What is the future of this man?

What is the future of this man?

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he will get more and more orange until a giant rabbit from outer space eats him

he has no future he is done

fuck this jewish rat

Doomed if he attacks vidya games.

bitching for years while on tv.

The final president of the United States

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If he denounces all supremacist movements ill vote for him in 2020.

not muh fornite

jew grandkids

For jew rats there is none

He killed his political career with this one weird trick: Doing everything he can to fuck over his supporters.

I hope the guy enjoys what the left will do to him when he's out of office.

Hopefully a shallow grave

He will flee to Israel while America burns.

could lose to Biden

>take away Jow Forums and video games
>the only things keeping incels busy
Great plan

It never ends, does it?

seems legit

Fake his own death. Shapeshift. New life.

I was gonna say bankruptcy when his term is up but I'm sure his (((allies))) have got his back.


rotting in a jail cell next to Epstein


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Check the news tomorrow..... :)

A second term. And will go down as one of the best Presidents in history. Libs screaming about racism wont change that fact.

He'll move back to Israel next year.


A prison cell.

His future will be same as his businesses, failed and bankrupt.

2nd term

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when he's out of the office everyone will be after him like a tsunali behind turist
he will get into prison or ""hang himself in a sex motel"" becauce some one want him silenced

hes a goner

2 terms and a great legacy
And there's nothing you fags can do to stop it lmao

shot by some crazy lunatic MKultra'd liberal that actually gets portrayed by the media as someone who was obsessed, a white supremacist and voted for him.

Aussie bantz!

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Just a well timed move in 2020 and he will win.

disagree. He took a big hit this weekend and they are closing in on grabbing Texas.

Wins reelection in 2020, serves a full 8 years. Is the final Republican President due to demographic changes. Accomplishes very little in office and anything good he does accomplish is thrown out the window in January of 2025. Goes down in the history books as the worst President ever and the reason the Republican Party died, because his enemies wrote the books.


He literally did. This morning in his address to the nation.

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a couple more bankruptcies
bypass surgery
his slav mail order bride taking half

vidya is garbage.
honestly(or how the autists say "unironically") the whole industry needs to be torn down and restarted.

Packing fudge up his butt in prison.

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it already happened.

His whole presidential term was simply so he could get some reputation for his shitty hotel business for his kids who can now say "Hotel that used to be owned by a President!" mark my words

>2020 election
>"why am i not 50 points ahead ?"
>2020 election +1day
>"i am forgotten"

God emperor at this rate.

Retire to a comfy life at Trump Heights while America is browned and antisemites and white nationalists are hanging from lamposts.

>Wins reelection in 2020,

This is highly up in the air. He may not even win the GOP primary.

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>God emperor at this rate.

For Jews maybe. I guess you are a kike right?

He'll retire and take care of his beautiful Jewish grand kids.

He and his family better be ready to flee to Israel if he does not win in 2020

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yesterday i would've agreed. now i am once again disillusioned and lack faith in the system, its too pozzed, even if you get your guy in he winds up doing same ole same ole, been that way my whole life, i used to think once sworn in they get a briefing where men in black tell them how they are going to govern and they get killed if they deviate. we have to figure out who those people are and end their influence.

Lives to see his youngest son make emperor

>youngest son make emperor
He'll prbably have him killed for taking away his fortnite.


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