I keep asking why the good guy with the gun didn't stop the bad guy with a gun. So far the responses have been:
1. Insults 2. bla bla bla personal freedom 3. "The cops had guns!" 4. And a few people pointing out that the people with guns couldn't possibly do anything since they were busy taking cover with others
Basically, it proves that more guns is not the solution, so they shut down and babble incoherently.
shill thread fuck off nigger anyone who replies after this post is a no brain nigger monkey
Chase Garcia
Its a meme that texas has guns on everyone. Most likely only the shooter was armed in that Walmart.
Isaiah Walker
Illegal Mexicans cant carry guns legally Saged
Jordan Reed
>I keep asking why the good guy with the gun didn't stop the bad guy with a gun because you think the good guy is the bad guy. he was shooting mexicans. that's a good thing.
Brandon Russell
I bet you unironically ask why cops don't just shoot criminals in the leg ask me how I know
Nathan Cox
Damn.... Really made me think.
Landon Green
I'm telling ya, if you can't find a good guy with a gun in a fuckin Texas Walmart, then the good guy with a gun hypothesis is null.
I know we can't touch the second amendment outright but why can't we make a law that stipulates gun manufacturers in the US can only build weapons that fire or house ammunition for the military but ban their sales (except to the military or police).
Say you can only build a M16 that has a 40 round magazine in full auto such and such, but that's all you can build at your Winchester factory but legally you can only sell bolt actions or something or any weapon that cannot be built legally as per the law.
That way you have your RIGHT to bare arms but no one can build the guns you are allowed to have. You can keep the 2nd amendy but no one dies. It's win win I think.
No you faggot. The response you've received since the shooting is the truth: >El Paso >ONLY MEXICANS >NO TEXANS IN SIGHT
William Edwards
Sometimes the goal isn't to be a superhero and try to stop a shooting. If I am being attacked, I would feel a lot better holding a gun. There is no scenario ever - in all of human history - on which I would be attacked and say to myself "Man am I happy that I don't have a gun right now." If I have a gun, my odds of survival go up. I do not need to justify it any more than this. End of conversation.
>Texans They were mexican. El paso is mexico. Mexicans don't have self reliance.
Nathan White
No. El Paso is the actual closest city to Mexico, right on the border. Its population is almost entirely hispanic, many of whom are illegal border hoppers. There were no Texans there.
the particular mall the walmart is in is a gun free zone :D
Owen Brown
The important question is.. Was Sneed a Texan?
Luis Baker
Cooper Thomas
Liam Miller
Democrats in Texas don't consider themselves Texans. True story.
I struck up a conversation with a lady from Texas at an airport once. She said she was from Austin and immediately began waxing poetic about how diverse and progressive her city is. I asked her if she considered herself a Texan. She tilted her head back, laughed, and replied "No."
I think there are very few Texans left in Texas anymore.
Brandon Roberts
welp pack it up shills
Brandon Brooks
As some other anons above said, spics are not Hispanics. They are invaders/parasites.
Colton Cooper
Good guys with guns literally stopped the Dayton shooter. He as dead in under a minute. OP is a faggot and this is a slide thread
El Paso aren't full of gun toting Texans, they are as leftist/liberal as any costal metro city.
David Fisher
Do you know if there was anyone carying a gun? If no one had a gun -- do you know WHY? Maybe because they weren't allowed to?
Brayden Gomez
Most malls do not permit people to enter with guns knives. Seeing as how lawful gun owners typically follow the law, it's unlikely a lawful gun owner would have been able to intervene.
You do raise a good question, but it doesn't logically follow that gun laws or the lack of them caused a failure.
Ryder Powell
>Basically, it proves that more guns is Incorrect. More guns IS the solution. In fact, mandatory carry required to go out in public. If the entire walmart had people with guns - AND TRAINING - this tragedy would have been quickly stopped.
Maybe if there was a reward for taking out would-be mass shooters, like, mortgage paid off, or student loans forgiven. Something like that.
Grayson Hill
>I keep asking why the good guy with the gun didn't stop the bad guy with a gun Because it was a Walmart full of mexicans, not a Walmart full of actual Texans
Meanwhile in a place that demographically better represents actual Texans, Sutherland Springs, a mass shooter was prevented from killing more than he did by a conceal carry holder who not only shot the bastard twice, causing him to drop his rifle and flee, but chased him down until the shooter's car crashed killing him
I'd tell you to go get fucked by aids dicks, but I'm guessing you already do this in your free time
Sutherland Springs was in rural Texas, and the guy was driven off by someone with a gun but it was too late.
The reality is that someone ambushing civilians with a semi-automatic rifle has the tactical advantage of surprise and will probably kill quite a few people before they are taken down. Your average CCW holder is outgunned, and concerned about protecting their family or themselves, and that is fine, their job isn't to be a hero.
We can't prevent all shootings, and I freely admit that we have more shootings because we have more guns. But that is the price of freedom, if you want to trade freedom for a bit more safety, then move somewhere else.
Lincoln Flores
>el Paso >full of Texans LOL
Brandon Perry
hispanics texans=/=white texans
Jaxson Hughes
Good point
Benjamin Davis
>why the good guy with the gun didn't stop the bad guy with a gun. What is a staged shooting. >White supremacist, Shoots mostly white people >30 round mag Shoots 40 people >reports of 4 shooters dressed in black loan shooter >manifesto released 2 hours after shooting what is faked narrative >Image of shooter is obviously a jew change image of shooter >FBI takes over investigation What law enforcement agency is corrupted by deep state? >advance warning from Trumps Q yet still allowed to happen >Trump announcing new gun and "hate" laws What is a false flag to enact new laws? bonus; What areas do mass shooting thrive and what areas do they normally fail? Why did the shooter drive 600 miles to shoot a place up?
Fine, then we will manufacture the guns ourselves. It isnt hard. Of course this is a pretty blatant infringement and by this point the only people making new guns would be doing so with the explicit intention of killing you.
Jack Baker
>I bet there is no wagering at Jow Forums, Grandpa
Lucas Wright
because the shooter picked a place with the least amount of good guys with guns and te few that were there were getting people out of the line of fire you stewpid kike
Benjamin James
This. Most business have at least the 30.07 forbidding open carry on the premises, others go full retard and have the 30.06 sign forbidding concealed carry as well.
Aiden Turner
>El Paso >Texans (American Citizens) Kill yourself OP
Where? Do you have a spurce for that? What are their surnames?
Easton Morgan
>Walmart Full of Texans >All the victims were Hispanic Choose one.
Mason Murphy
What gives the rifle magic powers to make it more lethal in a surprise attack. A shooter with a pistol can kill just as many people just as quickly. Anyone who thinks there is any particularly special ability of a rifle to,kill civilians is an idiot who has never handled guns
Owen Bell
The shooting was in El Paso, not Austin.
Thomas Myers
>gun free zone Concealed carriers are the most law abiding people. This is walmart's fault for preventing people from defending themselves.
Sebastian Torres
Lick my penis cheese
Cooper Allen
Rifle bullet versus pistol bullet. Rifle bullet has more velocity to put damage on the target. Also, rifle bullets yaw inside flesh, ideally turning end over end and causing more internal damage. Pistol bullets, depending on the construction, do nothing, or just mushroom and fragment.
>dat white boomer in the bottom left Is that his linkedin profile pic?
Ayden Ramirez
Because I decided to sleep in, was actually planning on going to this or the north Mesa Walmart to buy a multi port USB charger Saturday morning. Not even kidding.
Andrew Garcia
>Texans It was full of spics, faggot.
Wyatt Price
The Walmart is not in or attached to the Cielo Vista Mall, it's attached to a Sam's Club (which is owned by Walmart). The Mall is down the street, and they are not on the same property.
Better luck next try.
Joshua Hill
found the gaiboi
Oliver Flores
>Mexicans >Texans
Nathan Sanders
What if I told you that every kindergartner, newlywed, highschooler, teacher, worker, and infant should also be a patriot.
Cameron Rogers
did you kill her
Lincoln Bailey
The Walmart in question has no 30.06 or 30.07 sign. Just the usual licensed carry one.
Hudson Nelson
>be in Walmart >one of the few places you can get fake American Cheese AND Guns/Ammunition >hear shooter >no one goes for the gun rack
>1 POST BY THIS ID Illegal Mexicans can't carry If he attacked a walmart in montana he'd be destoryed fuck off in ALL fields
Juan Wilson
>Claims to be a leftist.
Supports disarming the working and middle classes in the face of an ever increasing gap between the rich and poor and an increasing militarization of the police.
>>gun free zone Exactly the point. Stupid corporate rats think that establishing a gun free zone makes them good or whatever.
Zachary James
no weight of law in TX.
Bentley Hill
>full of Texans We’re talking El Paso here. We both know that shartmart was full of dull-eyes beaners.
Michael Brooks
Insurance won't save your life in 100% of the cases either, therefore we shouldn't have socialized healthcare.
Nolan Sanders
It was a gun-free zone so he could not take his gun inside
Julian Martinez
Not every gun owner is a fucking hero. He didn't want to be a target, so he panicked and did nothing. Happens all the time in warfare, that's why the shot to kill ratio is so ludicrous. But to take away guns from us all is to ignore the heroes out there who choose to fight rather than take flight.
Jonathan Watson
>>ignoring millions of times violence has been stopped by armed citizens is valid hypothesis testing
KYS (with a gun and then blame trump)
Oliver Cruz
>Most likely only the shooter there were 2 shooters, one got DRTed by the cops
Nicholas Cooper
>wal mart full of Mexicans Ftfy
Josiah Jones
8fags are annoying
Alexander Wright
Charles Ramirez
/tv/ really is this fuckong naive.