Why can't Americans here understand that if guns were more regulated...

Why can't Americans here understand that if guns were more regulated, we wouldn't have mass shootings every freaking month?

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now that i have your attention,
IOTBW is happening again this Halloween, tell your friends (I'll remind you a lot more too closer to the date)

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>a fucking leaf

You aren't us you fucking shitstain.

and read the filename

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What's so hard to understand that the gun violence you hear the left screeching about is a VERY small portion of the gun violence that happens? If you want to fix gun violence:
- Remove niggers.
- Do something for people who are suicidal.
In that order.

make sure to wear a costume on Halloween for anonymity when putting up posters, if you need to stay anonymous

Attached: iotbw_npc_costume.jpg (967x1000, 83K)

fuck off. We keep explaining to you retards why, and you come back the next day asking the same question answered the fucking day before.
You argue like a jew....

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this bait and switch seems to be working

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Ah yes because the criminal will care about gun laws

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Holy fuck. I thought Jow Forums was smarter than this. You're no better than the leftis cucks that just read headlines and believe them if you didn't even bother reading past the first post.

Ha based

bad b8 m8

>0 deaths
>what is every other way to kill a person apart from guns with the victim not having a way to defend themselves because they're not a ninja

make sure to print out LOTS of IOTBW posters for Halloween, tell your friends, and wear a costume to stay anonymous if necessary

this is an early reminder but I figured why not, I'll post reminders much more frequently and aggressively closer to the date

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Who cares? Let the americans kill each other. I laugh my ass off every time there is a shooting.

IOTBW is happening again this Halloween, tell your friends

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Well played leaf.

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Doing God's work user. I'm going to have some pancakes in your honor. With 100% Vermont maple syrup, but hey the rake is sleeping in the shed and no reason to wake it.

If someone has enough will and fortitude, you can use other methods than a gun. There's always bombmaking, knives, axes, powertools, and motor vehicles. Guns just make it easy.

Im sure criminals will be nice enough to respect gun laws

IOTBW is happening again this Halloween, print out posters and wear a costume if you need to to stay anonymous

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The top one is the result of strict gun laws, you're Canadian and you should know this fact.

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cheeky kunt you got me

The bottom panel isn’t possible. Criminals who want guns will get them.

you would have mass stabbings, mass truck running over peoples, mass nail bombers and mass onions suicides.


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"Behind that twinkle in your eye, I can see the bitch in you" - 50 Cent.

make sure to print out lots and put them in high traffic areas that are likely to cause media headlines: university campuses and similar places

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The amount of fucking plebbit tourists in this thread is too damn high.

[citation needed]

Attached: Mass shootings per capita 2.png (450x1098, 142K)

>1 death
Wow this cartoonist is literally retarded

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When will people understand that if guns get banned, the tool used for killing people changes or the person just gets the gun illegally since he's going to illegally shoot or blow up a lot of people anyway.


print out lots of IOTBW posters to get ready for Halloween, it's happening again

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>disarm citizens
>keep the border wide open
What could go wrong?


even girls participate in IOTBW, what excuse do you have for this Halloween? print em ahead of time and get ready
order stickers ahead of time if you prefer those

Attached: iotbw_girl.jpg (836x1006, 122K)

>Why can't Americans here understand that if guns were more regulated, we wouldn't have mass shootings every freaking month?

Mass shootings will still happen. Gun laws mean nothing when the people getting hold of the guns don;t abide by them. Guns will still flow freely across America in black markets. people who want to shoot up public places will know where to get them.

wouldn't it be 2 dead ??

Would you prefer mass bombings? America created an unstable society through mass immigration. An unstable society creates unstable citizens.

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Ooooo you cheeky motherfucker hahah. You had me going I'm not gonna lie.
Thanks for the laugh fren ^^ cheers

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>Criminals should not die
That's where you are wrong.

Murder should always get you the death penalty.
This includes abortions.
Because abortions are murder.

IOTBW is happening again this Halloween
print posters, order stickers

and please help make promotional OC like pic related

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Look up statistics.
We are not racists.
We are race realists.

But it isn't okay to be White? I feel ashamed.

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thanks fren
if you appreciated these laughs and propaganda campaign promotional efforts, please make OC to help promote it this year and spam it around closer to halloween

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the question that should be asked is why did mass shootings occur far less before?

Don't feel ashamed for not being white.

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They should put a limit on the number of hands you can have.

I thought there were 250 so far this year?

Could you kikes at least try to keep your bullshit consistent?

if you feel silly now, don't worry, you can fix that by printing out IOTBW posters to prepare for Halloween, or ordering stickers

or you can make and spread promotional OC like pic related

Attached: iotbw_promo.jpg (984x850, 112K)

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Wooohooo can't wait lads. Last year I went as a suicide bomber xD what should I wear for IOTBW this year gents?

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No one reads anything except for the OP.
Fucking leaf.

It's also not okay to be white.
It's FUCKING GREAT to be white.
I'm proud of it.
Look at my shiny skin.


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holy shit a leaf that isnt a fucktard

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I'd never seen the full video. sauce on the whole thing

I am White though?

>Why can't Americans here understand that if guns were more regulated, we wouldn't have mass shootings every freaking month?
Why can't you understand when you can't tell who is carrying and guns are readily available, people don't go out shooting people. Fucking moron.

what about as Hillary Clinton?

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let's make headlines again lads, IOTBW is happening again this halloween

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i don't know why, but i think my life would be more complete if i could stick a righteous boot up your ass,

This is QNN.

- Why would you turn the camera so smoothly, especially after you see that a large truck is rolling in?
- What are the odds that you start to do that and then a truck comes into frame right at that moment?
- Isn't a truck quite loud?
- Why would no one notice a thing?
- Wouldn't people turn around and check what's going on and then run away?
- Wouldn't anyone scream?
- Which would definitely get people turn around?

yeah, there weren't any mass shootings in Europe in recent history. Gun control sures works in places like France or Belgium

I'm so sorry that you aren't white.
You will always get hatred from everyone.

Post from a country that matters.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Also a gun ban won't make all guns magically disappear.

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still feel the same way?

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Europe gets fucked by a new terrorist attack every other month. You won't stop violence, you'll just change people's methods.

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Goddamnit. Nice rope-a-dope. I fell for it. Also, noted on IOTBW campaign.

get ready ahead of time and tell your friends

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this is quality b8

I will end you, Istvan.

A few people did some things to some people, and suddenly the media and the left is like "fuck white people". Talk about overreaction.

That pic is fucking BS, criminals don't care about they law they will either find a way to get the gun illegally or Just use another weapon.

thanks user, reminders will intensify closer to the date - promotional support would be greatly appreciated

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Oh, I'm retarded lol

>suddenly the media and the left is like "fuck white people"
agreed, want to do something about it that's legal and productive? see

Attached: iotbw_don_lemon_anti_white_racist.png (1100x1200, 1.3M)

>Sane white people give up guns
>Nigger gangs go on the prowl
>"Man, I wonder why gun deaths are up, Shlomo"
It's that simple, niggers won't give them up, spics won't, chinks won't, no one will. It's about survival, learn that you fuckinig leaf, kys.

Why are non-whites always so jealous about whites?
Why do non-whites want to murder whites?
Do you have a loicense for that, mate?
I heard the loicenses for non-whites are cheaper than the ones for the whites.

no problem user, I have to break through the extreme sliding on the board somehow and this method seems to be working well

promotional support for the poster campaign closer to Halloween would be greatly appreciated

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kek, i laughed

ITT: a bunch of whiny virgins that have never actually stepped out into the real world. Stop reading feminist websites and you'll start to understand that no one in real life actually victimizes you for being white, and most people actually get along. Or maybe you're just a bunch of highschoolers/college babies and I'm out of touch with what you faggots do in school these days.

Mass shootings are irrelevant.

Wait my bad, this was a top tier bait, a fucking good one at that. Heil Hitler

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if nobody hates whites and "it's okay to be white" is a mundane and uncontroversial statement, how do explain the colossal amount of media attention in pic related?

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How would you assure the crazy person doesnt get a gun illegally? Why punish law abiding citizens?

Fucking delightful but where can I get fake baby parts that are edible?

Go back to Hungary, you Turk.

if you appreciated these laughs and would like more please participate in IOTBW 2019 and remind others to do so as well

with any luck we might make more national & international headlines

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>t. never been on twitter

>Implying the third panel doesn't become a fertilizer bomb and 100 deaths

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You don't need guns to kill masses of people

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>if nobody hates whites and "it's okay to be white" is a mundane and uncontroversial statement
If you weren't autistic you would understand the controversy lies in its link back to racist incel groups that you participate in.

If people see a "It's great being German/French/Irish/Scottish/etc. !!" poster no one is going to think a damn thing. We regularly have multicultural festivals in my city where people regularly brandish the flags, foods, and music of their culture. No one is thinking "wow so racist" because it's not a bunch of uncultured hick mutts complaining about how "why can't I say white pride??".

unsure possibly you could carve them out of carrots and then color with a food safe paint / dye

I'll be doing it

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Wht can't Canadians understand simple science?

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