You were warned

You were warned
you laughed off every argument, dismissed them with non-arguments and memes
every statement of truth was met with "the left can't meme!"
It took you this long to understand. Appealing to the lowest common denominator, the empty promises, it all went to nowhere but shit.
Is this what you wanted? Are you excited? are you happy?

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kill yourself shill rat


>it all went to nowhere but shit.
>Is this what you wanted?
Pretty much, yeah.

non-arguments and memes
right on cue

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trump is irrelevant.

>the president of the united states is irrelevant



top kek

>Appealing to the lowest common denominator
80 IQ commie, please go back to r/politics to jerk off about how great it is to censor, to give all your money to brown people and to have open borders.

>dimissed them with non arguments
Except all the really good arguments that absolutely btfo you stupid kikes.

>It all went to nowhere, but shit
This is patently false
Give some examples you stupid kike so I can give you arguments on why they are stupid examples. Completely nullifying you're entire retarded premise.

You won't though.

When all the president does is tell people that half the population are the enemy of the people it does create a intensified state of fear and paranoia of a civil war.

Names one time he's ever said that
>Protip: You can't.

You're a retard.

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Every time he opens his fucking mouth at a public speech.
>Democraft bad! They take your guns! Hillary puppet master!

I agree, hate crimes should be punishable with death and violent video games are bad :^)

Whats this slide thread even mean?

>Are you happy?

Why do Trump worshippers pose as antisemites ?

>itt op seething that his pedo candidate lost to trump of all people
hey op: everyone is laughing at you

I'm happy faggots like you are so deluded you have to larp as an enemy you made up. All that's left is to make TDS an official mental disorder.

to be honest I feel much better about europe when watching that shithole

Trumpcucks are the cringiest fuckers

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Trying to fit in
>Me : Trump is a kike

Do you sometimes wonder how much of a faggot you are?

Trump is a kike

>b-b-but SHILLARY!
it's time to move on, nigger. Your daddy trump lied to you.
the trade war is lost.
the wall budget will be squeezed out of the taxpayers, not mexico
video games are bad
hate crimes are punishable by death

it's time to pull your head out of the sand. you're doing nobody any favors with your continual denial, especially not yourself.
the sooner you accept it, the better you'll feel.

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>Jow Forums is natsoc
Jow Forums is contrarian you faggot. You want an echochamber, go to /leftypo- oh wait. :^)

The only echo chamber here is your /ptg/

>the president of the united states is irrelevant
kinda is the only thing making him relevant is the fact he has supporters that's it

Now watch all the shit kicking hicks who lost their jobs to the trade war vote him back in because fucking up their livelihood means he just needs more time to seal the deal.

You dumbfucks should have stuck with neoconservatism. Now you’re fucked. Why didn’t you clap for Jeb?

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I see no arguments.
No evidence.
I see two faggots spreading lies.

And echo chambers are entirely okay with you because you so desperately want Jow Forums to be one. Fuck off.

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Sure, go ahead and stay in /ptg/ I don't mind you guys confined there but just to be clear
Jow Forums is not /ptg/
/ptg/ is not Jow Forums

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Thanks for opening my eyes OP!
I will now be voting for an open-borders socialist who wants to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants!

They are from reddit after all.

Whoa this line is a classic, haven't seen shillrat poster in quite some time.

ooh, better not talk like that, thats hate speech, trumps new red flag laws will take your guns away.

so you'er still voting for trump

Me too.

What am I supposed to be upset about?


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>he still believe the two party system
That's cute. Owning the libs with FACTS and LOGIC by voting for an open-border capitalist


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How does him opening his mouth in public make you feel?

Your right. I am disappointed in Trump. But for different reasons than what you are trying to shame me for, I think. I’m disappointed he is trying to regulate guns at a higher rate than Obama because the media pressured him into it. I’m disappointed he is actively working to curtail free speech now. I’m disappointed he talked a big game but is actually really moderate. But most of all I’m disappointed in myself for abandoning accelerationism. Accelerationism isn’t a meme. Far too many disaffected white men have grown complacent with trump in office because they refuse to admit they were wrong. And that is the most harmful aspect of his presidency. That’s why I genuinely hope somebody like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren wins. The only way we’ll get true change is if they enact their insane policies and they collapse this country.

overwhelmed by the odor of jew cum

You're bad, leftist. You're subhuman cretins.

Thanks again buddy!
I will now be voting for the open borders Libertarian!

You made literally zero points to argue against, wtf are you trying to accomplish?

Seeing a bunch of dead spics seems to have really gotten the leftists and shills upset. Quite racist, desu, since they weren't nearly this upset when a bunch of muzzies got shot in NZ

this but unironically

vote for mommy