass murder is done

>what the fuck is going on in white households to create these shootings?
How many times does Jow Forums have to repeat itself?

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Yeah what prolific white steet gangs are running around gunning each other down for deofferent colors? Bikers might sell meth and kill, but I’ve never heard of them stabbing a guy 113 times and then sodomizing his corpse, like MS13, I don’t know anyone killed by a hells angel, I knew someone murdered by a Norteno. Double standard is such bullshit and this is the first defense of the gang question. How many “aryan brotherhood” members are murdering in the streets? Are they shooting people cause they wore blue or red?