How does it feel Jow Forumstards knowing that your days are numbered? eightfags got the rope and you're next

how does it feel Jow Forumstards knowing that your days are numbered? eightfags got the rope and you're next.

soon in a few days you too will be swinging from the trees like the niggers you all are.

so how does it feel Jow Forumstards? have you taken your suicide pills yet?

Attached: noose.jpg (1067x1600, 136K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel fine

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>look i am a sandnigger
whats your point here with that picture, retard?

Threatening to take down Jow Forums and telling Anons they will have to play elsewhere is like threatening dangerous prisoners by telling them their prison walls are coming down and they will be released into a quiet suburb where all the doors are unlocked and there is no trained police force

Lurk moar n00bz

Then the entire internet will be brought down.

>eightfags got the rope

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Oh no? what will they do? shoot a school or a mall? oh wait, they already chimp out so it doesn't matter.
Get deplatformed, faggots!

This 100%. 8/pol/ and 4/pol/ were and are (respectively) like Pandora's Box. Now that the professionally offended have destroyed the entire fucking box, expect a lot more IRL effortposting and shit going down in the next few months.

Buckle up, faggots. This year is going to go down in the history of coming RAHOWA.

The point is that you are afraid.

You have no idea what you are unleashing.

Must be nice posting the same shit over and over again here

Fuck off back to Twitter.

I think they will just take Jow Forums down. So nothing of value will be lost.

seething faggot

>this shitty archive of a dead site

your flebbit raid isnt going so well, you really tried last night and now the last bunch of you are just making veiled threats. Well good luck trying to stop us of find us. Remember when you charge into my house I got enough weaponry to easily kill any intruder.

lmao if they take down Jow Forums we can just take over /b/ again or use the many other websites to hang out

Suddenly, we will all be /lgbt/

Do it.


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The fact remains they can't just take down a site they don't like. Voat is still going, gab is still going and 8 will go on as well.

Having to deal with technical issues is part for the course online. If you fags ever bothered to remember the real net before you latched onto bergnet you'd know this is SOP. But you traded it all for one stop shopping and being allowed to be utterly computer illiterate. The net has always had a keen way of routing around damage like censorship and this will be stopped.

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*will not be stopped

You and the armies of the world can't stop the kek. - fool!
You will only make us stronger!!!

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Ooohh so scawy.
I've seen this shit for years, "oh they will see", "this is not even my final form". Drop the posturing and realize that if you didn't start a civil war during all these years then you will never do, much less if you don't have places to organize.

It'll confirm everything we've been saying about censorship, tech oligarchs in collusion with the MSM and leftist agitators, the Jews, and demographic replacement, and many others.

Twitter has been used by many violent extremists, as has YT and FB. But nothing.

They fear us, not for any violence (none of which can point here), but our messages of warning.

You think global warming is the issue (it's real but it's not a problem at all)? That's the distraction.

that shit hole goes down 4 times a day
lel, no one uses that
last time i read hitler was fucking mossad. all of you just come up with idiotic shit, what's the point?

Freedom of speech has been dead for a long time. Jow Forums is one of the last places that some can blow off some steam without signing up. Of course it isn't really 'anonymous', but still you can share ideas. I don't doubt that they will kill it off, but then the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other faggot intelligence agencies will be out some of their more important information... so maybe it won't be shut down. Who knows. Maybe censored Twitter, Facebook, etc are good enough for them.... hahah.

when you learn that a private company isn't the government
fucking boomers, neck yourself immediately.
>leftist agitators
scary. did you shit your pants already?
>the jews
what have you done about them then?
>demographic replacement
what have you done about this then? this is why Jow Forums hasn't been taken down just yet, this is the short bus.
>our messages of warning
don't breathe this. highly concentrated retardation. hitler was either a great man or mossad.
>you think global warming is the issue but its not a problem
when you[re a high quality retard.

oh im scared now /b/tard. fuck off nigger

>private company

They have a monopoly through government contracts and security clearances. They're the government, and they use it to get around the 1st for you. Nice to see you bend over for them, though.

Leftist agitators can say whatever they want and nothing. They're not scary, rather, they just show how it's entirely controlled.

Nothing can be done to the Jews without people knowing about it, hence censorship; the Jews own your country.

Again, information war is the start; if you can't give your opinion, then it changes.

Global warming won't harm any of us as we can adapt to the changes, though civil wars due to demographic change will.

Btw, I've literally warned that the US is destined for civil war, and no one listens and they just censor it. You can't stop it from coming to you.

Gause's law.

Texas will be where it starts.

It's coming to Europe too.

And China and Russia are laughing their asses off and will dominate the next century easily.

I think you're mistaken about who's going to swing

Probably the people that SHOULD be kept an eye on are going to meet up on the darkweb where they can't be watched or tracked. I don't think closing down the chans are/were a good idea but then again I don't get a say...

I'd almost bet that attacks end up ramping up when there are no places on the internet, to discuss anything. It won't happen right away, but gradually the attacks will likely increase. People on the right are going to feel even more isolated, disenfranchised and angry then they are now. Mass shootings may very well turn into a daily occurrence, since there will be no other outlet, save mass violence for those who think no one is listening to them. My fear is that the left is only going to make matters worse by removing the voice of those on the right.

The only people that anyone should fear, are the ones no one knows about.

McVeigh and Nichols sure as well wouldn't post online.

These are the people that will be kicking off your civil war in earnest, and no one knows who they are.

It's why you do everything you can to not give into tyranny when your country's founders talk about bleeding for it.

I really shouldn't care, as I get to watch all the cool civil war stuff on YT, but I don't want China running this world.

You're probably right.
To be honest I'm expecting a civil war to kick off at any time though I still wish it wouldn't. It's hard to believe how much sanity people have lost in such a short amount of time.

There will be twice as many names on this meme before Jow Forums falls.

Screencap this.

Attached: BusJokeUpdate9.jpg (1776x1337, 223K)

I don't want a civil war simply because contrary to all the memes and shitposting, the Left wouldn't be out fighting in it. The war would be fought between conservative centrists who still believe in the constitution and the radical far right who would want to burn it all and start over.

The Left would sit back in a Starbucks while people they hated fought and died to protect them.

OP are you sure you can stop sucking cock long enough to try to hang someone?

Eightchan will rise back in the 3 day like Jesus, except stronger than ever before.

Kindly reminder that no one has enforced the Constitution since the 1800s.

Any "centrist" who defends it is an useful idiot.

You have mistaken patience and the desire for a peaceful resolution with weakness. When all hope is lost then you will see.

you are the quintessential poltard, what will you do once Jow Forums goes down? Make milkshakes at dennys?

trolling outside /b
