Most guys your age are meeting new people and having sex regularly, but you chose fascism, why...

Most guys your age are meeting new people and having sex regularly, but you chose fascism, why? I refuse to believe that all of you are ugly.

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she has a dick

Im beautiful.

Attached: 090b5297f0201d705be48c60a33fe8feef96fb19_full.jpg (184x184, 9K)

I she miming drawing a bow? Or can't she make a simple fist?

She cute

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Attached: assaultjews.jpg (225x225, 13K)

>muh dick
>have sex



I'm not convinced. The hair line looks female

I dont live in burger land french whamin are not as easy and when they are they are too much

I got way more laid when i became openly far right. Fascism and far right ideology promotes self improvement, so this got me to the gym and gave me a tonne of confidence. I even fucked leftist girls wich knew i voted for the most far right parties (Stram Kurs). I think they just wanted me even more or they just didnĀ“t give a shit. Either way fuck you kike shill bitch lol

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>most guys are having a nice life

I guess she is archer or some shit,cause she will severely damage her wrist unless hitting flaccid penis with fist like that

oh yea bro just fuck and smoke weed bruh y use my time to provide for my kin and the next generation right homie? Hakuna matata!

>but you chose fascism, why?
Fascism chose me.

Attached: ban_white_men.jpg (500x667, 108K)

Politics has nothing to do with how many women you fuck you dumbskull. Women don't give a shit about your politic views, they care about your looks and status.

pick one fag

>guys your age
I identify as underage. Your move waman.

This is her:


>Look guys I made the same thread again!

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priorities, we have to prepare for the inevitable.

this. nobodys getting laid you fucking shill. only 90% of women and 10% of men (chads).

why did cripplechan go down after leaking the hilary video?

Looks like my old oneitis but white

>Go on tinder
>Chest tattoos - dropped
>Pitbull - dropped
>Girl is 30 but looks 60 from extreme sun damage and never taking care of herself - dropped
>Smoking pot in every other picture - dropped
>Out partying with the girls in every other picture - dropped
>Petting an elephant in thailand that was brutalized since birth to break its will so tourists could pay to take pictures with it - dropped
>Polyamorous - dropped
>Non-monogamous - dropped
>Open marriage - dropped
>She's caked in makeup and in a partygirl cocktail dress in every picture - dropped

I regularly meet white fascist women. All you have to do is talk about the purge and it gets them all hot and bothered.

You gonna post the evidence? We need it for...research...

I am 6 ft chad, working out daily, had a gf once and broke up with her


Because it seems I'll literally have to start a revolution before I'll find a virgin qt

But they aren't.

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post proofs

>Most guys your age are meeting new people and having sex regularly
>Politics has nothing to do with how many women you fuck you dumbskull.
lets see voting is tied to habits and lifestyle, and both of those will influence your success with girls, ok, you are a fookin muppet
>nobodys getting laid you fucking shill. only 90% of women and 10% of men (chads).

Is that Stacey ?

>Everyone knows facists are ugly.
How fucking retarded are you?

Have heterosexual sex, faggot