Hello fellow Jow Forumsbois. Where do you think the next white nationalist shooting will be? kek

Attached: CutePepeMemes.jpg (600x600, 29K)

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Why don’t you tell us fellow anonymous poster who’s totally not some glow nigger. kek

When is the next high profile pedo case/ info drop? Then that's when.


Hopefully in Baltimore

Surprised more mass shootings don't happen at gay pride parades. Those things are practically the white million man march lmao.

Probably your office at the FBI headquarters, faggot. Crop (you) out of the screenshots next time, glownigger.

Hopefully nowhere. These shootings are a disgrace to America.

how long until terrorists manage to get ahold of the components needed to make dirty bombs and use them?

We’d nearly end aids if that happened

2% having 87% of aids lmao

white nationalist / separatist
tapco SKS with detachable magazines and illegal unpinned mags
at a mosque or event with minorities

I dunno, but my girlfriend broke up with me a few days ago and I'm really heartbroken :^(

I’ll be shooting wads up your mother’s pussy until she’s screaming OYY VEYY sage!

Glownigger thread

not where... when... and it's soon enough...

In your asshole bc OP is a glowy faggot

Look here, Elle. I would gladly impale your sweet cunt with my chad man meat. So cut the 4play. Also vice is gay, get a better job.

at your house, with any luck

This is such a low energy post. Are you from plebbit or Vice?

Idk... you tell me you Anti-Fa LARPing tranny fuck. I hope you commit suicide and save the gene pool.

DISCLAIMER: I am a peaceful man, I want a stable life and family and nothing more.
I don’t know probably some city in the American South, seems like a bad place for racial relations


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I’m doing mine in OPs moms house if he doesn’t respond to this post

Race relations are good in the south!

right here
right now

Attached: stop at once.jpg (600x384, 21K)

I thought glowniggers of all people would be the first to know

The man glows

Baltimore. There's a reason Trump and the rest of the Deep State has been forcing it into the consciousness